I have a city in another world

Chapter 4839 Strange River

Chapter 4839 Strange River
The bloody and chilling Plain of No Return has never been so lively as it is today, with countless monsters gathering here.

They were in groups, running very fast across the wasteland, each one vying for the lead.

Then follow the forest of flesh and blood, step by step forward, the purpose is to obtain an unknown opportunity.

More and more demons began to like the mutated tree demon because it brought changes to the Plain of No Return.

A battle at the level of the Great Demon King has always been rare, and there are always some monsters who will take advantage of this opportunity to rise.

After a fierce battle, there were corpses everywhere on the wasteland. Even though the winner had cleaned up, there were still many omissions.

For low-level spoils, the mutated dryad didn't even bother, and the flesh and blood forest began to gradually become picky.

It is no longer like before, always devouring all comers, but will remove low-value items.

Things that the flesh and blood forest doesn't like, but for big and small monsters, they are good things that they can't wait for.

Normally you can't ask for it, but now it's everywhere.

Before that, many monsters had benefited from cleaning the battlefield, and encountered crazy snatching during the period.

They follow the flesh and blood forest, eager for more intense battles, so that they can get more opportunities.

As for who will be killed and what impact it will have, it has nothing to do with them.

The underworld is like this. It has always been chaotic. Those who can survive in such an environment must be extremely cruel and cunning.

But the more this happens, the stronger the underworld becomes, and countless powerful demons are born in the cruel environment like refining poison.

Perhaps a certain great demon king in the future will be born from the demons he is currently following and become the new overlord on the Plain of No Return.

In addition to the mighty leak-picking army, there are also monsters from the territories of the top ten demon kings, who are also staring at the monster clones at this moment.

Now facing a common enemy, they have temporarily stopped fighting, and there is even a tendency to cooperate.

If they seize the opportunity, they will inevitably start attacking at all costs until the flesh and blood forest is destroyed.

But until this moment, they have not received any cooperation orders.

Even if the remaining ten kings cooperate, it is impossible to show it at this moment, so as not to be noticed by Tang Zhen and take precautions in advance.

As the object of much attention, Tang Zhen manipulated the demon clone like this, approaching the territory of the Blood Demon King non-stop.

As he moved forward, he took the time to check on other things and found that everything was going smoothly.

Obvious results have been achieved in the rescue of monks from the Foremen.

The monks who were trapped in the underworld were repeatedly rescued by the players, and arrived at the tomb city through the retreat route.

After special adjustments, some monks from the foremen have returned to normal, and are now assisting players in rescue.

There are also many Famen monks who join the battle with the players, trying to kill more demons in the underworld.

Soul crystals, as the main ingredient in potions, are now in short supply. As a direct beneficiary, monk Famen must be embarrassed to just sit back and watch.

Fighting with the players, in fact, there is not much risk.

After continuous training and exploration, players become stronger and stronger, and hunting ordinary monsters is like chopping melons and vegetables.

The monsters near the tomb city have been cleaned up several times, and now there is no trace of the monsters at all.

The monsters that invaded the game world are in a difficult situation and are being ruthlessly hunted down by the players.

Today's battlefield situation has completely reversed.

Players cheered, thinking that this was the result of their efforts. If they continue to persist, it is likely to help the game world avoid catastrophe.

Tang Zhen did not attack the players' optimistic thoughts, so as not to affect their morale.

He knew better than anyone else that the victory in front of him was only temporary, and the defeated enemy was nothing but trash.

If they went to the Plain of No Return and saw the scene of demons dancing wildly, they would definitely not be so optimistic.

If it were not for the monsters on the plains to launch an attack on the game world, today's players would not be opponents at all.

It won't take long before they are all killed by demons.

Not to mention that there are more powerful demons in the abyss, and they are the source of all terror.

Once a demon god appears and drags the whole world into the abyss of the underworld, then everything will come to an end.

Players at that time will experience real despair and know what powerlessness is.

Even Tang Zhen now has no way to reverse it. All he can do is delay as much time as possible.

Before the catastrophe occurs, complete the transfer of the indigenous people and the rescue operation against the monks.

The transfer plan for the indigenous people has now been basically completed, and only a small number of severely infected people are still stranded.

But it won't be long before they are cured, and they will also evacuate collectively.

In the next time, Tang Zhen only needs to complete two things, which is to save the monks and the system.

Once the task is completed, Tang Zhen will evacuate immediately, running as far as he can.

To avoid being targeted by the demon god, it will inevitably cause countless troubles.

There is a lot of commotion right now, but in the eyes of the demon god, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Even if he shows off his power and kills all the demons on the plain, it will not have much impact on these demons.

At most, it was due to the lack of demon sacrifices, which caused dissatisfaction and punished him.

But once he enters the abyss, he will face the terrifying demon god, and it will be difficult for him to move forward.

Tang Zhen has no idea whether he can complete the task and save the system.

At that time, we can only adapt to the situation, take one step at a time, and even rely on luck to pass the level.

Regardless of the above means, as long as you can complete the task, Tang Zhen will use his hole cards when it is really necessary.

But in that case, it is really possible to be remembered by the devil and suffer all kinds of harassment in the days to come.

For anyone, this is a nightmare, and life may be lost at any time.

Even though he is the owner of the building city and has the cornerstone platform as a backing, Tang Zhen will still encounter a lot of troubles because of the gap in realm.

But since the situation is imminent, knowing that it is dangerous, you have to do it. Many times, if you give in, you will lose more.

When Tang Zhen was moving forward and dealing with various affairs, an abnormal situation suddenly appeared in front of him.

A raging river actually blocked his way.

In the place near the abyss in the underworld, there will be rivers, which is simply incredible.

After all, rivers represent vitality and are closely related to bright life, while the underworld is the ultimate destination of death.

The two are the same as water and fire, and they are simply incompatible.

Now on the route of travel, a river suddenly appeared blocking the way, and there was a problem without even thinking about it.

Tang Zhen did not rush there, but sent his men to investigate to see what was going on.

The Scout Demon is also a flying monster, with eyeballs all over its body and flying as fast as lightning.

The various scenes seen during the period can be shared with Tang Zhen immediately, which is equivalent to eyes floating in the sky.

It didn't take long before the scene of the wasteland appeared in front of my eyes. There was indeed a raging river blocking the way.

However, this river was strange and eerie, withered and yellow as if it were boiling with pus and blood, and exuding an unspeakable stench.

Countless skeletons floated up and down in the muddy river water, and all kinds of spirits drifted with the current.

From time to time, ferocious giant beasts poked their heads out of the pus-blooded river, screaming in pain and sternness.

Tang Zhen didn't know the origin of the river, but he was secretly vigilant, and even wondered whether he needed to detour.

The river is tens of miles wide, and it seems that it can fly across it. The Mutant Dryad and the Flesh Forest also have the ability to fly.

But if you really fly over the river, you will inevitably encounter dangers and fall into a dilemma.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, whether you cross the river or fly from the air, you will eventually fall into this strange river.

Once you fall into the river, it will be extremely difficult to get out, and you will even sink forever.

This strange river of the underworld was obviously intended to stop him from going forward and prevent him from going to the territory of the Blood Demon King.

(End of this chapter)

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