I have a city in another world

Chapter 4805 Weird Mission

Chapter 4805 Weird Mission
Inside the building city, at the entrance of a shop.

A young man in uniform casually clicked on the communication device and saw the prompt message on it.

"A new mission?"

The young man looked at the content of the message and felt a little puzzled in his heart, because he had just finished his mission not long ago.

His name is Chu Wuyou, a resident of Loucheng, who used to be an ordinary person in Huangshan County.

After joining Loucheng, he soon embarked on the road of practice, and now he has reached the state of foundation establishment.

He was the first group of players, stayed in the game world for a long time, and participated in many large-scale missions.

It took a total of 21 and a half days to escort a group of survivors to the Tomb City after going through hardships and dangers.

This was a long and boring mission, during which he experienced many dangers and fought crazy monsters again and again.

He was relatively lucky, and was not killed by the monster, and he persisted until the task was completed.

The task rewards are very rich, which can be regarded as a worthwhile trip.

After constant fighting, his strength has reached the top level and there is no way to go further.

Participating in missions for a long time will inevitably feel tired, and players have thus obtained a chance to rest.

If you don't want to rest, you can continue to perform tasks.

Chu Wuyou chose to rest, deal with some matters, and then apply to enter the underworld.

More and more players are trying to enter the underworld to explore, in order to break through the existing realm restrictions.

Loucheng is also encouraging players to enter the underworld to perform various tasks, and the rewards are also quite generous.

With such an obvious wind direction, players naturally have to seize the opportunity and rush to the underworld to make money.

The same is true for Chu Wuyou, he had already made preparations before, and after the matter was done, he would enter the underworld to collect soul crystals to exchange for money.

Recently, the price of soul crystals has skyrocketed, and players' enthusiasm for collecting them has also increased.

Compared with the wonderful game world and the paradise-like city, daily life is a bit too dull.

Perhaps it is for this reason that residents flock to the game world one after another and will never log off unless necessary.

The sudden new mission made Chu Wuyou a little worried, fearing that he would receive some missions he didn't like.

Before that, he made an agreement with others to form a group to go to the underworld to eliminate demons and monsters, but now he is afraid that he will renege on his promise.

Chu Wuyou returned home, put on the magic weapon helmet that was logged into the game, and wanted to know more information.

Lou Cheng will inform the task content in sections, and the residents have long been accustomed to it, and they don't care about it.

After logging into the game, Chu Wuyou was surprised to find that there was a strange new character in the game account.

Chu Wuyou was very clear in his heart that this character was definitely not created by himself, and it was most likely related to this mission.

Sure enough, a prompt popped up in front of him, asking him to choose a new character, and immediately descended into the game world.

Chu Wuyou's interest was aroused, he chose to descend with his body, and immediately felt a trance.

After about three to five seconds, the trance state disappeared, and the vision in front of him returned to normal.

The sky is gloomy and turbid, the air is smelly, and there are monsters and strange plants wandering in the distance.

The sight in front of him is enough to prove that he is already in the underworld at this moment.

Chu Wuyou is no stranger to the scene of the underworld, and many players have already photographed and shared it before.

They were all equally gloomy and dead, giving off an aura of despair and decay, which made people feel disgusted and disgusted.

Unexpectedly, this mission would be carried out inside the underworld, which also relieved Chu Wuyou's depression a lot.

But in the blink of an eye, he noticed something was wrong.

His perspective at this moment is a bit ridiculously high, it feels like standing on the top of a big tree.

I couldn't help looking down, but suddenly felt my head was a little heavy, and then I saw two legs that looked like tree trunks.

These two legs are really long, more like two telephone poles, with paint-like metal reflections on the surface, and many sharp thorns.

Once it touches the body, the bones and tendons will be broken.

Chu Wuyou calculated the height, and it was indeed about ten meters. He had never seen such long legs.

The key is that these long legs are now growing on her body.

A normal human clone cannot have such a height. It is obvious that this is a demon monster.

Subconsciously raising his hands, seeing the contractible spring-like hands with barbs like forks, Chu Wuyou confirmed his guess.

This time the task, I really control the monster.

Controlling the arrival of monster clones has been the hottest topic in recent days, started by the demon king outside the Tomb City.

Players talked about it, discussed the feasibility of manipulating monsters, and even put forward many suggestions.

Many people have expressed their willingness to pay a certain price in the hope of obtaining priority testing qualifications.

But so far, no one has qualified for testing.

If this is the case, I can be considered lucky to be the No.1 tester.

Thinking of this possibility, Chu Wuyou was also a little happy.

Now that you have participated in the task, you must do your best. This is the consensus of every Loucheng resident.

It can be said that every mission is a display of one's own abilities, and it can also be regarded as a special arena.

Prove your own skills through high-scoring tasks, and latecomers will also find ways to surpass them.

The tasks released by Loucheng are equipped with two sets of scoring systems, one is the evaluation of task completion, and the other is a unified difficulty score.

The content of the competition between Loucheng residents is the difficulty score. The higher the score, the more powerful the player is.

Chu Wuyou has always had an idea, wanting to rank himself at the top of the list and become the envy and admiration of the residents in Loucheng.

The current task seems to be a good opportunity.

Chu Wuyou made up his mind and was about to take action when he discovered something was wrong.

He found that his head was obviously heavy and a little too much, and his mouth seemed to be a little too much.

He opened his mouth subconsciously and said "ah" casually, but in the end he made three overlapping voices.

The sound was extremely loud, almost like thunder.

Even though it was his own voice, Chu Wuyou was still startled, he didn't expect this monster's voice to be so loud.

At the same time, he finally discovered that he actually had three mouths.

Moreover, each of these three mouths is ridiculously big and feels like a trumpet.

There is also the monster's stomach, which is also like a ball, I don't know if it exists to match the trumpet mouth.

Chu Wuyou's perspective was limited and he couldn't see his true appearance, but he could make a rough guess.

But it was precisely because of this that it made him feel even more strange, such a weird body shape was not suitable for fighting on the battlefield.

Regardless of strength or speed, there is no advantage, and height is more likely to cause inconvenience.

When attacked by demons, it will be very difficult to fight back, and the situation will be even more difficult after being surrounded.

However, he also knew that such a weird appearance of the monster must have its own purpose.

While he was thinking about it secretly, a message suddenly came through, and Chu Wuyou quickly opened it to check.

It turns out to be a note stating that he will gain a skill, please activate it immediately after receiving it.

Players have various skills that can double their combat effectiveness. The higher the level, the more powerful the skills.

Chu Wuyou was looking forward to this unknown skill.

He chose to install it, and then clicked on skill release as required.

The moment the skill was activated, a sound like thunder came out of his three big mouths uncontrollably.

The content is Famen's exorcism scriptures, which are available in game stores, and more than [-]% of players have heard of them.

But this thunderous chanting sound has never been heard before, it is simply thrilling.

The most terrible thing is that once this skill is used, there is no way to actively stop it.

It must take five hours before the skill will automatically stop.

Chu Wuyou was a little dazed, feeling that he had fallen into a pit, but he couldn't find evidence.

He watched the demons running away in all directions, seemingly very afraid of the exorcism scriptures, but he was like a telegraph pole with a loudspeaker hanging on it, wandering aimlessly in the wasteland of the underworld.

(End of this chapter)

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