I have a city in another world

Chapter 4843 Flesh forest, devour evolution!

Chapter 4843 Flesh forest, devour evolution!

Hanging up by a tree, the monster from the bottom of the Styx is really ugly in appearance.

The upper body looks like a human, the lower body looks like a fish, and it also has crab-like legs.

There are various growths and adhesions on the body surface, which can make your scalp tingle just by looking at it.

Not only was it ugly, but it also stinks, exuding a weird stench that made some monsters vomit on the spot.

The river demon's big mouth bit into the fruit at the end of the vine. Even though it was dragged ashore, it still refused to let go.

His fierce and greedy eyes would make even monsters fear him.

Some sharp-eyed monsters found many sharp barbs growing on the fruit at the end of the vine.

Hook the monster's mouth so that it can't let go easily.

There are also many slender tentacles, also covered with sharp barbs, wrapping the ugly body of the river demon.

The Styx demon who was dragged ashore let out a strange roar, seeming to be very angry about his situation.

"Let me go, or you will all be punished!"

Even in the face of countless demons, the river demon was still arrogant and even threatened Tang Zhen.

As the saying goes, a dog relies on human strength, and this is what happened to the Styx demon. Relying on the powerful backer, he dared to scream at nearly a million demons.

The monsters and demons around him were actually frightened and couldn't help but retreat.

I have never been so afraid when facing my own demon king.

Including the group of demon king commanders, they were all staring at the Styx Demon with fear and reluctance in their eyes.

If this terrifying Styx River is really the projection of the Abyss Demon God, the monsters on the river are indeed more noble than them.

The so-called nobility here is just a difference in status, and has nothing to do with strength and blood.

The seventh-grade official of the prime minister's porter, even if he beats the dog, it depends on the owner. With a powerful backer, the demon can really be arrogant.

But this kind of background deterrence is meaningless to Tang Zhen.

With a slight shake of the tree vines, the Styx demon was dragged into the flesh and blood forest, followed by a shrill scream.

The flesh and blood plants swarmed forward and tore the Styx demon into pieces in the blink of an eye.

When the spectators saw this, they immediately took a breath of cold air.

The Styx monster is a running dog of the Demon God, born with a supernatural status, Tang Zhen dared to do this, it was clearly provoking the rhythm of the Demon God.

Not every demon has such courage.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it should be taken for granted. If he didn't choose to fight back, he would eventually be unable to escape the fate of being swallowed by the Styx.

Since his life is not guaranteed, why bother giving face to the devil.

However, there is also a possibility that he was deliberately retaliated by the other party, suffered all kinds of torture during the period, and ended up with an end worse than death.

If this is the case, it is better to die.

As soon as the first Styx demon was torn to pieces, other tree vines were recovered one after another, and one Styx demon was fished out one after another.

It was thrown directly into the forest of flesh and blood, and was immediately swallowed and shattered, leaving not even a bit of bone or residue left.

Such an operation made the demon kings secretly wonder what Tang Zhen was doing.

Do you want to use this method to fight back against the devil Styx until you defeat the opponent in exchange for peace?

If this kind of thinking is true, it would be too naive and ridiculous. How could such a terrifying demon projection be easily repelled.

But after thinking about it, he felt that Tang Zhen was not so superficial, and there must be a reason for this operation.

Since you can't help, just be obedient and watch carefully to avoid getting yourself into trouble.

Tang Zhen controlled the tree vines and continued fishing.

Like a group of skilled fishermen using fishing rods to fish in the sea, more and more Styx demons are being hoisted.

Thrown into the flesh and blood gods, wailing and torn to pieces.


There was a roar in the river, and a giant dragon-like monster suddenly appeared, its height was 300 meters.

He was obviously a demon king, but he was more powerful than other demon kings. His terrifying aura made the demons on the land tremble.

The Styx Demon King appeared, stared fiercely at the mutated tree demon, and then let out an angry roar.

