I have a city in another world

Chapter 4797 Exploring the Demon Nest

Chapter 4797 Exploring the Demon Nest
The weird chains hanging above the abyss are not like metal creations, but more like tentacles made of flesh and blood.

If the yard is the monster, it's the tentacles sticking out.

It's a pity that there is no way to move freely, otherwise it will inevitably wave and launch even more crazy attacks on Serena.

In the black water like heavy oil under the abyss, big-headed skeletons emerged one after another, opening their mouths and spraying continuously at Serena.

They spew out black liquid, or sharp bones and teeth, possessing terrifying toxins and corrosiveness.

Once in contact with the body, it will cause fatal injury.

Countless monsters launched attacks and formed a special protective net, trying to block Serena from crossing over.

Serena, who was attacked by the joint attack, was like a nimble butterfly flying among the cannibalistic flowers and plants.

Every time she fell or flew up, she was able to accurately avoid fatal attacks, giving people a very beautiful sense of rhythm.

The seemingly hopeless chain passage, where every step forward was a narrow escape, was actually easily jumped over by Serena.

Such a wonderful performance made Tang Zhen, who was watching, cheer.

Now he is more and more sure that Serena is a pretty good seedling, and it seems that she will cultivate it well in the future.

It just so happens that the talent Serena possesses can also refine bone scrolls. If she can be cultivated, Tang Zhen's pressure will definitely be relieved a lot.

In the coming days, more demon scrolls will definitely be refined.

It is disrespectful to come and go without reciprocating. If conditions permit, Tang Zhen will definitely take revenge on the underworld.

The best defense is offense. Sending players to the underworld to make trouble and damage can also alleviate the crisis in the game world.

Those demon king-level demons have been included in Tang Zhen's assassination list, and they will soon be targeted.

The nun who controls the succubus is an assassin trained by Tang Zhen.

Once the plan is successful, the demon camp will fall into chaos, and the survivors will have more time to evacuate calmly.

Recently, the casualties of the survivors have become more and more tragic, and many of them were besieged by monsters halfway.

After persevering in pursuit, the monsters have completed their tracking and encirclement, and now they have begun the final harvest.

Even if the players fight desperately and Tang Zhen keeps sending reinforcements, the critical situation is still difficult to reverse.

In desperation, he could only choose to stand by and wait for help again.

Persisting until this moment, Tang Zhen can choose to give up. He has worked hard enough and saved many survivors.

But the idea of ​​giving up just flashed in my mind for an instant, and then was thrown out of the sky.

Tang Zhen could not give up, let alone give up easily. After some research and attempts, he finally formulated a plan to fight back.

Serena and a group of survivors are part of his plan, a trump card used against those demon kings.

But Serena, who stands out, her main task is not to assassinate, but to go to the underworld to save.

One of the tasks of the old monk is to save the monks in the underworld, and then use the potion made by the soul crystal to wake them up.

Once successfully awakened, you can rely on willpower and medicine to slowly eliminate the evil spirit and return to normal state.

But the crux of the problem is that these disciples are scattered all over the place, and most of them have become the prey of the devil.

The reason why the demons raise the monks is because they can produce pure spiritual power, and after absorbing it, their cultivation base can be improved, and their souls will become more resilient.

The monk from Famen who was sucked out remained stupid and stupid all day long, just like the demonized monk who had just been knocked unconscious.

Before he escaped, he was once held captive by a demon king and had his mental power drained regularly.

This special spiritual power comes from the practitioner's own belief and persistence. Just like the water in a bottle, it will eventually dry up.

Once drained by demons, they will become waste and become the food of low-level demons.

In the demon circle of the underworld, monk Famen is also a commodity and is often traded by demons.

Needless to say, the pain he encountered, he could not seek death if he wanted to live, and occasionally he would be sober for a short time, but his heart was full of sorrow.

After the demonized monk was rescued by Tang Zhen, he recuperated for a period of time and gradually recovered his normal sanity.

The memories about the past were also gradually picked up by him, and some experiences related to the monks of the foremen were narrated.

Every time the system heard the tragedy, it couldn't help but lower its head, showing a trace of self-blame.

He felt that this matter was his responsibility.

The main body didn't leave him much benefit, but left him with unfinished tasks and scapegoats, but now all of them have to be borne by the system.

But from Tang Zhen's point of view, such a behavior is beyond stupid.

Since you have to take on a difficult and heavy responsibility, you must first get some benefits. The old monk didn't get any benefits, but he got all kinds of rags and debts.

Of course, the system has no choice in this matter.

It is actually a good thing for the old monk to be stupid and loyal by nature, but it also harmed himself.

Now with Tang Zhen, the old monk finally wants to see the moonlight when the clouds open.

Looking at Serena at this time, she successfully passed through the passage made of flesh and blood chains and landed steadily at the door of the compound.

Looking up at the big flag above my head, I saw two lines of large characters written on it. Due to age and weathering, the writing has become very blurry.

On the top of the three old trees, there are still many dried corpses, with indescribably ferocious expressions.

I don’t know what kind of pain I went through before I died.

When Serena passed the big tree, the mummy hanging on the trunk turned to look at him strangely.

Inside the deep-set eye sockets, there was a faint will-o'-the-wisp flickering, carrying extremely deep malice.

If it was Serena before, when encountering such a terrible situation, she would definitely run away with fear.

But now, they turn a blind eye.

The mummy on the tree refused to let go. Pulled by the hemp rope around its neck, it floated over like a kite.

Judging from their appearance, they clearly wanted to hinder Serena's progress.

For such a monster, Serena was not polite, pulled out a magic weapon and started to set fire.

The magic weapon is refined by the residents of Loucheng. It can ignite anything, even stones can be burned into magma.

In front of him, the flesh and blood is simply vulnerable.

The corpse monsters that were close to Serena were burned into fireballs, and soon turned into a pile of white ashes.

Seeing this, the other corpse monsters were so frightened that they ran away from each other, or pretended to be corpses and did not dare to approach.

It was important to complete the task, and Serena was too lazy to take care of the mummies on the trees, otherwise they would be burned to the ground.

She quickly came to the gate, and originally wanted to climb in, but encountered an invisible barrier.

Serena couldn't break through, and also didn't want to waste time, so she directly chose to push the door in.

The courtyard is not small, but it is deserted at the moment, and you can hear the sound of a needle dropping in silence.

Serena had just walked a few steps when she suddenly heard the sound of favorable arrows coming, locking her body firmly in all directions.

At this moment, Serena's body suddenly trembled, and the sharp arrows that came into contact with her body fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, a large group of men and women rushed out from the courtyard, each of them looking rotten and ferocious.

Judging by their clothes, they are obviously residents of this courtyard, but now they have become demonized monsters.

The door behind her slammed shut, leaving Serena with nowhere to retreat and rushed forward to face the monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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