I have a city in another world

Chapter 4714 There is a different life here!

Chapter 4714 There is a different life here!

A road that loses maintenance will become dilapidated in a short period of time. This is the case with the road leading to Tomb City.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, dozens of cars came from afar, heading towards the city of the tomb.

The car in the front was actually equipped with a machine gun and a bulletproof steel plate.

In the car following behind, the passengers also carried guns and ammunition, and were fully armed as if they were going to the battlefield.

As the convoy was moving, the guards looked around vigilantly for possible unexpected attacks from the bureau.

Although so far, there is no record of monsters hunting during the day, it is not a reason to relax.

In some cities, there are cases of monsters lurking in dark places and attacking people.

This situation is enough to prove that monsters eat people regardless of day or night.

Not to mention that the city of Grave City has now become a recognized monster's nest, and many people avoid it.

But that's how things are in the world. As long as there are interests, there will be people who dare to try it out.

In a car traveling with the convoy, a red-haired man was holding a wine bottle with an impatient expression on his face.

"How come this damn place is so ruined? There probably isn't even a place to drink and pick up girls?"

Looking at the wilderness outside the window, Custer cursed angrily, and seemed to be in a very bad mood.

A young woman next to her smiled coldly and said in a disdainful tone: "This is not a bustling city, and there are monsters running rampant, how could there be such a place as you mentioned.

Even before the accident happened, this place was very poor, none of the places you frequented were here.

Do your job well, obey orders, and don't implicate me! "

Custer sneered, but his expression became more gloomy.

In the front co-pilot position, a middle-aged man turned his head and said to the young men and women behind him: "The master asked you to come to the tomb city, I only hope that you can awaken and make the family blood even better.

The younger generations from other families also have the same purpose. As long as they can be successfully awakened, the status of the family will be improved accordingly. "

When the middle-aged man said this, his tone became very serious: "After arriving in Tomb City, you must obey my command and you must not act arbitrarily.

Otherwise, not only will you not be able to awaken, but you may even lose your life! "

Hearing the middle-aged man's advice, Custer smiled "haha" and stared at the bottle in his hand blankly.

The young woman next to her just nodded slightly.

The middle-aged man turned around, adjusted his tactical vest, and carefully checked the firearm.

This was his first trip to Tomb City since the disaster, so he was inevitably a little nervous.

Half an hour later, Tomb City appeared in front of us.

The road the convoy traveled avoided the location of the teleportation wormhole to avoid collision and cutting between the two parties.

Previously, there was a convoy that took the risk of traveling through a wormhole, but was unlucky enough to encounter a wormhole drift.

Two cars were cut up, and except for one driver who survived, the others were reduced to a pile of shredded meat, which could not be put together again.

After this accident, no one dared to travel through the wormhole, but bypassed it through other roads.

But from a very far away, you can see large and small wriggling wormholes, as well as wreckage and dead bones everywhere.

There are monsters and humans scattered on the wasteland outside the city, and no one is trying to collect and bury them.

It is a huge city, but it is so silent that it makes people feel trembling just by looking at it.

Those bored and depressed young masters and ladies all became serious after seeing the scene of the tomb city.

Driving along the dirty street, near a square, the convoy slowly stopped.

Young masters and ladies from various families got out of the car one after another, looking at the surrounding environment curiously.

The mercenary in charge of security looked around cautiously and seemed very nervous.

This place is different from other places. There are no civilians who are bullied by mercenaries. There are only stronger soldiers and extraordinary beings, as well as terrifying monsters that treat people as food.

No one dares to be arrogant here, otherwise they are asking for trouble.

There was more than one motorcade in the square, and in this short period of time, hundreds of people gathered in the square.

"What are you going to do next? Are you just standing here stupidly?"

A young master from a big family asked in a dissatisfied tone. He didn't like the dry weather and the smell in the air.

Most of the other pampered young masters and ladies had the same mentality, with a hint of impatience on their faces.

"Go to Base No. [-] to register first, and then return to the base built by the family to rest. Then you can wait slowly.

After you wake up, you can go home directly. "

Hearing the team leader's answer, some people looked puzzled.

"You obviously have your own base, why do you have to register at someone else's base? Do you still have to be under the jurisdiction of the other party?"

There was a touch of disdain in this question.

Obviously, in their opinion, their family is very powerful and they don't need to care about others at all.

Faced with the doubts of these rich kids, the team leader simply said: "Registering at Base No. [-] will give you some permissions, which will be good for you all.

If you encounter a crisis, you can apply for paid rescue, live in Base No. [-], and obtain trading qualifications.

It may never be used, but it is a kind of safety guarantee. Once a dangerous situation occurs, these permissions are likely to save lives. "

After hearing the explanation, everyone said nothing more and followed the team forward.

During the march, you can see clear traces of the battle, and the walls are full of huge scratches and bullet holes.

In some corners, there are thick and long monster bones scattered randomly on the ground.

The monster's corpse will decay extremely quickly in the sun, and in the end, only hard and pale bones are left.

These bones are extremely hard, as hard as stone, and will not decay in the sun.

The ruined city and the huge beast bones give people a very depressing feeling.

From time to time, you can still see many weapons set up on the roof, and some murderous eyes glance over from time to time.

Some unruly guys gradually became more honest and followed the team silently.

When they approached Base No. [-], everyone saw the scene of killing monsters with their own eyes on the nearby streets.

The ghoul trapped in the cage kept roaring, and its ferocious appearance frightened the group of young masters and ladies.

But he didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, a player would hold a machine gun and shoot directly at the monster in the cage.

The monster howled and was soon broken into pieces.

Such a bloody scene made some people's blood boil with excitement and their eyes filled with excitement.

Others showed disgust and even screamed in fright
"I want to buy one too and experience the feeling of killing monsters!"

Seeing this scene, Custer shouted excitedly.

There are also some people who are eager to try, and they are very looking forward to being able to hunt and kill ghouls with their own hands.

"Now is not the time. After the registration is over, I will arrange for you to experience it."

When the middle-aged man who led the team saw this, he quickly shouted to everyone that he didn't want to waste too much time here.

Custer curled his lips and wanted to refute the leader, but in the end he kept his mouth shut.

The men and women around him exuded a special aura, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

It was like facing a pack of vicious wolves, ready to attack at any moment and tear a group of people present into pieces.

Following the middle-aged team leader, everyone entered the survival base, and then were shocked by the sight before them.

Weapons and ammunition from different countries, organs from monsters, and magical equipment with extraordinary power are placed in the store for free trade.

Players and awakeners dressed in different styles, as well as hunters desperate for money, shuttled back and forth on the streets.

Castor saw it in his eyes, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

The initial nervousness gradually disappeared and was replaced by strong excitement. He even came up with the idea of ​​hunting monsters.

According to the family's arrangement, they don't need to hunt monsters at all, they just need to wait quietly in the base.

The sight in front of him made him change his mind.

Let the old guys in the family eat shit. He just wants to hunt monsters and control his own life, not serve as a chess piece to explore the path of the heir and a miserable breeding pig responsible for future marriages.

(End of this chapter)

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