I have a city in another world

Chapter 4816: Refining of the Transformed Demon

Chapter 4816: Refining of the Transformed Demon

When the player eliminated the monster, he once encountered an accident.

A demon disguised itself as a player, launched a sneak attack and was successful, and more than one player was victimized.

If there hadn't been an internal communication system that could tell what was going on, more players would have been killed.

But even after receiving the news, the players spent a lot of effort to kill this monster.

This is a shape-shifting monster that can freely change its body shape and breath, and its ability to disguise is almost as real as it is real.

The habits of the players are imitated vividly, even more so.

Since shapeshifters are special, they are individually marked, and their bodies are kept in rune freezers.

The original purpose of doing this was to collect various monster specimens, and had nothing to do with the scroll of bones.

Fortunately, there was such a request, so the body of the deformed demon was preserved, otherwise it would have been turned into dry bones and ashes.

At Tang Zhen's request, the frozen corpse was sent to the base.

Tang Zhen opened the rune freezer, only to see a pile of rotten meat, and he couldn't help but look shocked.

It turned out that the players vented their anger by whipping the corpse of this deformed monster. The bullets that penetrated the body probably weighed more than ten catties.

If someone hadn't stopped it in time, it is estimated that even a pile of rotten meat would not have been seen, and it might have been burned to fly ash long ago.

"These bastards..."

Tang Zhen cursed secretly, feeling deeply helpless.

It is said that it is impossible to effectively use such a badly damaged corpse, but there is only one similar monster.

Tang Zhen had no choice but to try to fix it as much as possible.

There is definitely more than one problem. Even if this broken bone is repaired, only one bone scroll can be refined.

This number is far from enough to meet the needs of the frontline battlefield.

In the past, when Tang Zhen was refining, there was only a skeleton and a pair of scrolls, which was equivalent to occupying the original quota of monsters.

Now he wanted more, but there was only one bone.

Tang Zhen actually has an idea that he can try later, and maybe he can completely solve the material problem.

Soon he started researching, because there were many successful experiences, and the initial speed was very fast.

At this time, Tang Zhen discovered that the shape-shifting monster itself was also a humanoid monster, but it had undergone a special mutation.

Such a mutated state does not increase the difficulty of research, but it can be regarded as a surprise.

Tang Zhen completed the cracking research within the scheduled time, which can be regarded as a pleasant surprise.

After completing the production of the scroll of bones, the next step is to solve the problem of the source of corpses. There must be a sufficient quantity to meet the demand for raw materials.

Tang Zhen wants to use the method of cloning to copy the shape-shifting monster, and only needs its body instead of its soul.

The monsters bred are just shells without souls.

It doesn't matter if they have intelligent thinking, they are just a bunch of demons, monsters that everyone can kill.

As long as he is killed, it is absolute justice, and there is no need to care about the method.

Soon a few monsters were brought inside a building, and a group of Loucheng monks began to deal with the transformation.

These transformed demons are specially cultivated monster mothers. After taking special elixirs, they begin to expand and develop at a terrifying speed.

However, in a short period of time, the demonic body took over the building and even enveloped the entire building.

The specially customized rune magic weapon was sent into the body of the flesh and blood demon.

After this period of research, Loucheng's weapon refiner has made great progress and has been able to effectively transform the demon's body and perfectly combine its body with the magical weapon.

Huge medicine jars were connected through long tubes and inserted into the giant demon's body.

The constant input of medicinal liquid maintains the survival of demons and allows them to breed faster and better.

After Tang Zhen's transformation, the remains of the transformed demon turned into countless embryos, all of which were injected into the body of the flesh-and-blood demon.

Embryo injection is complete and gestation begins.

Monsters like monsters belong to the fast-growing species, and most of them are eggs.

The advantage of this is that it can be reproduced in large quantities and the environmental requirements are not very high.

This shape-shifting monster is also an egg-laying monster, but it is a special variant.

No wonder there are so few of them, there is only one at present.

But after Tang Zhen's transformation, this situation will no longer exist, and soon the shape-shifting monsters will be produced in large quantities.

Five days later, the first deformed monster was born.

After the monster was born, it was skinned and boned without seeing the sun at all.

Because there is no soul, the monster is just a dead thing, and the meaning of existence is to provide refining materials.

After preliminary processing, the materials were sent to Tang Zhen, and the refining of the bone scroll began.

The preliminary tests have been completed, and the refining process is also very easy. It only takes a short time to complete the scroll refining.

However, there were still some problems with the refined finished product.

After testing, it was found that once the player controls this kind of demon clone, it will be in a juvenile state.

It must be hunted and devoured in order to grow itself.

The growth time is not long, only ten or eight days. After passing through the infancy period, you can have strong combat power.

If you want to be safer, you can ask other players to provide protection, and if you are brave enough, you can also mix with the demon group.

There are also cubs in the group of monsters in the underworld, as long as they pretend to be similar, they will not be noticed.

After deduction, Tang Zhen was able to determine that the larvae did not affect normal use.

It didn't take long for a player to obtain the test qualification and control the newly released deformed monster to enter the underworld.


Underworld, somewhere.

Crowds of monsters are walking on the wasteland, roaring non-stop along the way, trying to show the strength of their own race.

Not long ago, they had just received an order to prepare to gather in an area.

Orders like this often represent one thing, that is, a war is about to happen.

Demons never reject war, and even have a special longing for it.

Only through various wars can they obtain more food and improve their realm.

A white light appeared in the sky, but it was fleeting and only a few demons noticed this change.

But in a blink of an eye, they stopped paying attention.

These simple-minded monsters didn't even realize at this moment that another player came here.

While the monster was walking, the soil on the ground loosened slightly, and then a monster came out.

This monster was not big in size, almost like a puppy. It looked at it for a while, its big eyes full of cunning.

Soon he saw a demon walking over, carrying many demon cubs on his back.

These ugly demon cubs actually lie on the demon's body to suck blood, hanging on the body motionless.

"This one is just right..."

Seeing this, the little demon on the ground showed a joyful expression, and jumped up the moment the female beast passed by.

The claws hooked the female monster, and the body quickly deformed, exactly the same as those demon cubs.

The advancing female demon felt the vibrations in her body and slowly turned her head to take a look.

Its blood-red eyes searched for a group of cubs, but found nothing unusual.

No matter the appearance or smell, they are all exactly the same.


Seeing this, the female beast turned her head away with a low growl, and continued to walk forward with the team.

Seeing this, a demon cub trembled slightly and let out a proud chuckle.

(End of this chapter)

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