I have a city in another world

Chapter 4824: Subdue the Demons

Chapter 4824: Subdue the Demons
Inside the black mist at this moment, a group of monsters have ugly expressions.

In the process of fighting just now, their bodies were all hit by invisible wooden thorns, and their own defense methods did not have any effect.

Neither the energy shield nor the hard flesh armor could block this invisible rune wood thorn.

Even after being attacked, he didn't realize it at the first time, and didn't realize that he had been hit until it was itchy.

This kind of weird wooden thorn made a group of demon kings feel uneasy.

But in a short period of time, their bodies changed, and pustules the size of fists emerged from the places where they were stabbed.

Strange flesh and blood seedlings drilled out of the pustules, and kept wriggling and growing.

Looking similar to plants, but more like snakes and insects, it makes people shudder.

"Damn it, what the hell is this!"

While roaring, a demon king stretched out his hand to dig out the fleshy seedlings, and pulled them out with excruciating pain.

The pulled out roots are like the tentacles of an octopus, covered with sharp barbs.

Caught in the hands of the Demon King, he kept wriggling and struggling.

I thought that pulling out the flesh and blood seedlings would solve the crisis, but I found that this was not the case at all.

It turned out that there was a deep pit on the body of this demon, from which foul-smelling pus and blood continuously overflowed.

Seeing this, the Demon King opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of flames, trying to burn the bleeding wound.

But at this moment, more flesh and blood seedlings came out, crowding the flesh-deficient wounds to the brim.

Immediately afterwards, at its root, a large swelling appeared, with purple-blue tendons and blood vessels all over the outside.

Obviously, this method of violent removal did not have a healing effect, but made the situation worse.

Feeling the heart-piercing pain that spread to every part of his body, an unspeakable fear rose in the devil's heart.

It was the first time he had encountered this kind of attack, and there was no way to solve it. If the situation continued like this, it would not take long before his body would be covered with flesh and blood plants.

At the same time, other demons were also suffering from the same predicament, their bodies were covered with flesh and blood plants, and they grew at an extremely fast speed.

Whether it is pulled out or cut off, the demons are in agony, even the cruel and crazy demon king is extremely unbearable.

At this moment, deep remorse arose in their hearts, and they should not have participated in the ambush in the first place.

The dilemma at this moment is simply crushing.

"Quickly suppress it, and then ask for a solution!"

The leader demon in charge of the command was also shocked and angry at the moment, he did not expect Tang Zhen to be so fierce.

I thought I was well-prepared and could be sure of winning, but now it is hard to get off.

There is no other better choice than to bite the bullet and persist, to suppress and capture Tang Zhen.

However, such an accident also surprised the leader demon, which means that the tree demon has great potential.

The more powerful and powerful the mutated monster, the richer the reward after being sent to the abyss. The reward it originally hoped to get, but now the standard can be raised appropriately.

Thinking of this, the leader demon's eyes became more and more scorching, and he secretly made up his mind.

Tang Zhen must be surrendered at all costs.

The leader demon who made up his mind suddenly took out a bone talisman with a ferocious expression on his face.

The set of magic array it uses actually implies mystery and possesses unknown manipulative ability.

I didn't plan to use it originally, otherwise I would have to bear the corresponding consequences, which can be said to be quite troublesome.

But it's different now. Facing a goal like Tang Zhen's, what can he do even if he bears the price?
In particular, you can take this opportunity to take revenge on those guys who want to make trouble, and let them know the price of angering yourself.

In front of the eyes of the leader demon, the figures of those demon kings flashed, and they activated the talismans in their hands with a grinning grin.

"Power upgrade, flesh and blood sacrifice!"

Accompanied by a low growl, one after another beams of light bent into bridges and converged to where the leader monster was.

Looking at the rising position of the beam of light, it is clearly the eye of the formation controlled by other demon kings.

The sudden change made all the demon kings secretly startled, and a bad premonition arose in their hearts.

"What do you want to do?"

The demon king who deliberately sang a different tune and asked to change the conditions before roared in surprise and anger.

"I would like to borrow your blood to increase the power of the joint attack formation, please accept your life obediently!"

The leader Yaomo said in a cold voice, as if it was a matter of course, with a hint of complacency.

The other monsters were taken aback when they heard this, and hurriedly tried to escape from the formation.

In the end, he was shocked to find that his feet seemed to take root, and he couldn't move at all.

There is also endless pressure, imprisoning them in the eye of the formation, as if the whole body is mired in a quagmire.

This is the subtlety of the formation, not only can gather the power of monsters to attack, but also can gather the power of monsters to suppress each other.

If one of the monsters wants to escape, it has to bear the joint pressure exerted by the other monsters, and there is almost no possibility of escaping.

At this moment, all the monsters were angry and anxious, and at the same time they were extremely worried.

Having already torn their skins apart before, the leader demon no longer has the slightest scruples, their situation is probably very dangerous.

Encountering the parasitism of flesh and blood plants was already unexpected, but now it happened that there was internal strife and the despicable plot of his accomplices.

"No. 15, No. 17, and No. 21, please take your lives!"

The leader demon yelled, and at the same time activated the talisman in his hand, grinning grinningly at the distorted demon kings.



"You will definitely pay the price!"

The three-headed demon king roared desperately, but was distorted by an invisible force, and his body instantly turned into a pile of minced meat.

At the same time, three streams of blood essence flew up along the beam of light and floated in front of the leader monk.


The leader demon opened his mouth and sucked in all the essence and blood into his body, followed by a roar of excitement.

At this moment, the demon leader felt that his whole body was full of strength, capable of destroying everything in the world.

This is an illusion created after the power surge, and at the same time, it will also make the self-confidence explode.

"Submit to me!"

The leader demon locked onto Tang Zhen, his body soared to [-] meters in an instant, and he swung his big ax fiercely at him.

I want to use this ax to split the tree demon in half.

Surrounded by terrifying power, the giant ax split the shield of leaves and went straight to the thick body of the dryad.

But at the same time, Tang Zhen opened his eyes and quietly looked at the ax that was slashing at him.

There was no frightened expression on that emerald green face surrounded by green leaves.

The moment the bone was about to be split, it suddenly stopped in mid-air, unable to go any further.

The leader monster holding an ax still had a proud expression on his face, but at this moment it gradually turned into panic.

But I saw a crack suddenly appeared on the top of a giant axe, followed by a trace of vines coming out.

The vines grew rapidly, entangled the axe, and bloomed colorful fleshy flowers.

The vines kept moving forward, extending towards the leader monster, and its body also mutated at this moment.

Countless pustules emerged, and then drilled into the fleshy seedlings, and quickly scattered branches and leaves.

The [-]-meter-tall leader demon turned into a mountain in an instant, covered with extremely gorgeous flowers and plants.

Its body surface and interior are full of criss-crossing tree roots, and there is no way to move the slightest.

In the end, even a pair of eyes grew weird little trees, and a clear spring-like liquid poured out of the eyes.

These weird flesh and blood plants actually have the effect of purification, turning the dirty liquid in the demon's body into a clear spring.

Perhaps this is the unique clear spring water in the underworld, which can be safely drunk to quench your thirst.

At the same time as the leader demon changed, other demons were also wrapped in flowers and plants and turned into strange statues.

The ambush against Tang Zhen was resolved in this way, and none of the participants survived.


Tang Zhen issued an order to control the flesh and blood forest to pass through the city.

A group of demons wrapped in plants, including the leader of the [-]-meter-tall demons, also turned around at the same time and followed them silently.

(End of this chapter)

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