Chapter 4788

Tang Zhen finally sent his men to every corner of the world to rescue those survivors who were struggling to survive.

After the harvest of the extraordinary catastrophe, there are very few survivors, and most of them are struggling on the verge of death.

The environment in the future will get worse and worse. Without assistance, these survivors will eventually die.

The survivors should be thankful that their incomparably difficult situation was clearly seen by Tang Zhen through the unmanned fighter jet.

Tang Zhen is not a soft-hearted person, but he is also not a cold-blooded and ruthless person. Once he sees it, he can't just sit idly by.

Otherwise, deep in his heart, he will definitely feel uneasy, which will also affect the path of practice.

It can be said that this rescue is also for himself.

After receiving the mission, the players immediately rushed to various parts of the world to rescue the survivors.

Unlike large-scale transfers, this kind of rescue is a special operation, and the methods used are more flexible.

Players can directly reach every corner of the world through teleportation, without having to travel for a long time.

In a rescue operation like this, time is the most critical point. It can be said that speed is life.

Teleportation through artifacts can solve the biggest problems.

After successfully leading the destination, the player will try his best to search for survivors, and then take them away in various ways.

Car ships are used for short distances, and airplanes are used for long distances. Various means of transportation go into battle at the same time.

In some places, the use of cattle and horses to transport survivors is also very effective.

Regarding this aspect, Tang Zhen was helpless.

The artifact can be delivered at a fixed point, but it cannot be sent back. Even if it can be done, Tang Zhen may not be able to use it.

There are too many survivors, and the energy consumed is huge, and the current Tang Zhen can't bear it at all.

If you save for a while, you can try it. The problem is that the survivors can't wait.

The rescue operation is destined to be difficult, and the rewards are equally generous. Tang Zhen has never been stingy in such matters.

For the players, this kind of rescue operation deep into the demon-occupied area is actually a proof of their own abilities.

Since the appearance of this game, the competition among Loucheng residents has never stopped. For them, war is the best means of testing.

Many powerful players accepted rescue missions one after another and entered the demon-occupied area with the best equipment.

The city below is one of the rescue locations.

More than three hundred top players are working hard to search for survivors, and the battle with monsters never stops.

As time goes by, more monsters will arrive, leaving players with not enough time.

The military transport planes on the street have not just landed, but they can take off at any time.

The survivors entered the cabin and waited to leave as required.

Serena and Qin Yi, who were also squeezed into the crowd, walked towards the transport plane together.

The mysterious woman who rescued them turned around and left, preparing to continue searching elsewhere.

"Sister, won't you come with us?"

Serena couldn't help but ask the mysterious female monk in full armor. She also had a good impression of this sister.

"I'm not leaving because the mission is not done."

The mysterious female monk stopped and whispered back to Serena.

"Sister, can we see each other again?"

The female monk hesitated for a moment, and replied to Serena: "If there is a destiny, maybe we can meet again, in another world."

Hearing the female monk's answer, Serena showed a hint of doubt, unable to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Another world, what is that place?
Serena didn't get an answer, and entered the cabin with the flow of people.

The cabin of the transport plane was full of rescued survivors, emitting an indescribably unpleasant smell.

For the survivors, they are accustomed to this smell and do not find it uncomfortable.

Most of the survivors still have numb faces, and only a small number of survivors are smiling.

There are also some people who are nervous, laughing out bursts, or crying uncontrollably.

They have been suppressed for too long, and now they are finally released, and there is no way to control their emotions.

Some survivors are thinking about where the plane will take them and what will happen to them.

Being able to leave this purgatory ruin alive is enough to make the survivors excited. Other places may be bad, but they may not be worse than this place.

After experiencing a catastrophe of life and death and witnessing the death of countless people, the standard of happiness for the survivors has been reduced to the lowest.

It is a very happy thing to have enough food and clothing, without being chased and attacked by monsters.

No one dares to think about returning to the previous life, because it is simply unrealistic.

Qin Yi and Serena leaned together, experienced a near-death escape, coupled with the relaxed spirit at the moment, the two soon fell asleep one after another.

When they woke up, they found that the plane had taken off.

Someone looked out through the plane window and found that they were already above the clouds, and there were some small aircraft following them around.

The long-lost warm sunshine fell on the boundless clouds, which made the survivors feel much better.

No one knows the end point, but there is more hope in my heart.

After an unknown amount of time, the plane finally stopped, and the survivors carefully stepped off the plane.

This is a large airport with more than one plane parked, surrounded by vast wilderness.

There are also some weird planes that the survivors have never seen before, and they don't know which country's secret weapons they are.

After all the survivors got down, the transport plane was re-ignited and took off directly into the sky.

Some knowledgeable survivors couldn't help but marvel.

It was simply unimaginable that such a heavy transport plane could rise directly from the same place.

I was also very puzzled. Many things that I had never seen before the disaster kept appearing after the disaster. What is the reason for this?
They don't know that many things come from Loucheng, and the two are not at the same level of civilization at all.

When the survivors were secretly surprised, someone came up to them and asked them to clean up their personal hygiene immediately and then undergo further testing.

Under the command of the staff, the survivors came to two large pools and bathed according to different genders.

For the survivors, this moment is indeed quite happy.

The hot water washes away the dirt on the body, and the originally cold and numb heart gradually begins to warm up.

The survivors finally realized that the suffering was coming to an end and a new life was about to begin.

After cleaning their bodies, the survivors changed into a new set of clothes, and then began to detect the strength of the magic energy in their bodies.

Compared with ordinary survivors, these survivors are more resilient, but are also more affected by evil spirits.

For more than half of the survivors, the demon energy in their bodies has reached a critical value. If they continue to deteriorate, they will irreversibly turn into demons.

Now that it is detected by Loucheng, there is a possibility of treatment.

Being in a suitable environment, combined with special medicine, can dispel the devilish energy in a short period of time.

The psychological trauma of survivors can also be healed.

Such a special therapy can definitely cure patients with mental illness.

However, such treatment methods were brought by Loucheng residents and did not exist before the disaster.

The coming of the extraordinary disaster not only brought death and pain, but also brought new opportunities to the survivors.

The bodies of Qin Yi and Serena were also invaded by demonic energy. Fortunately, the situation was not particularly serious.

After the two received the medicine, they were placed in a building and waited for a new notice.

After three days like this, I ate normally during this period, and no accidents happened.

Three days later, the two of them accepted the magic energy test again, and all of them passed the standard.

(End of this chapter)

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