I have a city in another world

Chapter 4869 Breeding of Magical Seeds

Chapter 4869 Breeding of Magical Seeds

In the corner of the block, several bounty hunters gathered together.

"I have already inquired that this house is rented out nearby, and the tenant is a young woman.

She hired a carriage and brought a patient.

If nothing else, she is our target and the biggest suspect in this case. "

The bearded bounty hunter lit the bone pipe in his hand, and then spewed out a puff of brown smoke.

"There is really no background behind this woman?"

The few bounty hunters next to them had a desire for money, but they also remained cautious enough.

They wanted a bounty very much, but they didn't want to offend anyone. If the woman had a strong background, this bounty was destined not to be earned.

"I don't have any background, I'm just an ordinary person. My father was retaliated for discovering the secret, and my brother had his bones broken and thrown off a bridge. He had been living in a slum before.

Now he suddenly had money, rented this house, and bought a lot of gold, silver and jewelry. "

Being able to collect so much information in a short period of time shows that these bounty hunters are indeed capable.

According to their speculation, the woman should have some chance to obtain a lot of wealth.

Then use this sum of money to hire a group of murderers to commit crimes.

Although the official account claimed that the deceased was torn to pieces by wild animals, the bounty hunters did not believe it.

Several bounty hunters scoffed at the theory of demons committing crimes.

I even believe that this is an illusion deliberately created by using tools to intimidate and confuse outsiders who don't know the truth.

It is still unclear what the truth is, but this woman is the best breakthrough.

As for what women have experienced and why they did it, it has nothing to do with them.

There are too many unfortunate people, and the bounty hunters are not interested in paying attention to them, they just want to live a better life for themselves.

"Since this is the case, then act immediately, and don't let others take the lead."

"There are more than one group of people who are ordering this bounty!"

After the discussion, several bounty hunters started to act and quickly approached the building by the roadside.

They climbed over the fence, quietly entered the yard, and then opened the door with tools.

Several bounty hunters walked into the house with pistols in their hands, carefully looking for the target.

Since entering the house, they have noticed a chill, as if entering autumn and winter ahead of schedule.

But it is midsummer at this time, and if you stand in the sun for a long time, you will sweat continuously.

The cold and abnormal environment made several experienced bounty hunters have a bad premonition at the same time.

"Be careful, something is wrong here!"

Reminding each other, several bounty hunters continued their search, with the aim of finding the woman and her brother.

On the bed in the large bedroom, there was clearly an injured young man lying on it, but several bounty hunters did not see it.

It was as if something was blocking their view, and they could only see an empty double bed.

Soon they discovered that there seemed to be the sound of someone talking at the entrance of a hidden basement.

Seeing this, several bounty hunters looked at each other and gently opened the basement door.

A passage lit with candles appeared in front of them, and there seemed to be a red light flashing in the depths.

Even if the rustling sound came from the depths of the basement, I don't know what it was.

Holding loaded pistols and leaving a companion to guard, several bounty hunters walked into the underground passage.

The passage was not very long, and they quickly reached the end, only to see a strange sight.

An altar of unknown origin was built in the basement, and the black eel-like breath continued to dance and spread.

There were a few vague figures, squatting in the corner of the basement, greedily absorbing the black breath.

When they saw the bounty hunters, several blurred figures rushed towards them as fast as lightning.

"What the hell is this?"

Several bounty hunters saw this, their eyes widened in horror, and they shot subconsciously.

As a result, the bullets fired did not cause any harm to these figures, but they felt as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

His body became extremely stiff, his mind gradually became numb, and he soon lost control.

Not long after, the bounty hunter guarding the entrance of the basement heard the shouts from his companions.

He thought the matter was settled, so he walked into the basement with a smile, only to see several companions turned their backs to him.

"what happened?"

Finding something wrong, he asked suspiciously.

As soon as the voice fell, several companions turned their heads at the same time, with strange smiles on their pale faces.

Such a strange scene made his scalp tingle with fright, and he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

As soon as he turned around, he saw a beautiful woman standing quietly behind her and staring at him.

He recognized at a glance that the woman in front of him was the target, but he didn't expect to be so beautiful and elegant.

The extremely charming atmosphere made the bounty hunter's heart beat wildly, and his desire soared irresistibly.

With great willpower, he raised the pistol, pointed at the woman and rushed out.

But I didn't want to move her footsteps, the originally extremely gorgeous woman instantly turned into a terrifying appearance.

His face was covered with black magic lines, his eyes were as red as blood, and there were sharp fangs in his mouth.

Perhaps this is what the legendary monsters look like.

The bounty hunter was out of his wits, subconsciously about to pull the trigger, only to find his arm trembling violently.

But his fingers refused to obey his orders, and he lost consciousness in the blink of an eye.

"Be good, be my slave, and I will give you everything you want."

The woman's appearance returned to normal, her lips were pressed against his ears, and she spoke slowly in a sweet and charming voice.

The bounty hunter's mood has fallen to the bottom, and his eyes are full of despair.

After another 5 minutes or so, the gang of bounty hunters left the house as if nothing had happened.

Looking closely at their eyes, they became extremely cold, as if they had no emotion.

Three hours later, a group of masked thugs stormed a food factory and killed more than a dozen supervisors on the spot.

The factory owner who was inspecting was directly kidnapped by this group of masked thugs, and soon disappeared without a trace in a carriage.

After this incident happened, it immediately caused a huge sensation and shocked many factory owners.

The story of the factory owner had already spread, but he didn't expect to be attacked by bandits just after the reward was announced.

Now whereabouts are unknown, it can be said that life and death are unpredictable.

Some factory owners secretly rejoiced that the gangsters were not targeting themselves, otherwise they would be doomed to sleep and eat.

The public security team was dispatched urgently, looking for clues to the culprits everywhere, but they found nothing.

As a result, that night, bandits encountered again at the factory owner's home, and all the huge sums of money hidden in the secret room were robbed.

After this incident happened, there was another wave of panic, and many factory owners stepped up their security.

The guards in many factories are all equipped with pistols and rifles, and they are afraid that they will encounter the same thing.

Fortunately, nothing happened for more than ten consecutive days, which made many factory owners quietly relieved.

Gradually no one cares about the disappeared factory owner. People care more about whose hands the factory will fall than the other person's life or death.

But in the dark, more and more low-level people are attracted to a secret organization.

This organization is very mysterious, and they are willing to help members of the organization to solve the difficulties encountered in life.

Regardless of any difficulties, I am willing to help solve them, and will give wealth that I will never earn in my life.

But the members who join must complete one task, which is to harvest a villain's soul.

There is no upper limit for this kind of harvesting. The more you harvest, the richer the rewards you will get, and you can even give them as gifts to others.

Such a reward system made the joining members ecstatic. In order to get rich rewards, they took actions one after another.

This world has excellent soil, which bred too many sinful flowers, using life and blood and sweat as fertilizer.

However, such a scene is still regarded as a garden full of spring, claiming to represent prosperity and progress.

Now there is a force, from the distant underworld, using this piece of sinful soil to breed the seeds of magic thoughts.

If conditions permit, this seed will germinate and bloom, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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