I have a city in another world

Chapter 4758 Buddha and Demon 1 Thought

Chapter 4758
On the battlefield at this moment, the transformed player with his tall body can be said to be the center of attention.

All kinds of words of praise floated in one after another, which was an extremely wonderful experience.

The sense of satisfaction obtained makes the transformed players extremely excited.

The other players were extremely curious and asked about the specific reasons, because this transformation was violent enough to be comparable to a humanoid harvester on the battlefield.

Such a hearty battle and unscrupulous crushing will make anyone yearn for it.

For the companion's question, the transformed player couldn't answer it, and he was also at a loss at the moment.

All I know is that after transforming, my body is full of strength, and I can easily kill my previous self in seconds.

If it can be maintained, even if it looks ugly, it is not unacceptable.

A real man should be wild like this.

While pondering happily in his heart, his complexion suddenly changed, like a truncated tree fell to the sky.

"what happened?"

The players around were shocked when they saw this, and hurried forward to check.

In the end, he was shocked to find that the transformed player had died suddenly.

The players were startled, feeling that this is not a trivial matter, and must be taken seriously.

They now know that this game is not simple and is likely to be connected to the real world.

Monsters from the underworld invade and the game world enters a state of war. Players must remain highly vigilant.

Sudden occurrences are likely to have a serious impact, so we must figure it out clearly.

Just when they were at a loss, the transformed player sent a message telling everyone not to panic.

He has been successfully reborn, and he knows the specific reason, and he is fortunate to be the subject of the city lord's experiment.

When he mentioned this matter, his face was full of excitement, feeling that this was the honor he could only dream of.

The players who received the prompt felt relieved and no longer struggled with this matter.

But I can't help but wonder in my heart, what is Tang Zhen doing, and why can the player directly transform?

They didn't know that such a violent transformation was not unique, and many players also died unexpectedly.

Of course, before their sudden death, their state was also very strange, and they all possessed very powerful power.

These transformed players all had their attributes changed by Tang Zhen, but in different proportions.

In the past time, Tang Zhen continued to modify player data to obtain useful clues.

Through constant testing, Tang Zhen has discovered some patterns.

There is an upper limit to the player's realm, and they can be directly adjusted to the top level, but the price is that they can only exist for three days.

Once the three days are up, the player will die suddenly.

This is the result of overthrowing the seedlings, speeding up and omitting the upgrade time, but also increasing the speed of death.

This is exchanging longevity for cultivation, the stronger the strength after modification, the faster the death rate will be.

If it exceeds the limit of the realm, it can also continue to improve, but the lifespan will be shortened accordingly.

For example, if the attribute is doubled, the player's size will explode instantly, because the small body can no longer provide such a huge power without raising the realm.

Only by growing in size and becoming a giant can the equivalent power after modification be exploded.

But such a berserk state can only last for two hours, and when the time is up, he will die suddenly.

Use all the realm and longevity to exchange for a two-hour burst, and instantly become the most beautiful boy on the battlefield.

Whether you win or earn money actually needs to be considered comprehensively.

According to Tang Zhen's analysis, in this world, the upper limit of a player's strength is foundation building.

For ordinary people, the strength of the peak of Foundation Establishment is strong enough, but it is not enough to face the monsters of the underworld.

The reason for this upper limit is naturally related to the whole world. Shallow water cannot raise real dragons, and the sea is the real destination.

If you want to advance to a higher level, you must either create a special environment, or go to a higher level.

For Tang Zhen, once the teleportation array is connected, it is not difficult to increase the player's upper limit.

The building city is a special environment that can help limited players break through obstacles and advance. Not to mention the small foundation building period, it doesn't matter if they are transformed into infant monks.

However, there are also disadvantages. Once you leave the special environment, your strength will gradually decline.

But for now, it can indeed effectively solve the dilemma.

Taking advantage of the player's ability to resurrect from the dead, Tang Zhen can completely create a death squad to improve his strength and fight monsters anytime and anywhere.

Gamers like this are truly high-level cannon fodder. They can reserve a certain number, but they cannot all be like this.

In daily battles, players who still need to upgrade normally can at most find ways to improve their realm and strengthen their weapons.

Attribute modification has already been touched, and there is a specific implementation plan, and the next step is to study how to add more players.

Relying on the knowledge he obtained from the Cornerstone platform, Tang Zhen already had some guesses about the player's resurrection from the dead.

Players are very special existences, similar to black households without accounts, because they are not restricted by the rules, so they have some incredible abilities.

After death, he does not enter reincarnation and can be resurrected directly under the influence of the artifact.

The body made by the artifact has no soul at all and must be driven by the player.

If there is no player control, it is just a zombie without a soul.

The number of living beings in each world has been predetermined by the Dao of Heaven, and birth, old age, sickness and death have already been predetermined.

Players occupy the quota of aborigines. When they exist in the world, there will always be an equal number of aborigines that cannot be born.

It doesn't matter if it's fair or not, it's the way things are.

If this is the case, then we must make good use of it and occupy hundreds of thousands more places.

Since the outbreak of the extraordinary disaster, the number of people who have suffered and died has exceeded [-] million, and this number is still increasing.

It is absolutely reasonable to occupy part of it to fight monsters.

If there is no player to take action, the monster will destroy the whole world, and the aborigines will never want to be reincarnated.

Even if reincarnation continues in the underworld, they will become ugly monsters and endure all kinds of painful sufferings.

Only by winning the war can the dead have a chance to see the light of day again.

Occupying the quota of aborigines, Tang Zhen acted confidently without any psychological burden.

The monster is killing people, he is trying to save the world.

The real question is how to occupy the share of the aborigines and transform them into black players?

Tang Zhen pondered carefully, and finally locked the scroll.

These scrolls are not simple, and being able to affect players is likely to be the key to solving the problem.

After Tang Zhen's observation, it was confirmed that the scroll was made of a special material, not ordinary white paper or brocade.

When he analyzed it carefully, he showed a surprised expression.

If there is no mistake in the judgment, the main material used to make the scroll is actually things like bones and hair.

Through special techniques, the hair is turned into pure white silk thread, the skin is turned into pure white leather, and the bones are like top-quality white jade.

The pure white scroll looks majestic and noble, and the runes on the whole body add to the sense of mystery.

With gold thread tassels and various decorations, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a top-notch work of art.

It was indeed unexpected to use such materials to make scrolls, and it reminded Tang Zhen of some ancient voodoo magic.

He likes to use human beings as materials to carry out various sacrifices and spells. The scene is cruel and bloody.

Although after treatment, the surface looks very smooth and noble, but there is no change in essence.

Beneath the glamorous exterior lies a terrible truth.

Thinking of the creator's experience and identity, and the runes composed of Buddhist scriptures and magic patterns, Tang Zhen suddenly understood a little more.

Such a combination style may be a silent accusation from the other party, proving that the Buddha and the devil are just a thought, and everything must not just look at the appearance.

On the surface, it looks like a Buddha, but in fact it may be a devil.

In the same way, someone who appears to be a demon may actually have a compassionate heart to save the world.

(End of this chapter)

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