"Damn wilderness maggots, you dare to slaughter the Styx Aqua Tribe wantonly, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

The Demon King of Styx was so arrogant that he publicly threatened Tang Zhen with endless revenge and torture.

Clearly tell the demons on land that they are only allowed to kill wantonly, but no resistance is allowed.

If any prey dares to resist, it will be violently retaliated against, making it impossible for them to survive or die.

Such a domineering behavior, but no monsters refuted it aloud, which shows how serious the morbid concept of superiority and inferiority is in the underworld.

Facing the arrogant Styx dragon demon, Tang Zhen just raised his hand and chopped off half of the opponent's head.

The Stygian Dragon Demon, who had been hit hard, uttered a shriek and screamed, and quickly dived into the tumbling river.

His embarrassed posture was no longer as arrogant as before.

Many demons saw this and cheered loudly, looking at the mutated tree demon with admiration in their eyes.

They also couldn't stand the arrogance of the Styx Dragon Demon, but they didn't have the courage to fight back.

Tang Zhen's sword slashed out a wave of evil spirits in their hearts.

But worries also arise. Will Tang Zhen's behavior lead to more brutal revenge?

As bystanders, will they also be affected?
It's a pity that they are soft-spoken and their opinions are unlikely to be adopted by the superiors. In this environment, they can only choose to follow the crowd.

Whether it is a disaster or a blessing, everything can only be left to the destiny.

As expected, as the Styx Dragon Demon was injured, the turbid waves of pus and blood became more and more turbulent.

The waves were higher than the waves, and they kept sweeping towards the shore. From time to time, there would be tentacled river monsters poking their heads out of the river.

They caught the monsters on the ground and dragged them directly into the River Styx.

Seeing this scene, the demons on the ground were so frightened that they backed away, becoming more and more frightened and uneasy in their hearts.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen sneered and threw more vines into the river.

One after another, the river demons were being pulled ashore, seemingly fighting each other with the Styx demons.

Seeing this, the other demons retreated and evaded, fearing that they would be affected by the fight.

As the space became narrower and narrower, many monsters began to pile up, and the little monsters jumped on top of the big monster, as if a tree was covered with fruits.

At any other time, such behavior would be tantamount to provocation, and a fight would be inevitable.

But at this moment, the demons didn't mind, and rarely helped each other.

Even if they have grudges against each other, they all put aside their old grudges and cooperate with each other to gain a chance of survival.

But as the only hope, the mutated tree demon just keeps fishing, and has yet to see a way to resolve the crisis.

As the River Styx continued to shrink, more and more demons were swept into the waves, and the desperate wails and roars became more and more tragic.

Seeing this, a group of demon kings who were watching became more and more restless, fearing that Tang Zhen would not fulfill his previous promise.

If Tang Zhen doesn't take action, they must take action instead of waiting to die slowly like now.

There is not much time left, and it must not be wasted.

But then again, even if they take action, it is just a waste of time.

Facing the oppression of desperation, some monsters were completely crazy, and even took the initiative to rush towards the river monster.

Obviously knowing that he must die, he wanted to die with the river monster.

A monster who is pushed into a hurry will really ignore it and do some crazy things.

Since there is no way to escape death, it is better to give it a try and at least end up feeling happy.

Tang Zhen finally stopped fishing after half of the demon was swallowed.

Immediately afterwards, the group of demons saw blood mist rising from the flesh and blood forest, and a new round of evolution began again.

After entering the Plain of No Return, the Flesh Forest evolved twice, becoming stronger each time.

The talents of the two great demon kings have also more or less absorbed some.

At such an urgent moment, the Flesh Forest evolved again, which must be related to solving the current dilemma.

Thinking of the scene where the gods and gods of flesh and blood were devouring the river monster before, the group of demons suddenly realized.

When he looked at the mutant tree demon again, his eyes were full of awe and expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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