I have a city in another world

Chapter 4856 If you don’t fight, you won’t have a long memory!

Chapter 4856 If you don’t fight, you won’t have a long memory!
The product on the platform is an ancient bronze mirror, which is also a regular prop.

After activating it, you can record the scene for a specific period of time and have the ability to replay it.

No force of any kind can affect it.

The price you need to pay is to draw your eyebrows in front of the mirror and look at yourself in the mirror from time to time.

The recording ability of the ancient bronze mirror seems very ordinary, and even makes people feel unremarkable.

After all, there are so many ways to record image content that there is no need to use something that requires paying a price.

Especially in the age of technology, tools that can record images are available to everyone.

However, in special cases, this ability to record images will become very important.

It should be noted that there are too many energy bodies that have the ability to interfere with shielding, making the equipment that records images unable to function properly.

Ordinary low-level spirits have such shielding capabilities, let alone the regular underworld patterns involved.

Except for this kind of regular props, which can record the content at that time, other equipment will probably be completely useless.

Even if it is recorded, it will become a source of terrible infection, causing terrible disasters that cannot be controlled.

After reading the introduction, Tang Zhen bought the ancient bronze mirror without hesitation, and prepared to send it to the mutant tree demon.

Any demon clone will have a special teleportation array in its body that can teleport some small items.

The purpose of this operation is to facilitate the players to get assistance from the rear at critical moments.

However, Tang Zhen only opened up such a teleportation function to a limited extent, so as not to cause too much waste of energy.

Until now, only a small number of players have experienced this item transfer function at critical moments.

Now that he is using it himself, Tang Zhen will definitely not be stingy, and there is no problem if he consumes more.

The props are carefully sealed to avoid problems during the transmission process, otherwise it will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

After getting the props, Tang Zhen checked to make sure there were no problems.

Then he used the ability of the artifact to cross an extremely long distance and teleport into the body of the mutated tree demon.

The mutated dryad in the ruined square shuddered slightly, then returned to normal.

At this moment, a rune box appeared in its body, and an ancient bronze mirror was sealed inside.

Tang Zhen did not open it, but waited until the regular pattern appeared again before releasing the seal and recording it.

Everything is ready, just wait slowly.

About three months later, several more demons appeared in the square one after another, and it was unknown how they arrived.

According to the information previously obtained, the cliff platform is connected to the Plain of No Return and is the only way to the Lida Ruins Square.

But Tang Zhen discerned carefully, only to find that these monsters were strange in appearance, and they were not the twelve demon kings who did not return to the plain.

They are not the twelve great demon kings, but they possess powerful strength. The origins of these demons are very problematic.

The underworld is vast and boundless, with countless hidden secrets, and no one can fully understand it.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Tang Zhen, and he is not interested in investigating it carefully.

I just hope that these monsters don't foolishly provoke me, otherwise they are looking for their own death.

But having said that, if the other party is really looking for death, Tang Zhen doesn't mind taking action, just as it will act as fertilizer for the flesh and blood forest.

The environment inside the abyss is special, and the flesh and blood forest is severely lacking in nutrients, and has shrunk to the limit.

If it is not fed, it is likely to die due to lack of food.

Of course, there is also a way to deal with it, which is to choose to enter the dormant state and reactivate it when needed later.

However, in this way, you may miss the opportunity for transformation, and you may not be able to play a role at critical moments.

For Tang Zhen, who needed to be distracted and would go offline from time to time, the protection of the flesh and blood forest was indeed necessary.

Tang Zhen could even feel the restlessness emanating from the Flesh Forest, obviously full of desire for flesh and blood.

"Don't worry, if they are willing to cooperate, you will be able to eat more soon..."

Tang Zhen comforted the Flesh Forest, then closed his eyes and waited silently.

After an unknown amount of time, he felt the warning from the flesh and blood forest, and then a sense of crisis came.


Tang Zhen sneered, and directly raised the bark shield to block the sneak attack from the enemy.

Four newly arrived demons surrounded him and launched an attack.

"It really is a bunch of idiots!"

You don't need to guess to know that the four new monsters were bewitched by the old monsters again.

He wanted to use the hands of the new devil to eliminate him as a dangerous target.

Compared to the new demons, Tang Zhen was obviously more fearful to them, and they wanted to destroy him immediately.

Nowadays, two tigers are fighting each other. No matter which side suffers, it will be beneficial to them.

The four new demons are also eager to open up the situation. If they kill Tang Zhen, they can exchange for the intelligence information they want.

In this way, enough prestige can be established to deter the veteran monsters in the ruined square.

Perhaps they also knew that the targeted Tang Zhen had problems, but they had enough confidence.

Even if it is a pit, a trap, they have the ability to step down.

But little did he know that Tang Zhen was not a pit, but a terrifying abyss.

When their active attack was blocked by Tang Zhen with a bark shield, they no longer had the chance to fight back.

There was a rumbling thunder, and four bolts of lightning shot out, illuminating the dark ruined square.

The shocked faces of the demons also flashed away in the lightning, followed by bursts of screams and roars.

The bodies of the four demons were surrounded by free lightning and thunderbolts, and burnt black smoke continued to emit.

The mutated tree demon's other arm waved the ancient rune sword, and streaks of sword light continued to fly out.

The four new demons were extremely frightened and tried their best to resist and dodge, but the sword light still passed through their bodies.

Broken limbs were flying, and the four demons retreated at the same time, but all of them were seriously injured but not dead.

This situation is normal. Tang Zhen divided the killing blow into four parts. If he targeted a monster alone, the opponent would definitely die.

But in this case, the demons will escape from here, and he will not gain anything.

It is better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them. How could Tang Zhen not know this truth?
With a buzzing sound, the copper bell on the top of the tree flew down, and countless runes shook off and condensed into human shapes.

He transformed into a demon arhat and chased the four demons respectively, throwing out the chains in his hands.

The ornamentation on the bronze bell is originally the arhat subduing demons, which is very suitable for the scene at the moment.

A roar came out, echoing continuously in the ruined square, but it soon became faint and disappeared.


Not long after, the sound of iron chains was heard, and the muscular Arhats returned one after another.

They were dragging chains in their hands, tying up the escaped demons, who were obviously dying.

The group of demons who were peeping secretly were taken aback at the moment, and looked at Tang Zhen with even more fear.

They really didn't expect that Tang Zhen was so powerful and could win a complete victory against four.

Is Tang Zhen too strong, or are the four demons too stupid?

The answer is actually very clear, but the demons can't believe it, and fear arises because of this.

When a fierce tiger suddenly gets mixed up in a pack of wolves, it must be quite a scary thing.

They could be called wolves, but Tang Zhen was more terrifying than a tiger.

Today's incident was still secretly instigated by them, and Tang Zhen must be very aware of it.

Demons have a vicious and cruel temperament, and most of them want revenge. The mutated tree demon will definitely not let it go.

Sure enough, as soon as the thought came up, Tang Zhen raised his ancient rune sword and slashed at the surroundings.

Waves of roars came from the demon king who was attacked, angrily yelling at Tang Zhen to demonstrate.

This wave of attacks by Tang Zhen failed to cause fatal damage, but they still suffered a lot.

"Let me teach you a lesson, and this matter will end here. If you do this again next time, I will chop you up as flowers!"

Tang Zhen snorted coldly, facing the glaring gazes of the demons around him, he issued a warning in a flat tone.

(End of this chapter)

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