I have a city in another world

Chapter 4830 The Dryad’s Counterattack

Chapter 4830 The Dryad’s Counterattack
The Black Wing King originally thought that Tang Zhen's endurance had reached its limit.

With just one blow, the defense will be broken through, and then you can be slaughtered by yourself.

The Black Wing King has a fairly clear understanding of his own strength, and ordinary monsters are not its all-in-one enemy at all.

It is absolutely possible to kill an ordinary demon king with a raised hand.

Stronger demon kings may be more difficult to kill, but they still cannot escape the same fate.

The mutated tree demon in front of him was indeed stronger than other monsters, and it was enough for the Black Wing King to expend more effort.

But that's all. In the heart of Black Wing King, he still couldn't look down on the mutated tree demon.

However, in this wave of attacks, the Black Wing King did exert all his strength, but only to protect his own face.

If Tang Zhen is not suppressed, the monsters watching will inevitably question it, which will seriously affect its reputation.

It is indeed very embarrassing that one of the twelve majestic kings cannot even handle a tree demon.

It is something worthy of boasting that Black Wing King, one of the Twelve Kings, can use his full strength to deal with an enemy.

It's just that this kind of glory needs to be exchanged for death.

"See if you still refuse to accept it this time!"

The Black Wing King continued to sneer, watching the surrounding earth collapse, and Tang Zhen and the Flesh Forest turned into an isolated island.

The terrifying pressure will squeeze them into pulp.

What was destroyed was the flesh and blood forest, and the mutated tree demon would definitely survive, so that it would be convenient for it to sacrifice.

It is kind enough not to kill them all.

The surrounding monsters, big and small, cheered even more excitedly. This was the wonderful moment they had been waiting for.

To be able to witness the fall of the strong is something that excites the monsters.

They howled incessantly and were full of malice.

Some flesh and blood plants on the periphery began to shatter under the huge pressure, turning into puddles of mud and plasma.

A howl of pain came from the fleshy plants, proving that they also had consciousness.

The destruction started from the periphery and quickly moved toward the center. The ferocious-looking flesh and blood plants continued to fragment and disintegrate.

In the middle is Tang Zhen, who is in a precarious state.

At the critical moment, the body of the mutated tree demon controlled by Tang Zhen suddenly shook violently.

The branches that fell under the pressure seemed to be injected with infinite power, and they stood upright abruptly.

Those bare branches are constantly producing buds and leaves, and growing at an extremely fast speed.

The colorful leaves grew up in a short period of time, and the scene looked extremely lush.

There are various runes on the surface of these flesh and blood leaves, and they are constantly flashing golden light at this moment.

There was another violent shaking, and all the fleshy leaves fell down, spinning around Tang Zhen continuously.

The terrifying pressure exerted by the Black Wing King was gradually offset by the rotation of the leaves, and the tree demon in the center of the storm also changed.

It was like a dead tree blooming with spring, releasing a rich vitality that was in sharp contrast to the death aura of the underworld.

This kind of vigorous vitality makes the demons extremely disgusted.

The rich vitality gathered around Tang Zhen, causing the tree demon to gradually undergo different changes.

The monsters watching the battle suddenly had a bad premonition that the mutated tree demon seemed to be preparing to fight back.

The Black Wing King was the first to perceive the change, and couldn't help but be surprised.

I thought that under the all-out attack, the mutated tree demon would surrender obediently, but in the end, it still failed to achieve its goal.

Even in the extreme state, you can still try to fight back.

Being able to do this shows that Tang Zhen's strength is extremely strong, and its counterattack must be extremely fierce.

Even the Black Winged King must be dealt with carefully.

"We can't let it attack, we can't take this risk!"

In an instant, the Black Wing King made a decisive decision to strike first.

It cannot take any risks, and it will never give Tang Zhen a chance to fight back.

"go to hell!"

The Black Wing King waved the halberd in his hand, and slashed at Tang Zhen from the air, and then saw a black line appear out of thin air.

