The old monk appeared very suddenly, as if he appeared out of nowhere. No one had noticed his existence before.

The sudden roar was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, which really startled many people.

The demonized monk, who was sitting in the cage and struggling, also heard this roar.

His body trembled, the chanting of scriptures stopped abruptly, and he stared at the old monk with wide eyes.

Seeing the appearance of the old monk clearly, the demonized monk was stunned and fell into a petrified state again.

Tang Zhen was also slightly startled, because this roar was deafening, and it obviously contained some kind of special supernatural power.

Even the onlookers felt violent tremors, not to mention the demonized monk who was targeted.

This voice is very effective, and the performance of the demonized monk at the moment means that he has already gained the upper hand.

After working hard for a long time, it finally had an effect, and the demonized monk was rescued successfully.

How long this state can last, there is no way to accurately determine.

"Who are you?"

From the mouth of the demonized monk, a sentence slowly came out. His voice was hoarse as if iron pieces were rubbing against each other, but it proved that he had regained his consciousness.

But how long it will last, no one can make a conclusion.


The old monk sighed softly, bowed his hands to Tang Zhen, and then staggered away.

Once you have done what you need to do, there is no need to stay any longer.

He didn't answer the question, nor did he give any explanation, just came quietly, and then left silently.

"This guy really cares..."

Looking at the old monk's back, Tang Zhen was thoughtful.

Earlier, Tang Zhen was notified to save people, and now he is helping to exorcise the demon. Although he didn't say anything, his actions are the best proof.

If you are indifferent, why bother.

The demonized monk in front of him must have a very difficult identity, and he must find a way to treat him.

From this moment on, even if someone wants to demonize the monk's life, it depends on whether Tang Zhen agrees.

He wants to save a person's life, even the gods of the underworld cannot take it away.

I dare not say it elsewhere, but in this survival base, he is the controller with the highest authority.

The elixir just thrown has the effect of calming and exorcising evil spirits, and it requires the soul crystal of high-level monsters as the main raw material.

It seems that the effect is good, but if you want to restore the demonized monk to normal, this pill is far from enough.

It's better to hurry up and figure out the problem first.

"The elixir I gave you can last for three to ten minutes, and then the magic energy will surge up again.

Whether you can suppress the demonic energy still requires your own efforts.

If you succeed in suppressing the demonic energy, I will strike again to help you pull out the demonic roots in your body. "

Hearing Tang Zhen's words, the demonized monk closed his eyes and began to chant scriptures again.

Accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit sounds, golden light gradually appeared on his body, and more black air floated out from the pores of the seven orifices.

After the black gas leaves the body, it transforms into various horrific images, which are shocking to people.

Demonic energy is extremely harmful, and even the slightest bit inhaled into the body will lead to the birth of demonic seeds.

Regardless of whether it is a plant or an animal, as long as it is contaminated by magic energy, the mutation will begin.

This kind of terrifying devilish energy needs to be released by a demon god, and it is a very rare and special evil.

To be infected by magic energy, certain conditions must be met.

Monsters in the underworld are divided into demons, demons, cunning, monsters, and beasts.

If you distinguish carefully, there are actually more types. Monsters such as ghouls can only be regarded as vicious beasts.

Regarding these intelligence information, Tang Zhen learned from the cornerstone platform, and the more he looked at it, the more frightened he felt.

The horror of the underworld is far beyond imagination.

This made him very careful when he acted, and he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble to Lou Cheng because of his actions.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, the demonized monk opened his eyes and looked calmly at Tang Zhen above him.

"Monk, do you know who you are now?"

Tang Zhen looked down from a high position and asked the demonized monk.

"Is the donor asking the monk of yesterday, or the monk of today?"

The demonized monk asked, his voice neither salty nor light.

"Aren't the monks of yesterday and the monks of today the same monk?"

Hearing the other party's question, Tang Zhen laughed, his tone was neither urgent nor slow.

"Yesterday's monk loves to sleep, loves to chant scriptures, wants to become a Buddha with all his heart, ignores worldly affairs, and has never done anything wrong.

Today's monks still love to sleep, but they don't want to recite sutras or become Buddhas because they are so sinful that it is difficult to save themselves. "

When the demonized monk said this, there was a trace of sadness in his tone.

"Don't worry about today and yesterday, you monk is alive and well, even after being enchanted, you will try to sleep as much as possible so as not to hurt others.

I really want to know, what happened to make you such a monster? "

As Tang Zhen spoke, he had fallen to the bottom of the cage and stood in front of the demonized monk.

With the strength he has, he is not afraid of the opponent's attack at all.

The behavior at this moment is more like fishing. As long as the demonized monk has evil intentions, Tang Zhen will teach him how to behave.


The demonized monk sighed softly, with indescribable sadness in his tone.

"If you can't finish it in one sentence, then break it into two sentences. I have enough patience."

Tang Zhen snorted softly, with a hint of persecution in his words.

"Actually, there's nothing to say. It's just that someone did something wrong and got retribution in the end."

The demonized monk spoke slowly and told Tang Zhen a story.

There was a monk from Famen who possessed an extremely gifted talent, which could be said to be unparalleled in history.

Not many people know about this, only the master of the disciple of the Famen knows about it, but because of his special life experience, he has always been allowed to hide his strength.

I want to wait until he is strong enough to protect himself, and then it will be too late to amaze the world.

Unexpectedly, the master was killed, and no one from the Buddhist sect he belonged to upheld justice.

The reason is also very simple. The perpetrator is the son of a high-ranking member of the sect, and his master is just an insignificant low-level monk.

He brought his master's body to seek justice from the suzerain, but he was framed and beaten and sent to prison.

This incident was heard by many people, but no one stood up to seek justice. Some people even took the opportunity to add insult to injury.

One side is the high-level sect, and the other side is the powerless disciples at the bottom. Everyone knows how to choose.

Tang Zhen couldn't help but sneered when he heard this.

"What a clean place, it seems that it is also a place where filth is hidden, and a group of despicable people are raised."

This is a vulgar story, but it tells the helpless truth.

However, this kind of thing often happens in the secular and spiritual world, and the law of the jungle is just an excuse for greed and selfishness.

In order to prevent this kind of thing, various rules exist, which can be regarded as a kind of protection for the weak.

But in the practice sect, especially in the sect of the sect to which the sect belongs, such a thing really shouldn't happen.

Once the matter is spread, it will have an impact on unity and fail to gain the loyalty of members.

Letting this happen can only show one thing, the sect has been corrupted.

Hearing Tang Zhen's ridicule, the demonized monk sighed softly, and did not make any excuses.

"Let me guess, next, did you suffer retribution?"

Tang Zhen chuckled, with a hint of gloating.

A sect that is rotten from the root will only harm more people, so it is better to be wiped out as soon as possible.

The monks in the sect, regardless of whether they are good or bad, it is best to pack them into the ground together.

Don't say that you are clean from the filth. Being in such a place and remaining silent when knowing the truth is a kind of complicity in itself.

When you ignore fairness and justice, don't expect to be treated differently.

(End of this chapter)

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