I have a city in another world

4871--Andrew Improved Rune Array

4871--Andrew Improved Rune Array
But overnight, the city has undergone tremendous changes.

With the help of extraordinary power, the demon slaves gained control of the city, and many resisters were killed by them.

In the face of incredible extraordinary power, the power of guns is greatly reduced, especially when the user is frightened, and it is even less likely to have the expected effect.

The rich and powerful in the city either fled in haste or turned into cold corpses.

Those who survived by luck are also trembling and panicking all day long.

They tried every means to escape from this terrifying cave.

Countless people in the city were forced to cut off their livelihoods and fell into a great panic.

Before the disaster, they were exploited and oppressed all day long, living like zombies.

I don't know how many people look forward to ending this evil era and living a happy life without being oppressed.

Now that something unexpected happened, the dream was only half realized.

The sweatshops stopped operating, but their livelihoods were not resolved, but they were even more dazed and panicked.

If it continues, it will never make any money, and it will definitely end up being starved to death.

Especially when people heard that it was a group of monsters that caused the accident, their panic and resentment grew stronger.

They hated the factory owner, but they were more afraid of demons, and they were more and more sure that this accident was a bad thing.

Citizens want to escape to other cities and resume their old lives.

More and more citizens are fleeing the city with their families, so as not to become food for demons.

The demon slaves did not stop such a thing.

With Tang Zhen controlling them behind the scenes, they would not do anything too crazy and treat ordinary people like livestock.

Especially when the city is unable to operate and the living supplies are seriously lacking, these ordinary people will not be forced to stay.

The more people who leave, the better, and the supplies left behind can last longer. The resources accumulated in a city are enough for the demon slaves and followers to last for a period of time.

Those who choose to stay either have no way to leave, or plan to follow the demon servant to change their fate.

But in a short period of time, the demon servant bewitched many citizens, willingly following them to stay.

In the days to come, they will build a larger altar as required.

After the altar is successfully established, the magic energy will pour in continuously, transforming and assimilating the surrounding environment.

The power of the underworld is extremely terrifying, and everything can be infected. It won't take long for this city to change drastically.

A city in a demonized state will become a source of pollution, affecting the entire world.

It is still unclear what the future will be like, but the seeds of demonic thoughts will definitely reap a bumper harvest.

After some changes, there are now thousands of magic seeds, which are in a state of gestation and growth.

There are still a few seeds of demonic thoughts that will soon enter a mature state.

As the source of demonic thoughts, the first woman who was demonized by Tang Zhen has now become the strongest among demon slaves.

Under Tang Zhen's attention, the seeds of demonic thoughts in her body finally matured and left the sea of ​​consciousness at an extremely fast speed.

High-level demon seeds have self-awareness and may escape if they are not careful.

Once a suitable target is found, it will be quickly integrated and there is no way to re-extract it.

Collecting at the right time is also a very important step, otherwise you may be busy in vain.

Tang Zhen had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and the moment the magic seed escaped, he successfully captured and sealed it.

Then use the black thread to pull it and send it directly to the underworld.

The woman was completely unaware of the process of collecting the magic seeds, but laughed loudly holding a bunch of jewels.

After the demon servant is harvested, he can continue to condense the seeds of magic thoughts, but the quality is often not as good as the first one.

Because one's own resentment is often condensed in the first one, and the subsequent lust cannot be compared with it.

The woman's hatred has been avenged, and the transaction between the two parties has been successfully completed. How to develop in the future depends entirely on luck.

It may become stronger and stronger, and it may die in an accident, but Tang Zhen will not pay more attention to it.

Tang Zhen's attention at this moment was all attracted by the magic seed in front of him, and he found that it was like a dark whirlpool, as if it could attract people's mind into it.

There is no need to doubt that this is a high-quality magic seed, enough to become a collection of abyssal monsters.

Because such seeds of magic thoughts are enough to carry more powerful magic thoughts, and they can even descend on the projection of a demon god.

If Tang Zhen offered it for trade, every abyss demon would not refuse.

After Tang Zhen thought about it, he did not intend to use it as currency, but collected it for research.

Once he sells the magic seeds, it is equivalent to giving up that unknown world and the other magic seeds that are being bred.

Demons are greedy by nature, so they will not easily miss something like this.

If this unknown world could really open the door to time and space, Tang Zhen would definitely lose three liters of blood.

After some thought, Tang Zhen gave up his trading plan and never made such a loss-making business.

Knowing that you can make a steady profit without losing money, but giving up the opportunity to make a lot of money to others, wouldn't that be a fool's errand?

If you want to exchange information, it seems that you can only use source power crystals.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhen immediately concentrated his energy and deduced the rune array of condensed crystals.

Although the paths of cultivation are different, they remain the same, especially the runes.

The forces between good and evil are the same as water and fire, but they have a lot in common in the use of runes. After all, their sources come from the rules of heaven.

Practitioners are divided into camps, but runes have no such statement. Monsters can use the rune circles of human monks, and human monks can also learn from monsters.

Tang Zhen had been researching before, and now he was doing his best, and he soon had a pleasant surprise.

According to the results of the deduction, after re-arranging, the condensation speed of the source force crystal was doubled.

Tang Zhen didn't know the true condensation speed of other monsters, but he was sure that his speed was definitely not slow.

"If this rune circle is used as a bargaining chip in the transaction, I wonder if it can be exchanged for the desired intelligence information?"

Tang Zhen came up with the idea, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible.

Teaching him how to fish is worse than teaching him how to fish. If the demon is not stupid, he must know which one is more valuable.

Regardless of the magic seed or the source power crystal, they are all things that can be manufactured and obtained at any time.

The rune array is different. You can't buy it with money at all. After you own it, you can create greater value.

The question now is, how valuable is the rune circle, and is it more efficient than other demon methods?
Tang Zhen knew almost nothing about the information of the abyssal monsters, so it was impossible to make an accurate comparison.

Now I can only test it out, and then make a further decision.

When Tang Zhen thought of this, he immediately identified the direction and took the initiative to look for the abyss demon.

Just like the last encounter, when approaching a certain distance, the abyss demon suddenly appeared.

After it found Tang Zhen, it just watched silently without any action or reaction.

Tang Zhen knew very well that the other party was actually on high alert, and would not relax his vigilance just because he met him once.

"After deduction and transformation, I obtained a new rune circle, which can double the condensation speed of the source force crystal."

Tang Zhen took his time and made his purpose clear.

Hearing Tang Zhen's narration, the eyes of the various heads on that statue-like monster opened at the same time.

"How to prove it?"

Although it was only a brief inquiry, it was enough to prove that it was interested.

Tang Zhen was overjoyed. The opponent's performance proved that the rune circle he transformed was valuable.

"I can demonstrate it, and you will know it at a glance."

While Tang Zhen was speaking, he directly took out the rune circle and started the in vitro demonstration.

With the operation of the rune circle, traces of source power were absorbed, and quickly condensed like mist.

The abyss monster on the opposite side watched intently, fearing that there might be a slight mistake.

After watching for more than ten minutes, the abyss demon who remained silent finally took the initiative to speak.

"Very good stuff, use it to trade, I can tell you five pieces of intelligence information."

(End of this chapter)

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