I have a city in another world

Chapter 4818 Rescue the missing system

Chapter 4818 Rescue the missing system

The fleeing Black Flame Demon King finally collapsed in despair.

The exorcism scriptures caused it to collapse, unable to resist the attack of poisonous fire shells, and ultimately ended up dead without any body parts.

The neighbor Demon King who was ridiculed by it left a complete body after death, which was much better than it.

Before the Black Flame Demon King died, he had many doubts in his heart, but unfortunately no one could answer them.

For example, when did you start to encounter calculations?
The Black Flame Demon Lord will never know that when the Demon Lord in the nearby territory is killed, it has already been on the hunting list.

A large group of Loucheng players launched a secret operation against it.

When the Black Flame Demon King gathered his subordinates and prepared to go out for battle, the demon players were already lurking beside him.

According to the tactics of the demon army, a trap was specially set up, and the guide demon was replaced and controlled.

What happened next was developing as expected, and the Black Flame Demon King was not aware of the abnormality at all.

Those terrifying ravines killed countless monsters, and the Black Flame Demon King died in the surprise attack.

The operation was successful and the players gained a lot.

Players participating in the action, take the time to clean up the battlefield and collect the soul crystals in the monsters.

This is not a small project, if it is left to the players to complete, it will inevitably cause a huge waste of resources.

Every second of the player's existence will cause energy consumption, and it is overkill for them to collect soul crystals.

But if they don't do it, they can't find the right manpower.

Tang Zhen must be responsible for solving problems like this.

Fortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of game players today who have not obtained demon clones, and most of them are wandering in the game world.

Because the number of missions is getting smaller and smaller, the time for many players to arrive is shortening, and they don't even go online for a few days.

It’s not that I don’t want to participate, it’s just that there’s really nothing to do.

Tang Zhen ordered many players to be sent to the underworld to serve as laborers for a period of time.

When the opportunity is right, you can follow along and fight together.

Compared with the monster clone, the appearance of the players is definitely not suitable for hiding, and they will fight immediately when they come into contact with the monster.

It is only suitable for frontal combat. If you want to engage in conspiracy and concealment, there is almost no possibility of success.

Fortunately, most players prefer simple and direct combat and are not interested in intrigues.

Tang Zhen's arrangement was obviously more in line with their wishes.

Soon, tens of thousands of Loucheng residents logged into the game at the same time, and were then teleported to different places in the underworld.

In the following time, they will cooperate in operations and participate in logistics and combat tasks.

Tang Zhen's arrangement actually meant a formal declaration of war.

The game players who acted before were all dressed in the skin of monsters, so naturally they would not attract too much suspicion.

Now that the Terran players are on the stage, it is tantamount to announcing to the outside world that many of the previous battles were by no means civil strife among demons.

Instead, the human race participated in it, deliberately making waves in the underworld.

Once they agree with this view, the demons will work together to attack the human monks.

Compared with the huge underworld, Lou Cheng's strength is too small and it is impossible to be an opponent.

Wanting to win is even more idiotic.

Tang Zhen knew this, but he wanted to do this because he wanted to make his own voice heard.

A formal warning to the demons in the underworld not to be too arrogant. Not all invaders will yield obediently.

There will also be resistance, and it will definitely hurt them.

It is also to use this matter to attract the attention of the monsters, so as to better rescue the monks.

Only when there is complete chaos will there be loopholes to exploit.

But Tang Zhen also knew that the demons were already fighting endlessly, from top to bottom.

Including those demon gods, they are also hostile to each other.

The subordinates of different demon gods often have brutal wars, sometimes even lasting hundreds or thousands of years.

It is also not an easy task for them to work together to deal with human players.

Unless they have suffered a big loss and reached the point of hurting their muscles and bones, they are basically fighting on their own.

From this moment on, Tang Zhen's pressure will increase rapidly, and the enemies he faces will become stronger and stronger.

But even so, Tang Zhen was still full of fighting spirit and even full of expectations.

While he was actively preparing for the battle, he found that the system was missing.

Ten minutes ago, the communication between the two parties was completely cut off, and there was no way to reconnect anyway.

When such a situation occurs, it is likely to represent an accident.

With the strength of the system, it can almost run rampant in the underworld, and a single exorcism scripture is enough to suppress the demons.

Since arriving in the demon world, the system has not encountered any opponents, and the demons will take a detour after seeing it.

It is definitely not a simple matter for such a tyrannical guy to suddenly lose contact.

Tang Zhen collected information records to check the situation before he lost contact, but saw a horrible scene.

The system stood in front of a cliff with an endless abyss ahead of it, with no end in sight.

In the tumbling dark clouds, huge figures could be faintly seen, and the height of each figure was probably over a thousand feet.

These vague and terrifying figures exude a frightening aura, as if they can easily destroy the world.

Seeing these figures, Tang Zhen immediately thought of the Demon God.

Those powerful beings who hide in the deepest part of the underworld, possess terrifying power, but will not go out easily.

Every time they appear, they will drag the world into the abyss.

This is a truly terrifying place. Even the demons in the underworld will stay away from this scary place as much as possible.

The system looked at the abyss ahead, but showed a hint of excitement, and then jumped down without hesitation.

The recorded picture has been completely interrupted at this moment.

After Tang Zhen watched it, he remained silent for a long time, and at the same time felt a bit of a headache.

This guy, the system, is really not afraid of death, and even directly entered the restricted area of ​​the demon world.

Tang Zhen has always been apprehensive about that taboo place, and has no plans to go there at all.

It will even tell the player to stay away from that place as much as possible, and don't cause trouble.

If you don't follow the advice and cause damage to your soul, you will bear all the consequences yourself.

Before that, some players desperately asked the demon god for a pardon, but almost killed themselves in the end.

For such a guy, Tang Zhen was also speechless.

I really thought it was a game, so I could play around unscrupulously, and even the gods dared to tease and test it.

Although most of these gods in the underworld do not have godhead, they are still not existences that ordinary people can blaspheme.

Once you incur divine punishment, not only will you be unlucky, but you may also implicate others.

Those unlucky guys are now locked in the rune circle, cutting off all contact with the outside world.

This is not to punish, but to provide protection, because there is a mysterious force that corrupts them.

If they were not protected by the rune circle and were in the city, they might have turned into mummies.

Obviously, these unlucky guys have been cursed by the devil, and they are the kind that must die.

Now the system does not listen to dissuasion, and directly enters the depths of the restricted area, and does not know what the consequences will be.

But having said that, this is also the system's choice, and it is impossible for it to follow Tang Zhen's advice.

What you want to do, you will definitely find ways to do it.

Tang Zhen sighed softly, and could only wish the system a safe return, there was no other way.

If something unexpected happens due to this trip to the forbidden area, then it can only be blamed on the bad luck of the system.

Just after praying a few words, Tang Zhen's complexion changed, and he couldn't help cursing.

It turned out that just now, the artifact suddenly issued an alarm and issued a new task.

The system was in deep danger and asked Tang Zhen to rescue immediately.

Once the action is successful, the artifact will recognize the rules he modified, and will recognize him as master after completing the rescue mission.

Seeing that the mission was a reward, Tang Zhen was speechless for a long time.

Originally, he thought that he had solved the artifact, but now it seems that it is just a joke.

At best, treat it as such.

(End of this chapter)

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