I have a city in another world

Chapter 4752 Abandoned Part 1

Chapter 4752 The abandoned part
After Tang Zhen's order was issued, it immediately aroused heated discussions among players, and Loucheng residents quickly joined in.

There is no small matter in war, you must go all out.

There is a special atmosphere in Loucheng. Many people are in a battle posture, but their daily life has not been affected in any way.

Even the dullest person realized after Tang Zhen's order was issued that this game is really not easy.

Some residents have previously claimed that the game world is the real world, and the residents of Loucheng came to the city through special means.

Many people think it's nonsense and think this kind of thing is impossible.

Because of this matter, there was a heated discussion, both sides held their own opinions, and no one could convince the other.

Now the official has come forward to bring this debate to a conclusion. Although they still haven't made it clear, everyone has already guessed the answer.

If it were just a game, Loucheng would never go to war in such a big way, let alone directly enter a wartime state.

Although it is in the game world, it is still a big deal.

The activation of the wartime state means that the safety of the city is threatened, and all personnel must obey orders unconditionally.

The participating players were nervous and excited, but the residents who did not have a quota were extremely annoyed, regretting that they did not sign up to participate in the game.

I'm afraid there is no chance to participate in this special war.

In the war that happened not long ago, the residents of Loucheng completely defeated the Haizu, so they built a strong self-confidence.

We must admit the strength of the enemy, but we must not be afraid to fight timidly, but we must try to defeat and eliminate them.

For the residents of Loucheng, ordinary days are suitable for learning and progress, but fierce wars make it easier to establish meritorious deeds.

It's a pity that there are participation restrictions in this special war, and only those players are eligible.

For those players who yearn for war and make achievements, this situation is simply a kind of torture.

When the players in the game world accepted the order and accelerated their gathering towards Grave City, many floor residents also took the initiative to apply to join the battle.

In a short period of time, the number of petitions has exceeded [-], and is still increasing.

How to get the residents to participate in the war is something the city owner needs to worry about, and the residents of Loucheng need to show their attitude.

If you don't actively express your position, you will have no chance to participate in the war.

Tang Zhen couldn't help chuckling when he received the residents' petition, and responded immediately.

No rush, just wait.

As the initiator of the war, he liked the residents of Loucheng to actively participate in the war, rather than being opposed to it.

If there is a bloody battle in the front, but someone in the back jumps out and sings the opposite, it will definitely make people angry and upset.

Facts are enough to prove that war is the best way to maintain peace, and even a necessary ladder for rising and progressing.

Some people see the cruelty of war but ignore the benefits hidden behind it. This is a very short-sighted behavior.

For example, this time, once the plan is successful, Loucheng will reap huge benefits.

At the same time, however, there are risks to be taken.

Once you provoke the underworld and form a grudge with the other party, it is likely to be very troublesome in the future.

But if it is because of this reason that he is full of worries and stops, it is very likely that he will miss this opportunity.

Even Tang Zhen's character will be seriously affected, and he will only retreat when facing a strong enemy again.

Courage needs to be cultivated and confidence needs to be established. As Lou Cheng grows, he must constantly find the right whetstone for himself.

Even if the residents of Loucheng don't ask for a fight, Tang Zhen will find a way to increase the number of players.

He found the old monk again, this time in the store, and the old monk was beating a wooden fish.

After confessing his background to Tang Zhen and pinning his hopes on the players, the old monk seemed to have let go of everything.

Don't worry about anything else, just close the door and chant sutras.

"The scriptures you recited may have the effect of increasing luck. If so, I can send a group of people to accompany you to recite together."

Tang Zhen looked at the old monk and asked in a slightly curious tone.

"There is indeed such a scripture, but it needs to consume merit. The old monk has already sinned deeply, and even reciting it is useless."

"If there is such a scripture, why can't I see it in the store?"

Tang Zhen became interested, so he asked another question.

“If you want the scriptures to be effective, you must have great merit and be pious enough, otherwise it will not be effective at all.

Your Excellency and your residents are full of murderous intent, and it is impossible to use them at all. "

The old monk explained, implying that the residents of Loucheng killed too much.

"Stop talking nonsense, and hand it over if you have something, and you can just say it if you want to exchange it, it's disgusting.

If there were no players, the whole world would have already been rampant with monsters, and I don't know how many people lost their lives.

It was clearly a truly heroic act by beheading monsters to save the world, but in your mouth it became too much evil.

You old guy, you are so pedantic, no wonder you can't get anything done. "

Tang Zhen looked sarcastic and didn't give the old monk any face.

"You said that you are the kindness of the separation of the body, I think it's not just that, there should be some pedantic things in human nature.

To put it bluntly, the essence is to collect all the garbage together, then pack it up and clear it out, and finally become you now. "

Hearing this, the old monk raised his head to look at Tang Zhen, and then sighed softly.

"Your Excellency's words are like knives, full of heartbreaking words, which made the old monk feel ashamed.

Perhaps as you said, Lao Sheng is a collection of greed, anger and ignorance, which is why he is so incompetent.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so many years, never completing the task, and even messing up everything. "

The old monk looked lonely, following Tang Zhen's ridicule, he demeaned himself a bit.

Such an attitude made it difficult for Tang Zhen to continue to fight, but he casually offered a few words of comfort.

"You don't need to feel sorry for yourself, this kind of thing is extremely difficult, how can it be said that it can be done.

Even your main body may not think that you can succeed, it's just a hope. "

When Tang Zhen said this, he showed a strange expression on his face, thought for a while and continued: "Do you think there is a possibility? In fact, you are a person who has been cleared and abandoned, but in order to let you be honest and obedient, you set up such a Task.

It would be better if you can succeed, and it doesn't matter if you don't succeed. To put it bluntly, why should you be able to do things that you can't even do? "

Tang Zhen's words made the old monk freeze on the spot, as if he had been struck by lightning.

After being stunned for a while, he murmured: "How is it possible, it shouldn't be like this..."

The voice became quieter and quieter, and finally he sighed.

What the real purpose is, only the ontology knows, but through guesswork and deduction, some answers can still be obtained.

But these answers were too heart-wrenching, and made the old monk realize that he was just a mortal.

The one with outstanding talent is his main body, which has nothing to do with him. If he hadn't been given the status of a weapon spirit by his main body, he really wouldn't have anything worth boasting about.

For the old monk, such a blow was a bit heavy.

This topic is over, there is no need to continue the chat, otherwise the old monk is likely to be autistic and strike.

"What is the mechanism of player arrival and rebirth? Can you tell me in detail?"

Tang Zhen, who is backed by the cornerstone platform, has never lacked in knowledge, but the process of rebirth in the game world really makes him a little confused.

Even if there is no catastrophe, Tang Zhen must figure it out clearly, because this method is of great value.

"Your Excellency's question is really embarrassing for the old monk. I really don't understand it, and it can even be said that I don't understand it at all."

The old monk admitted that he was incompetent and was just an ordinary mortal. Apart from his ability to read scriptures very well, he was really mediocre in other aspects.

For Tang Zhen, this is not good news. If he wants to get what he wants, he may have to go through some twists and turns.

(End of this chapter)

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