I have a city in another world

4778 - The bad news worse

4778 - The bad news worse
Every day, there are survivors who come to Loucheng through the teleportation array, and are then placed in a temporary camp.

The temporary camp is divided into many areas, and survivors teleported on the same day will be placed in the same area.

Various arrangements will be made in different areas, which will make management easier.

As time goes by, the codes in the temporary camp continue to increase, which means that the transmission never ends.

Tang Zhen expected to send 100 million, and asked to prepare supplies according to this amount, but the difficulty of realizing it was extremely high.

At some point, the teleportation of the survivors will be terminated.

Many Loucheng residents have received various tasks to provide services to these survivors.

The most important task is to help the survivors awaken and make them become true monks.

If it cannot be done, the value of the survivors will be greatly reduced. If this is an investment, Lou Cheng will definitely lose his blood.

In order to help the survivors awaken, Loucheng used various methods and invested a lot of resources for this.

Some special transformation methods were also secretly used by the monks, and the specific details have never been made public.

The confused survivors became guinea pigs.

The food the survivors ate, the water they drank, and the air they breathed were all carefully prepared.

The medicines prepared by the alchemists were almost everywhere and were silently absorbed by the survivors.

The spirit pills that activate the blood vessels, as well as the artificial spirit veins implanted in the body, are actually all refined by monks in Loucheng.

The technology comes from the Cornerstone platform and has been improved by the residents of Loucheng to adapt to the different physiques of the survivors.

After the test confirmed that there was no problem, it was used on the survivors.

Such behavior does not harm anyone, but helps survivors so that they can have a brighter future.

Ordinary people are too mediocre, and the joy of cultivating immortals is endless. If they get the method of longevity, they will be proud of the sky.

Although mortals and practitioners come from the same source, they have completely different upper limits.

As an ordinary person, even if he is extremely talented, what can he accomplish in decades?
The civilization of short-lived intelligent races relies entirely on relay-like accumulation and has been passed down for countless generations.

If the limit of lifespan cannot be solved, it is destined to be impossible to break through the limit of civilization level, and everything will be nothing but a mirror.

In the face of terrible natural disasters, there is no ability to resist, and the civilization that has been passed down through hard work will be destroyed at any time.

The improvement of civilization level, including breaking the life limit, must be at least ten times higher.

Lou Cheng's operation is equivalent to helping the survivors upgrade their civilization level, allowing them to live longer.

Only when this condition is met, can you become a resident of Loucheng and have a longer period of time to provide services for Loucheng.

Otherwise, if Loucheng cultivates regardless of cost, the survivors will die of old age when they have just achieved success.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will definitely be extremely depressed.

Survivors who failed to become monks are doomed not to get too many resources. Although they will not be deported, they will only spend their lives in ordinary positions.

The infinite splendor of the practice world, as well as the ups and downs of life, are destined to be missed by ordinary people.

Even in a place like Loucheng, there are still cruel rules, and the practice world outside is ten times more cruel.

Tang Zhen was also powerless against such a thing. He was just a lucky city lord, but not an omnipotent god.

While saving the survivors, Loucheng's interests must also be considered.

In fact, even gods cannot do whatever they want, otherwise there would be no way for humble beings to survive in the world.

Tang Zhen in the game world still stayed inside the artifact, working overtime to refine the identity scroll.

There are very few left, and the target will be reached soon.

A small amount of loss will not affect the overall situation. Tang Zhen chose to continue refining, but it was just an obsessive-compulsive disorder attack.

When he was about to go all out and finish all the planned quantity, a piece of bad news suddenly came.

In the gray mist area elsewhere, a large number of demons and monsters appeared again, attacking the survivors frantically.

Judging by the size and level, it is likely that the demon army under the command of the demon king is preparing to launch a large-scale invasion of the game world.

There is another bad news, which can be regarded as worse.

After detection, it was confirmed that there is no connection between the different gray fog areas, and they are connected to different areas of the underworld.

If the game world is a piece of meat, it does not fall into the mouth of a wolf and can only be enjoyed by the other party alone.

Instead, it fell into a pack of wolves, and anyone could come up and take a bite.

These underworld demon kings who launched the attack may be under the control of different demon gods. Originally, they only had to face a group of enemies, but now they had to face a large group.

Such a bad situation makes saving the world increasingly difficult, or even completely hopeless.

Tang Zhen was still holding on to a bit of luck, but now he could only sigh and began to deal with the most critical situation.

After logging into the player communication system, Tang Zhen issued a transfer order to the players as the city lord.

From the day the order was issued, all the survival bases controlled by the players were transferred and quickly approached the location of the tomb city.

Rescue survivors as much as possible and find ways to deliver them to Tomb City. Different rewards will be given based on the number.

At the same time, players will be dispatched to provide help along the way and clean up and block monsters.

The situation is becoming more and more serious, and there is not much time left. I hope all players can give their best.

After releasing the task, Tang Zhen turned his head and distributed player places among the residents of Loucheng.

I originally thought about waiting for a while so that I could accumulate more energy, but I didn't want changes to happen faster than planned.

This time, the places distributed are not regular game players, but specially prepared cannon fodder troops.

The original plan was 20, and later an additional [-] were added, for a total of [-] cannon fodder players.

Every one has completed the foundation establishment, and all attributes have been adjusted to the full level. Unfortunately, the lifespan is only three to five days.

There are also more powerful cannon fodder units, which have short-term over-limit strength, but can only survive for a few hours.

Such a combination of cannon fodder troops will be responsible for blocking monsters and covering the transfer of survivors to the grave city.

The number of survivors was huge, and if Tang Zhen hadn't sent reinforcements, this diversion operation would have been impossible to succeed.

During this period, you will encounter various situations, whether it is monster interception attacks or logistical pressure, it is very likely to cause a large number of attrition.

Even if it is so difficult, the transfer operation must continue, and there is no other option.

If Tang Zhen chooses to give up, the aborigines in the game world will completely lose hope, and will become food for monsters in a short time.

Not only will the body become food for monsters, but the soul will also be imprisoned. When the whole world is swallowed by the underworld, the souls of the aborigines will be reborn.

But in this rebirth, he will become a monster and demon, lose his original humanity, and completely sink into the cold and dark underworld.

It can be said that every monster is a victim of the fallen world. After they have endured the pain, they help more people to suffer.

For such a monster, the best way is to kill it, and then give it a supernatural talisman.

After Tang Zhen's order was issued, Lou Ling immediately issued a landing quota, and the residents of Loucheng who had made an appointment before were notified one after another.

The residents of Loucheng who had been waiting for a long time finally got the notification, and many people directly cheered.

Entering the game world to participate in the war and experience the special customs has become the obsession of many Loucheng residents.

If you don't participate once, it will definitely be a huge regret.

During this period of time, the war in the game world is in full swing, and wonderful wars often occur.

The exciting and fierce battles, as well as the generous reward points, make the residents of Loucheng extremely envious.

Now that they finally got a place, they didn't care if they were cannon fodder, they activated their helmets one after another and descended into the game world.

(End of this chapter)

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