I have a city in another world

Chapter 4846 Insert a foot horizontally!

Chapter 4846 Cross-cutting!
As soon as the two sides fought, Tang Zhen beheaded the big pig elephant demon king with a single sword.

Such an unexpected situation caught the other three demon kings by surprise, and they felt angry and terrified.

Although he was mentally prepared to regard Tang Zhen as a strong enemy, he never expected to be so fierce.

It was just a casual sword, and the pig elephant was beheaded by the Great Demon King, just like slaughtering pigs and dogs.

Such a strong strength has far exceeded their expectations.

If this is the true strength of the mutated tree demon, and it can maintain its output, there is no need to continue this battle.

It's not a level, so why waste time.

Tang Zhen only needs to swing three swords, and they will follow the pig elephant demon king, turning into a rotten corpse on the wasteland.

Although I feel fear in my heart, I don't want to give up easily and miss this rare opportunity.

You have to fight hard to know who is weak and who is strong.

Not to mention that the three major demon kings at this moment have no retreat at all, so they can only bite the bullet and continue to attack.

If they choose to retreat, they will only die faster.

Accompanied by angry roars, waves of attacks landed on Tang Zhen's body, causing the bronze bell shadow to oscillate continuously.

The runes splashed everywhere, like ripples in the water, stirring up waves.

Such a ferocious attack did not cause the expected damage, and the mutated tree demon in it was safe and sound.

Seeing this, the three demon kings became more and more frightened.

The original thoughts in my heart were instantly wiped out, and I was only thinking about how to escape.

Otherwise, it would be Tang Zhen's turn to attack, and he would surely die.

A thought arose in his heart, and the three major demon kings turned and retreated without hesitation, without the slightest thought of nostalgia.

The competition at this moment is speed. Whoever runs faster among the three demon kings will die here.

The covenant was broken in an instant, and the three major demon kings became competitors, and they all hoped that Tang Zhen's attack target would be other enemies.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he can escape from Ascension.

As for turning around and attacking Tang Zhen, this kind of thing is impossible to do, and whoever does it is seriously ill.

It is equivalent to sacrificing oneself to help others escape from desperation, and will be regarded as a fool later.

"Kill others, don't kill me!"

The three major demon kings prayed secretly, like desperate gamblers, only hoping to win in this bet.

Tang Zhen, who attacked with a sword, became the master of fate.

He raised his hand and slashed three swords in different directions, aiming at the three fleeing demon kings.

When the three swords fell, they looked silent, not even a whiff of wind.

But in the eyes of the three major demon kings, it was a completely different scene. They only felt an indescribable terrifying momentum, and rushed towards their position.

This kind of momentum is extremely sharp, and there is no way to resist it. Once touched, it will end in pieces.

Thinking of the scene of Tang Zhen beheading the big demon king with a single sword before this, the fear in the hearts of the three major demon kings became more and more intense.

They are afraid that their end will be like that miserable appearance.


Accompanied by unwilling roars, the three major demon kings tried their best to block this terrifying slash.




Accompanied by three loud noises, three fireworks bloomed in the distance, followed by colorful streamers flying all over the sky.

In the eerie underworld, such a beautiful scene is extremely rare, and the monsters watching from a distance are stunned.

The appearance of such a scene is the result of energy colliding and erupting, as if three torches were thrown and three powder kegs were ignited at the same time.

The sword energy is the torch, and the three major demon kings are the gunpowder barrel. After the collision, a violent explosion occurred.

It is not easy to survive such an attack.

At this moment, the group of demons in the underworld are all paying attention to the scene of the explosion site, wanting to see if the three major demon kings can survive.

The same was true for Tang Zhen. He concentrated on sensing it carefully, but a trace of doubt flashed in his mind.

He could feel that the aura of the three great demon kings was still there, but the state was very strange.

It seems that there are other auras, guarding the three major demon kings, blocking part of the sword aura attack.

The three major demon kings at this moment should be injured.

