I have a city in another world

Chapter 4866 The Demon’s Trading Method

Chapter 4866 The Demon’s Trading Method

The cold eyes made the woman's heart tremble.

She was very familiar with the person on the bed and knew what the other person looked like, but she had never seen such indifferent eyes.

It seems that all living things in the world are like ants, which can be easily wiped out.

Without reverence for life, your eyes will become blank and indifferent, and your behavior will become more and more crazy.

This strange look did not belong to the relatives he knew.

The woman's mind was shocked, her hands trembled uncontrollably, and the soup bowl filled with herbs dropped.

"who are you?"

With a trembling voice, the woman asked about the familiar figure on the bed, panic and despair filling her heart.

She has endured too much suffering, and she was already in agony, but now she is getting even worse.

The man on the bed was her own brother, and also her only hope.

If another accident happens to her brother, then she really has no reason to live, and death may be her only destination.

When the woman was frightened and desperate, the young man who had been seriously injured and had been lying in bed for a month suddenly sat up.

His movements were very smooth, as if he was not injured.

Seeing this scene, the woman became more and more frightened and panicked. She subconsciously kicked her feet to the ground, supported her body with both hands and kept retreating.

When she realized that something was wrong, she wanted to escape.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't you praying day and night to hope that your brother will recover?"

The younger brother who was sitting on the bed suddenly spoke, his voice was hoarse and cold, with a strange rhythm.

The woman was stunned when she heard this, and then shook her head desperately.

"I hope he recovers, but not like this ghost now. Who are you? Get out of my brother's body right now!"

At this moment, the woman became a little hysterical, like a she-wolf in a desperate situation.

She stretched her neck as hard as she could, without any fear in her voice, and glared at the strange existence in front of her.

"If I don't come, brother Ni will die from his injuries in a few days.

If I don't come, you will have no choice but to suffer injustice forever, and your relatives will die in vain.

Those bad people will still live a good life, knocking the poor people's bones and sucking their marrow, and more families like yours will be harmed.

I heard your prayers, so I came. I can save your brother, make the evildoers punished, and let you live the life you want. "

Tang Zhen controlled the woman's brother and asked in a cold voice: "Tell me now, do you want me to leave and let everything return to the state that makes you desperate?"

Upon hearing Tang Zhen's inquiry, the woman who was originally nervous and trembling suddenly froze on the spot.

Her thin face gradually became relaxed, and there was a trace of hesitation and hope in her eyes.

"What you said is true and you didn't lie to me?"

Women are sensitive and suspicious, full of vigilance towards the world, and no longer dare to trust others easily.

"Ant, what right do you have to question!"

Tang Zhen asked in a cold voice, full of frightening oppression, which made the woman tremble again.

Her family is destitute, penniless, and has no powerful background.

The strange existence in front of her was able to help her accomplish things that she had never dreamed of in the past.

Whether it is true or not, women want to try it.

"Please tell me, what should I do?"

The woman's body no longer trembled, and her expression returned to a strange calmness, but she asked in a trembling and expectant voice.

"Tell me your experience, tell me your appeal, and I'll give you a solution to your problem."

Tang Zhen's voice was leisurely, with a trace of bewitching power, which actually made a smile appear on the woman's face.

"My father, because they found evidence that the factory owners had harmed people, were pushed into the running machines, leaving only a pile of broken meat and bones.

My brother Li discovered the truth and went to the government to report it, but he was ignored and turned around and notified the factory owner.

Those thugs surrounded his younger brother, beat his body with iron bars, and then threw him off the bridge.

My younger brother was fatally ill and was washed ashore without drowning, but he became what he is now. "

The woman told her own experience, her eyes full of hatred, and the veins on her hands kept protruding.

"They smashed up my home, not allowing others to help save it, and then told the onlookers. This is the result of talking too much."

When the woman said this, she looked up at Tang Zhen and said in a vicious tone: "I hope they all die and save my brother again. As long as you can do it, I am willing to pay any price!"

There is countless misery in the world, and darkness and injustice dominate it. It is not uncommon for women to experience this.

Tang Zhen inspected the surrounding environment and found that there are many chimneys in the city, and outdated factories with machines roaring everywhere.

The expressions of the male and female workers passing back and forth were numb and dull, and there were even many seven or eight-year-old child workers.

With ropes tied around their waists, they were hung in a high chimney to clean the heavy dust inside.

This is a deadly job, but people in this world take it for granted, and even take it for granted.

In those flesh and blood factories, there are sources of danger everywhere, but the factory owners turn a blind eye.

However, a large number of supervisors were dispatched, armed with wooden sticks and whips, to violently supervise the workers on the assembly line.

In the wards of hospitals and clinics and in old and dilapidated houses, there are many people with limbs mutilated due to work-related injuries.

In such an environment, the misfortunes that women encounter are actually bound to happen.

There are always unfortunate people who will bear this pain, she is just unlucky.

Tang Zhen was also certain that in such an environment, there would definitely be countless people harboring resentment.

For monsters, this is an excellent environment, and it has a chance to breed high-quality training seeds.

Tang Zhen didn't expect that he would have such good luck for the first time.

However, good land may not produce good grain, but it also depends on how it is cultivated.

The woman in front of him is a key link and the only carrier of demonic thoughts.

“Remember your promise and you will get everything you want in the coming time.

But at the same time, your soul will be dedicated to me. Do you accept this deal? "

The woman hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"I accept."

When she said these words, she felt her heart tightening suddenly, as if a red-hot iron was stuck to her chest.

The woman opened her clothes in panic and found a dark red mark in the center of her chest.

"what is this?"


Tang Zhen answered the woman's question, then manipulated the young man's body and began to dance continuously.

The strange movements and postures, as well as the constant sounds, made the woman look frightened again.

After all, there are many movements that can break people's bones, and the constant sounds prove this.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, the woman wouldn't have believed that a flesh and blood body could perform such an action.

The woman's younger brother's body quickly turned red and hot, and his face became even more purple.

His eyes were wide open, and his face was full of bulging veins, as if they might burst at any moment.

There were also bursts of strange sounds coming from his body, and many parts of his body were bulging and sunken.

It was as if an invisible hand was constantly kneading his body, like a chef handling dough.

About 1 minute later, the woman's younger brother suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of black, foul-smelling blood.

Various parts of his body also bulged with large round bumps, which burst open one after another.

The liquid that flows out of it is sticky and smelly, and it is obviously filthy and poisonous bacteria that have accumulated in the body.

If it cannot be removed, it will inevitably endanger health until it is killed.

After some inhuman torture, the complexion of the woman's younger brother improved, and he was no longer as lifeless as before.

When the woman saw this scene, her worried expression disappeared and turned into deep joy.

Even if she doesn't know medical skills, she can still feel that her younger brother is alive.

This unknown and strange existence really cured his brother's injuries and brought him back from the abyss of death.

(End of this chapter)

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