4793 - The reward of hard work

The atmosphere in the training camp became a little subtle, with many female monks whispering.

The topics they talk about are related to the content of training and learning.

The whole picture can be seen at a glance. The knowledge imparted by the training camp has made the female monks aware of some problems.

It seems to be teaching them how to better die.

Otherwise, in the training and learning content, there will be various desperate situation simulations to teach them how to kill the target using various means at their disposal at a critical moment of life and death.

Only in desperate situations can these skills come into play.

As for the means of escaping, they are rarely mentioned in the course, perhaps because they are not used at all.

Encountering that kind of desperate situation, it is basically impossible to survive.

This matter was extremely frightening to think about. The more the female monk thought about it, the more frightened she became. She felt as if she had fallen into a pit of fire.

Qin Yi also has this kind of confusion.

Even if she believed in Lou Cheng, she would be affected by the environment and could not help but think wildly.

Suspicion arises, and if it cannot be answered, it will definitely become more and more serious.

For the purpose of self-protection, we must take action and make it clear.

Qin Yi, who was affected, also began to decline in her academic performance.

Serena is different. She has a very simple mind and is not affected by the environment at all.

While others' grades dropped, hers soared and her performance was quite outstanding.

Qin Yi once quietly mentioned this matter while chatting, wanting to know what Serena thought.

The girl blinked when she heard this and said in a puzzled tone: "There should be reasons we don't know about teaching such special skills, but there is no need to explain.

Otherwise, with so many people discussing it, how could Instructor Liu not know, but she never gave any explanation.

If you really want to harm us, why bother? Instructor Liu can crush us to death with just one finger, so why waste a lot of time? "

Serena's mind is very simple, she firmly believes that Liu Hanyan has no malicious intentions, and even feels aggrieved because others misunderstood her.

Such a good person should not be wronged like this.

Qin Yi wanted to refute and list out her own reasons, but found that she couldn't open her mouth.

Perhaps the real truth is the same as Serena said.

All bad possibilities are speculations based on appearances and do not represent the truth.

On the contrary, the benefits provided by Loucheng have been implemented continuously, and the members of the training camp are all beneficiaries.

Loucheng invested a lot of money and sent senior monks to take charge of training. Is it really just to let them serve as disposable cannon fodder?
The more Qin Yi thought about it, the more she felt that she had thoughts that she shouldn't have and was simply an ungrateful bastard.

One of his own lives was saved by the Loucheng monks and he was given a new life.

Raising dogs can still take care of the home and nursing home, but raising them may encounter backlash. Whose problem is it?

The answer is already obvious, it is their own wild thinking, first they have doubts that they shouldn't have, and then they have all kinds of troubles.

After realizing this, Qin Yi was secretly ashamed.

"Sister, you are right. I shouldn't think randomly. In the days to come, I will study hard and ignore the rumors outside."

After making up her mind, Qin Yi changed her attitude and began to study and practice more seriously.

Serena was even more so. She was already very serious, but now she was making rapid progress.

After half a month of studying and practicing, the training camp held an assessment. More than 700 female monks participated, but less than one-tenth of them passed.

Such a low pass rate actually has a big problem.

The rumors in private really had an impact on many female monks, so they deliberately failed the exams.

After the assessment was over, Liu Hanyan appeared again, announcing the end of the training.

The qualified ones will follow and leave to go to Loucheng to accept new tasks.

Those who fail to pass will be disbanded on the spot and can move freely on the island. If something happens, another notice will be issued.

Next, she presided over the ceremony, allowing those who passed the exam to go to the rostrum and distribute new clothes and personal items.

The magic weapon uniforms distributed in public are actually the same as the clothes of the residents of Loucheng, the difference is that the chest has different identification information.

For this kind of identity information, the training camp has actually explained it specifically, which represents the lowest level of trainees.

If you get enough points, you can apply for promotion and become an official Loucheng resident.

Survivors don't know exactly what Loucheng exists, and the residents of Loucheng are also secretive about this information.

But through various clues, it can be judged that it is a huge monster, which must possess extremely powerful strength.

Being able to become a resident of Loucheng has become the dream of many female monks.

They never dreamed that the reward for passing the training camp examination would be to become a trainee preparatory resident of Loucheng.

After the order was announced, Liu Hanyan turned and left, leaving a group of female monks behind.

Some people are secretly sad, some worry about gains and losses, but most of them regret it.

If I had known this, why did I miss this opportunity? I don’t know how long I will have to wait next time.

Just relying on the status of a trainee resident, it is worth doing your best, and it doesn't matter if you take some risks.

Looking at their qualified companions, they were envious and jealous.

Today we say goodbye and go our separate ways, but when we meet again tomorrow, our identities will be completely different.

The female monks who passed the exam all had smiles on their faces, and the rewards issued by Loucheng made them very happy.

Like other female monks, they also had concerns and doubts about Loucheng's training programs.

But the final choice is to trust Lou Cheng's arrangement.

No matter the study or the assessment, they are very serious and really go all out.

Without this attitude, it is impossible for them to pass the exam.

The rewards they received at this moment made them more and more convinced that they had made the right choice.

Serena and Qin Yi, wearing the newly acquired clothes, happily started taking selfies again.

After becoming a practitioner, it does not mean that you are restricted in your actions. As the knots in your heart are opened, you will even become more innocent.

Act spontaneously, be happy without covering up, and be truly carefree and happy.

The same is true for other qualified female monks, who commemorate the honor of this moment in various ways.

Half an hour later, they were notified and boarded a transport airship collectively.

Under the watchful eyes of the other female monks, the transport airship lifted off slowly, and then left the island at an extremely fast speed.

The mood of the spectators became more and more complicated, as if they were seeing others soar into the sky, but they themselves were stagnating in place.

However, such a result was a choice they made themselves, and it was too late to regret it.

Just now, a female monk applied for re-examination because she was unwilling to do so.

And swear to curse that he will be able to pass.

Their request was rejected, and they even received stern warnings.

The training assessment has ended and it is absolutely impossible to retake it. Those who fail must leave the training camp immediately.

The indifference in his words and the contempt in his eyes were not concealed.

A special training like this requires a lot of supplies, not to mention the need for senior monks to be in charge.

Without the order from Loucheng, it would have been absolutely impossible for a close confidant of the city lord like Liu Hanyan to come to the immigration island in person to supervise.

These smart-aleck survivors missed the best opportunity and will regret it later when they learn the truth.

It is the most taboo to have a relationship with shallow words and deep words, and the same is true for monks, who say things in a three-and-a-half way, and don't want to provoke half suspicion.

The materials needed for practice and the exercises used for practice will use some weird names and talismans in order to conceal the true information.

They firmly believe that too many words will lead to mistakes, and if they reveal too much truth, they will be punished by heaven.

Therefore, among practitioners, the most difficult thing to find is a true character, and seeking the truth is actually seeking the Tao.

However, inside Loucheng, there are not so many twists and turns. I'm afraid I won't be able to learn the skills when I teach them, and even the most professional annotations will be specially added.

To put it bluntly, without Lou Cheng's full assistance, [-]% of the survivors in the training camp would not have succeeded in entering the Tao.

It was extremely stupid to miss such an excellent opportunity due to being too smart.

(End of this chapter)

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