Regarding the strength of the demon clone, Tang Zhen was very clear in his heart, knowing that it was impossible to instantly kill the three major demon kings at the same time.

But it can be hit hard, and then rush up to finish the knife.

One cut is not enough for two cuts, two cuts are not enough for three cuts, and he will be chopped to death with a random knife.

However, the state of the enemy at this moment made Tang Zhen secretly suspicious, and always felt that something was very wrong.

Could it be that there are other big devils hiding in the dark, and blocked the fatal blow at the critical moment?
Out of prudence, Tang Zhen didn't rush forward to make up the knife, but decided to wait and see the situation first.

Tang Zhen actually didn't have much obsession with beheading the four great demon kings, killing or not killing was only a matter of one thought.

It's not that devouring the Twelve Kings will improve Tang Zhen's strength, but that it will allow him to have more means of killing the enemy.

Swallowing up enough blood essence can indeed improve the strength of the realm, but it is not an unlimited increase.

When the cultivation base reaches a certain level, it is necessary to absorb the abyssal devil energy to temper itself and complete the transformation of the demon body.

After reaching a certain level, you still need to enter the abyss, continue to consolidate your practice and control the law.

When the conditions are met, you can be promoted to Demon God.

Because there is no condensed godhead, such an abyssal demon god can only be regarded as a false god at best.

But even so, it still has extremely terrifying strength.

The Styx River that descended earlier is the best proof that no one is its opponent.

The same is true for Tang Zhen, who must find a way to find a loophole in the rules in order to crack this almost lore-killing method.

Fortunately, the mutated tree demon has a super devouring evolution ability, which can effectively resolve the crisis. If it is replaced by other monster clones, it will definitely be lost in the plain today.

While Tang Zhen was observing intently, there were waves of energy fluctuations coming from the front, followed by a familiar voice.

That kind of viscous liquid collided and made strange noises, which was clearly the Styx that had just disappeared.

As soon as the thought came up, the dust in front of him dispersed, revealing the figures of the three great demon kings.

Their state at this moment is simply extremely bad.

The sword energy that Tang Zhen slashed out severely injured the three major demon kings, all of whom had terrifying sword wounds.

The body was split or pierced, and the injuries were quite serious, causing the three major demon kings to suffer terribly.

But the source of their fear was no longer Tang Zhen's attack, but the rolling Styx surrounding them.

The Styx, which had disappeared before, came back as expected, but the target of the attack changed from Tang Zhen to the Three Great Demon Kings.

Just like Tang Zhen was surrounded before, Styx surrounded the three major demon kings and shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was their turn to experience the danger Tang Zhen encountered.

The three demon kings were seriously injured, and they didn't have Tang Zhen's powerful methods, who could use their bodies as a boat to strengthen the Styx.

At this moment, all he could do was despair, watching the billowing river swallow up the ground they were standing on, and then submerge their bodies.

At this moment, the three demon kings were filled with unspeakable regret. If they could choose again, they would say nothing about launching this attack.

Misjudging Tang Zhen's strength resulted in the pig elephant being beheaded with a single sword, and they were also severely injured.

What was even more unexpected was that the Styx Demon God's revenge came so quickly, unexpectedly descending upon them at the moment when they escaped and were injured.

You don't need to think about it to know that the Styx Demon God is paying attention to this war. When he found out that the three demon kings were about to be killed by Tang Zhen, he immediately jumped out to collect the bill in advance.

In order to prevent the three major demon kings from being killed, they will end up losing money in the end.

But in this way, it is tantamount to snatching Tang Zhen's benefits, making him take a huge risk, and in the end he is busy for nothing.

Besides, Tang Zhen's enemies were not only the Four Great Demon Kings, the Demon God of Styx was also one of them.

If he could beat him, Tang Zhen would definitely make the other party pay the price instead of allowing him to unscrupulously snatch his spoils after he almost killed himself.

(End of this chapter)

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