I have a city in another world

Chapter 4853 Rule Patterns

Chapter 4853 Rule Patterns
Two months later, the ruined square.

Tang Zhen looked around and looked at the dead environment, secretly lamenting the boring practice.

If it wasn't for completing the mission and saving the missing system, he might have left this lonely and boring place long ago.

At this time, there was a wave of energy that emerged silently, and the source was right under Tang Zhen's feet.

Without hesitation, Tang Zhen absorbed the refining immediately.

It turns out that every once in a while, a wave of pure energy will be released at the node position of this ruined square.

The original use of energy was to maintain the operation of certain equipment, but now those equipment have disappeared.

The nodes where the equipment is placed are now occupied by the monsters, and naturally become the recipients of energy.

The energy of heaven and earth is necessary for practice, and the same is true for monsters, but affected by the environment, the energy of heaven and earth in the underworld is even more violent.

Born in different environments, they will naturally evolve and adapt.

When a demon absorbs the energy of heaven and earth, the demonic energy will also enter the body, and only a strong body can withstand it.

The higher the level of strength, the more obvious this situation is.

Therefore, the vast majority of demons will choose to practice in the physical body and have extremely powerful demonic bodies.

The energy provided by the ruins square seems to have been purified, which is completely different from the energy absorbed by the demon practice.

It can be said that there is one positive and one negative, one yin and one yang, like water and fire repelling each other.

Although the Great Demon King can absorb it, he will have some "indigestion" to some extent, just like mud and gravel mixed in drinking water.

Such an extreme environment is destined to make the monsters unable to picky eaters, even if they are not used to it, they must endure it.

Demons do have a huge advantage in terms of endurance.

Every once in a while, there will be a large number of demon populations passing over the ruins square.

The number cannot be counted, and they are overwhelming in groups.

At this time, the demon kings will take action one after another to capture the passing demons as food.

Tang Zhen also participated in it, captured some demons to swallow, and guessed a possibility.

The monsters passing by the square did not intend to die, but were manipulated by some kind of force.

It turns out that above the ruins square, there is an energy flow in the form of a river, engulfing various monsters and passing through it.

It's like a fish migrating, and you can't help it the whole time.

The demon kings on the ruined square got supplies, which is why they can stay for a long time.

Many demon kings stayed here and endured all kinds of suffering and pain, certainly not to hunt these worthless monsters.

There must be some reason for them to stay willingly and refuse to leave for so many years.

There is a great possibility that it is related to becoming a god, so that the great devil can advance to a perfect state.

Holding such speculations, Tang Zhen has been waiting silently.

Sure enough, at a certain moment, the sky in front of the ruined square suddenly changed dramatically.

The dark and thick magic cloud was quickly dyed with seven colors of brilliance, and then changed into various forms.

I can't describe it in words, I just feel it is extremely mysterious, as if it represents the ultimate truth of heaven and earth.

All the monsters in the ruins square are watching intently at this moment, for fear that there will be a slight mistake or omission.

Looking at their expressions, Tang Zhen was sure that this moment was what the demons were waiting for.

What is it that makes the group of demons so excited?
Tang Zhen harbored a trace of doubt, observed with breathless concentration, and soon noticed the abnormality.

These unknown lines, if observed carefully, will become some runes and graphics.

Needless to say, the function of the rune has mysterious power, which can communicate the rules and the energy of the world.

If these runes are effective, after studying and mastering them, one's own strength will definitely be improved.

However, the runes are extensive and profound, and it is far more difficult to master and use them than imagined.

Any natural rune has its own special drawing method, and there are strict requirements for the materials used to carry the drawing. The more powerful the rune is, the more so it is.

Even if it is a little bit worse, it may not be able to activate it.

Compared with these runes, those strange graphics are more suitable for monsters to learn to practice.

Demons can find the most suitable patterns among these patterns, and then practice according to the way of energy flow.

The monsters have all kinds of strange shapes, so they must not cultivate randomly, otherwise it may lead to accidents.

Even if you practice reluctantly, most of them are half the result with twice the effort, wasting a lot of energy and time in vain.

Cultivation techniques suitable for oneself can be encountered but not sought after in the underworld. Often only some powerful races can inherit them, and ordinary monsters can only rely on their own groping to find them.

But in this place, in the ever-changing magic cloud, the demons can see the shapes that best suit their own form.

Those energy circulation routes are even more natural, and you can feel the extraordinaryness of them once you try them.

The group of demons were extremely happy, tried hard to keep it in mind, and practiced involuntarily.

The dead and silent ruined square suddenly became very lively, and the brilliance could be seen from time to time, it was the great devil kings who were working hard to cultivate.

The sounds of wild laughter and roars came from different directions, representing the almost out-of-control mental state of the big devil kings.

For the monsters in the square, this is indeed a long-awaited carnival.

Tang Zhen, who was in Tomb City, could feel the terrifying power of those runes and graphics even through the demon clone.

After taking one look from afar, he felt his scalp numb, and he quickly cut off the sensory connection.

The skills he practices are incompatible with the scene in the magic cloud, and he can't help but feel repelled.

As if water and fire collide, there will inevitably be a violent reaction.

Fortunately, the mutated tree demon is a monster, and it is born with great resistance to this kind of information, which can effectively defuse the impact on Tang Zhen.

Not to mention that Tang Zhen in Tomb City is also just a clone of the player, not the real body.

The deity is still a monk who has crossed the robbery, and he also has not weak strength, and can resolve and resist mental pollution.

But even so, the deity still felt restless, and it took a while to return to normal.

Looking at the player clones in Grave City, even though they are inside the artifact, they still undergo strange changes.

Bone spurs of different lengths drilled out of the skin, a fleshy wing protruded from the back, and an eye protruded between the brows.

Tough hair also grew on many parts of the body, especially the private parts.

There was a bunch of stuff in the crotch, and when I reached out to touch it, it turned out to be the third leg, which was long enough to wrap half a circle around the waist.

Tang Zhen was amazed by the change of the player's avatar.

He just glanced at it and looked away when he noticed something was wrong, but the mutation still occurred within a very short period of time.

Such a terrifying effect is simply unbelievable.

According to Tang Zhen's speculation, the image runes in these magic clouds are very likely to have involved rules.

If he hadn't been strong and blocked by two firewalls, I really don't know what would have happened.

If the rules are inconsistent, there will naturally be backlash.

Having learned his lesson, Tang Zhen became cautious and did not dare to try watching again.

He gave the mutant dryad an order to watch and comprehend the graphics in the magic cloud by himself, without the need to communicate and share the perception and images.

After such an operation, the mutant tree demon can benefit, and he doesn't need to bear the impact of backlash mutation.

Otherwise, if you try again three or two times, the player's avatar will definitely turn into a demon, and the real person will also be affected to a certain extent.

Mutation is impossible, but the soul will definitely be contaminated, and we will have to find ways to purify it when the time comes.

The current situation is special and we can only do this temporarily.

Through this incident, Tang Zhen also realized the horror of the abyss, which can have an impact even from two worlds apart.

At this moment, he was also very lucky to be able to use the artifact to control the demon clone, otherwise there would be no possibility of entering the abyss.

As the order was issued, the mutant tree demon's sensory contact was cut off, and no information could be transmitted back.

Wait until the viewing is over, and then restore the normal connection, so that the negative impact can be minimized.

(End of this chapter)

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