I have a city in another world

4744--Andrew Tomb City Search Team

4744--Andrew Tomb City Search Team
Tomb City, on the broken road, a team slowly moved forward,
There are more than a hundred people in this team, with more than a dozen players acting as the backbone, serving as the team leader and team leader.

Each player is equipped with a variety of magic weapons, possessing very powerful power.

The greatest use of the magic weapon is to make up for the lack of strength of the monks, so that the combat effectiveness can be doubled.

Like soldiers and guns, the relationship between the two is very close.

A fully armed monk can easily crush the same level in battle, this is the advantage of equipment.

In addition to the players, there are dozens of awakened people in the team, also carrying various weapons and equipment.

Players are equipped with magic tools, whose value cannot be measured by money, and the awakened ones simply cannot imitate them.

The weapons and equipment they use are mostly firearms, rocket launchers, or weapons such as rifle grenades.

There are also some awakened people who carry cold weapons such as knives, guns, bows and arrows, all of which are forged from special alloys.

These weapons are hard and sharp, truly capable of breaking hair, and are extremely effective in killing in close combat.

The user is strong enough to split the monster in two with one blow.

Besides, this kind of melee weapon has very low requirements for logistical supply and is very suitable for operations in desperate situations.

But an inch is short and an inch is dangerous. Using such a melee weapon will inevitably take greater risks.

Among the players and awakened ones, there are many ordinary people, who are also fully armed and come from different parts of the world.

Some are to save the world, some are to wake up, and some are to win the future with their lives.

They came to Tomb City through various means and randomly joined different teams.

Follow the players and the awakened ones, working and fighting in the restricted area, silently waiting for the opportunity to awaken.

In the city of the tomb, awakening is very common. Perhaps when eating and drinking, one directly becomes an awakened person.

If it were any other place, the awakened person would be enough to become a human master, but in Tomb City it was just the beginning of the path to transcendence.

The strength of the teams operating in the city can only be considered average, and most of them perform tasks with low risks.

When the team grows up, try to take action outside the city to gain more benefits.

Aborigines need to grow up, and so do players. After an accidental death and rebirth, the grave city is the best area to upgrade.

The players in this team are not very high-level, but they are all equipped with extraordinary magic weapons.

New players definitely cannot afford this kind of advanced equipment. They can equip themselves, but they are actually relics left over from their predecessors.

Death after death is not a bad thing, it will make the weapons and equipment more sophisticated, and it will be much easier to start the game.

Maybe if you are lucky, you can smoothly advance to a high level and become a top-ranked super master.

By that time, the chance of falling will be greatly reduced.

The number of casualties on the battlefield is always the largest number of recruits, while the casualty rate of veterans is relatively small.

Players are not affected by this rule, but the disadvantage of level does exist. If one's own level is too low, it is easy to be killed in the restricted area.

Just because monsters are rampant in the restricted area, many nameless gods are so powerful that they can kill players with just a sneeze.

Low-level players are really like ants.

If you are a high-level player, you can go out and play at will, while low-level players can only keep your tail between your legs.

Under the arrangement of the base, low-level players can form a team and recruit awakened and ordinary people, but the activity area is limited to the grave city.

This is to take care of players and newcomers, and it also acts as a reserve team to ensure long-term and sustainable development.

At this moment, the tomb city is a bit too quiet.

As we move forward, we can see beast eggs from time to time, many of which have already broken out of their shells.

When they encountered unshelled eggs, everyone waved their weapons, smashed the eggs into pieces, and then stabbed the squirming cubs to death.

When doing this kind of thing, I don't have any burden in my heart, just because these cubs are the real scourge.

They devour the food regurgitated by adult monsters and grow at an extremely fast rate. It only takes three days to follow them out to hunt.

In the ruins of the tomb city, monster cubs are often encountered, hiding in hidden gaps, avoiding hunting from players.

If the opportunity is right, the Monster Cubs will also attack, tearing the unwary to shreds.

Although it is just born, its sharp teeth and claws are the most terrifying and deadly weapons.

While cleaning up the beast eggs, the team moved forward slowly.

Looking closely at their clothing, there are logos used to distinguish their identities, starting with the letter "E", which proves that they are the lowest-level team.

After completing a sufficient number of tasks, the team level can be improved, not only can you get a new number, but also accept more tasks.

A metal wall appeared in front of them, which was the target of the team's operation, a base that had been abandoned due to accidents.

According to information, there are a large number of weapons and ammunition stored in the warehouse below this base.

The ammunition at Base No. [-] is consumed extremely quickly, and even with constant airdrop replenishment, it still cannot meet normal demand.

The remaining ammunition supplies may be able to relieve the urgent need.

Before the major organizations evacuated, they had sealed the base and activated the automatic defense system.

Once attacked by monsters or unidentified people enter, the defense system will automatically take effect.

The things they don't need can't be taken away by others. If the time is not too tight, they may even blow up the base directly.

Such protective settings have brought some troubles to the team, and the next actions must be even more careful.

Bullets don't have eyes. Once targeted and attacked, you will die if you are not careful.

When everyone was researching how to enter, someone discovered that there was a huge damage in another direction of the base.

Following the damaged gap, one can directly enter the interior of the base, and even avoid the defense system.

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank slightly. This is not a good thing. There is a great possibility that the monster has already entered.

If the supplies are destroyed, wouldn't it be a waste of time to work.

Even if there are materials, it will be very difficult to obtain, and it is very likely to be attacked and harassed by monsters.

The Tomb City is not a safe place, and everyone didn't dare to waste time, and rushed towards the gap.

Looking at it in the past, it was indeed so. The alloy protective wall was smashed and torn, and there were huge and terrifying claw marks left.

Looking at the traces of the attack, we knew that the saboteur must be a huge monster. Although the metal protective wall was strong, it was like paper in front of this monster.

Looking at the damage marks on the wall, the group leader hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to enter.

But before entering, he rearranged the team, and ordinary people stayed outside to cover and respond.

They are too weak, and if something unexpected happens, there is no way to escape in time.

Players and awakened ones should enter first, and after confirming that there is no problem, start an in-depth search for supplies.

Players in action will deliberately protect the awakened and ordinary people, so that they have more opportunities to grow.

After the arrangements are made, the investigation will officially begin.

But not long after, a roar was heard from the base, accompanied by rapid gunfire.

A fat figure emerged from the base, chasing and attacking the players.

In this figure's hand, he held a strange beast claw, which was seven or eight meters long, as if forged from fine steel.

The claws of the beast were continuously waved, sliding across the building and the ground, leaving deep claw marks.

When everyone saw this scene, they suddenly realized that the traces on the alloy wall were left by this object.

The previous judgment was wrong, the size of the monster has shrunk severely, but the ferocity is jaw-dropping.

Especially the image of this monster turned out to be a monk with a round face and a big belly, a very standard disciple of Famen.

He should have a kind-hearted appearance, but now he is covered in magic patterns and spells, and his round eyes are as red as blood.

(End of this chapter)

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