I have a city in another world

Chapter 4807 The Joy of Loucheng Residents

Chapter 4807 The Joy of Loucheng Residents

The beheaded monsters didn't know it until they died. They actually died in the hands of the human race. The trumpet monsters that seemed to be fighting for territory were actually controlled by the players.

The real purpose is to slay demons and eliminate demons.

In the process of moving forward, the Trumpet Monster killed tens of thousands of monsters, and truly made the monsters flee.

The vast majority of demons were "noisy" to death by the exorcism scriptures, and some were killed by the manipulators.

No monster can intercept it, and the demon general can kill it.

Such a high-efficiency kill can be said to be quite amazing, and it is by no means something ordinary players can do.

As the controller, Chu Wuyou was in pain and joy along the way. While enduring the devastation of the exorcism scriptures, he happily watched the demons being harvested.

As a reformer, the exorcism scriptures had little influence on him, but it wasn't that they had no influence at all.

During this journey, I always felt a splitting headache, which was obviously influenced by the exorcism scriptures.

If he was a demon, his brain would have melted by now, turning him into a pile of unconscious rotten flesh.

Fortunately, this painful feeling will be alleviated with the improvement of adaptability.

Five hours later, the terrifying loudspeaker skill was released, and the looping exorcism runes finally stopped.

Chu Wuyou thought that he would be very happy after the skill was released, but looked at the monster in the distance and hesitated.

After only three seconds, he clicked on the skill release again, and the terrifying loudspeaker rang again.

"Hahaha, cool!"

Chu Wuyou grinned loudly, and happily continued to walk forward, watching those monsters fall to the ground and die one after another.

Only after the experience did I realize that this kind of harvest is the most enjoyable, and it makes people want to stop.

Tang Zhen, who was at the rear, watched the trumpet monster running rampant, and confirmed that the experiment had been successful.

The current situation is special, and it is impossible to test for a long time, as long as the modified body can be used normally.

Tang Zhen issued an order to collect the required materials, and the refining work began.

Research and development experiments are the most time-consuming, but the speed of refining finished products is extremely fast, and a scroll of bones can be completed in 1 minute.

Then control the artifact and charge the scroll of bones to ensure that it can be put into use in a short time.

The advantage of being in power by yourself is that you can do whatever you want without any constraints at all.

Three hours later, Loucheng issued another mission, and many players were summoned to descend to the underworld.

Soon they discovered that they were actually controlling a monster, which was definitely a surprise.

It's just that the shape of this monster is a bit strange. There are three big mouths on its head, which look no different from big speakers.

Two long legs and a big belly make people feel very weird.

The players at this moment don't know the true role of the trumpet monster, but it is actually an announcer who goes deep into the underworld.

With the joy of manipulating monsters, players descended to the underworld one after another and started their broadcast journey.

It didn't take long for the players' internal communication system to become lively, and many of them were all kinds of video discussions about Trumpet Monsters.

Some people said that the trumpet monster was too pitiful. They were forced to listen to exorcism scriptures all the way, and felt as if their heads were about to explode.

The most deceitful thing is that this broadcasting skill cannot be turned off, once it is activated, it must be hardened for five hours.

Exorcist scriptures cannot be blocked, offline is not allowed, and it is not allowed to stay in place.

The broadcast task must be completed on the go.

There are also players who are very surprised, saying that the trumpet monster is an artifact of mowing the lawn, and it is effortless to clean up the monster.

Without any effort, groups of monsters can be killed, and the group of monsters will retreat wherever they pass.

Even if attacked by monsters, it also has the ability to defuse anti-killing.

The seemingly clumsy body is extremely quick when facing monsters, and the seemingly simple attack is extremely lethal.

Even if you encounter the devil king, you still have the power to fight back, and it may not be impossible to fight back.

As long as it is a monster from the underworld, once it enters the playing area, it will fall into a state of being suppressed.

The monster cannot exert its full strength, so the player will naturally take the opportunity to fight hard, and the chance of winning will be doubled.

Although there are mixed reviews, all players agree that Trumpet Monster is indeed a sharp weapon for cleaning up monsters.

If you can make good use of it, you will definitely be able to gain a lot of points and earn a lot of money in this war.

The residents who failed to obtain the qualifications looked at those discussions with mixed reviews, but they were extremely envious in their hearts.

But any player who complains will inevitably be questioned collectively and asked the other party to transfer the quota.

If you don't like this avatar, give it to someone you like, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit.

None of the players who were questioned and besieged gave up their places. They all complained in their mouths, and they actually played more happily than anyone else.

Apart from other things, all other shortcomings can be ignored with this high-efficiency harvesting mode.

Everything is difficult to be perfect, and the same is true for game clones. Players care about the final result, and it’s okay to have a poor experience.

This kind of quota is too precious, unless there is a hole in the brain, I will give it to others, otherwise I don't know when it will be my turn next time.

The players who failed to get the chance once again petitioned Tang Zhen, hoping to distribute more demon clones.

At the same time, they will publish their own ideas together for discussion, hoping to be adopted by Tang Zhen.

The trumpet monster that just appeared is obviously a combination of human race and monster, which proves that Tang Zhen has adopted the suggestions of the players.

For the players, this is excellent news, which means that their ideas may become a reality.

The residents of Loucheng seized the opportunity and offered their ideas one after another, hoping that there would be a kind of monster that could be designed and manufactured according to their own ideas.

Tang Zhen is very clear about the players' true thoughts and supports their actions.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I quietly peeped at the screen for reference, and then created several powerful monsters.

Only this kind of Trumpet monster can't have much impact on the underworld, and it won't even attract the attention of those high-level monsters.

There are countless monsters in the underworld, and there is never a shortage of this kind of race that has sprung up suddenly, but a short-term glory does not mean that it can exist for a long time.

If you provoke a powerful existence, you may disappear overnight.

The greater possibility is to be conquered by the big and small devil kings and become the opponent's cannon fodder in the battle.

If this happens, those demon kings will definitely feel depressed, because not only can they not subdue the trumpet monster, they may even take their own lives.

Tang Zhen watched the screen silently, watched the players' various suggestions, and gradually had monster models in his heart.

Tang Zhen, who had a plan in mind, immediately began to refine. The first target was the modified version of the trumpet monster.

The trumpet monster was successfully produced, and the actual combat effect was also very good. Tang Zhen didn't need to study new monster templates until he tapped out his maximum potential.

Not only is it time consuming, but it also has the potential to fail.

This time, we will use the trumpet monster as a template to create a new monster, but the iconic big horn must be removed.

Change the three big horns into cannon barrels, spray poisonous shells, and bomb the monsters.

Ammunition does not need to be specially added, it can be made of materials from the underworld, magic energy can be converted into poisonous fire and jet power, and soil and stone can be compressed into projectiles.

The trumpet monster has a lot of space in its stomach, and it only needs some rune circles to complete a series of transformations.

Projectiles added with poisonous fire substances can be fired while being produced, and can also be stored in large quantities in the body.

Compared with the thin and tall trumpet monster, the barrel monster is shorter, but stronger and stockier.

The power is stronger and the defense is stronger.

After having a clear idea, Tang Zhen's refining will go smoothly. During the period, he felt that the firepower was insufficient, so he carried out a new transformation.

Turn the barrel monster controlled by one person into a combined monster controlled by five people, four of whom hide in their stomachs, and control the flesh and blood machine guns to shoot and kill the enemy.

It took half a day to officially complete the newly created monster, and then recruited players to start testing.

(End of this chapter)

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