Starting from the position of the halberd, it seemed to tear open the space and landed directly on Tang Zhen's head.

The flesh-and-blood leaves that kept flying blocked the sharp blows of the halberd, and themselves kept turning into dust.

But looking at the situation in front of him, the flesh and blood leaves can't defuse the attack at all, at most they can only play a buffering effect.

At this time, I saw a branch, like a big human hand, digging into the tree.


A crisp sound came, and a piece of rough bark was violently ripped off, and was firmly grasped by a branch like a big hand.

The two sides are originally one, and they merge with each other in an instant.

This huge piece of bark, flashing with countless runes, was lifted up to face the black line.


There was no earth-shattering sound, but the fierce attack of the Black Wing King was blocked by the bark, leaving a deep scar at the same time.

Along that scar, blood-like liquid dripped.

The large and small monsters watching, including the Black Wing King himself, were stunned by the operation of using the bark for defense.

Obviously, he did not expect that the tree demon's bark was so hard that it could block the violent blow of the Black Wing King.

The bronze halberd it used was a precious magic weapon from the abyss, and it was a treasure that the demons couldn't even dream of.

With his own strength, coupled with the amplification of the magic weapon, the power of this attack is terrifying.

None of the group of monsters present dared to try to resist, because they would definitely die.

However, the mutated tree demon lightly resolved it.

When the group of demons were secretly shocked, they saw the tree demon waving another tree branch and reaching out in a hidden tree hole.

An ancient rune sword with a red color was grabbed by a dead branch like a big hand, and then bursts of buzzing sounds were heard.

It seems that there are countless innocent souls who are constantly screaming, and the demons will feel trembling and uneasy when they hear it.

When some demons saw the ancient sword, they felt vaguely familiar, as if they had seen it before in battle.

It was this ancient rune sword that was as fast as lightning and killed countless demons.

The wailing sound, perhaps the remnant soul of a monster, kept sending out desperate prayers.

The appearance of the ancient rune sword is actually conveying a message that the mutated tree demon is preparing to launch a counterattack.

The expression of the Black Wing King changed slightly. He felt the trembling breath from this ancient rune sword.

Having such a feeling means that the ancient rune sword is extremely extraordinary, and is even better than its bronze halberd.

A mutated tree demon of unknown origin actually possesses such a treasure, which is like a secret.

"This rune sword should be mine!"

Even in the face of threats, the Black Winged King is still greedy, which is the best manifestation of the demon's nature.

Although he felt the abnormality, the Black Wing King was not panicked, thinking that he could completely defuse this wave of attacks.

It also has a defensive magic weapon, which is activated instantly at this moment, and at the same time, it also has magic energy to form a protective barrier.

The Black Wing King's physical body is comparable to hundreds of refined steel and is also the best means of defense.

But when the sword struck and instantly broke through the defensive barrier of the demon energy, the expression of the Black Wing King suddenly changed.

It suddenly realized that it underestimated the mutated tree demon, let alone estimated the power of this sword.

A strong sense of crisis instantly broke out in its heart.

You must avoid it and execute it at all costs, otherwise you will either die or be injured.

The sudden premonition of death caused the Black Wing King to explode instantly, trying his best to avoid the attack of the ancient sword.

At this time, its defensive magic weapon suddenly made a shattering sound, and then dimmed.

The demons' wails and screams suddenly became sharper and more intense, as if they had been damaged by the collision just now.

Two consecutive defenses were breached, and the horror in the Black Wing King's heart was beyond words, and he waved his wings to protect himself without hesitation.

Its pair of giant wings is a natural magic weapon, its flying speed is as fast as lightning, and it also has extremely strong defensive functions.

However, the Black Wing King would not easily use this kind of defensive method, and has always used it as a life-saving hole card.

Originally, it thought that this hole card would be used on the other eleven kings, but it didn't want to be forced out now.

This is enough to show that its situation at this moment is extremely dangerous, and it may suffer serious damage if it is not careful.

(End of this chapter)

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