
An extremely astonishing news spread in a short period of time, causing countless people to panic.

The demon city shrouded in thick fog turned into a terrifying killing place, and the soldiers who attacked and cleaned up never returned.

The army guarding outside the city was also attacked by monsters and suffered heavy casualties.

Including the commander, tens of thousands of soldiers were killed or injured, and countless missing.

The soldiers who luckily escaped from the Demon City suffered severe mental trauma and were in a state of panic and despair.

Those terrifying monsters and bloody and cruel scenes are enough to turn into a nightmare that haunts a lifetime.

As time passed, the news spread more and more widely, and it was heard in every corner of the world.

This city, which was occupied by monsters and wiped out tens of thousands of troops, instantly became a hot topic of discussion after dinner.

There have been various speculations and analyzes about this monster city, and they have been arguing endlessly with each other.

If it was just an ordinary war, it would not be able to attract such attention, especially in the era of underdeveloped communications.

But this time the war involved the legendary monsters, which naturally aroused strong attention.

The aborigines who once lived in the city of demons, but left due to accidents, are now secretly rejoicing in their hearts.

Fortunately, he escaped in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

More people want to know how the government will solve the crisis, and will the terrible monster endanger the Quartet?
Many people suggested to send more troops and use more powerful weapons to destroy this demon lair.

The attitude is so determined, naturally because this matter touches their interests, and they are even more worried that the demon will bring greater disasters.

There are also some people who are very interested in supernatural power, and they go to this dangerous city one after another, wanting to know the secrets related to supernatural power.

Everything has two sides. War is a disaster for many people, but it is an opportunity for some people.

You can earn more money, harvest more land, and control more power.

This city of monsters has also become a treasure land in the eyes of many people.

Faced with such a terrible hidden danger, the official will certainly not ignore it, and soon more troops will gather.

They plan to surround the city and then find a way to clean it up until all the monsters are killed.

A large number of artillery planes were also mobilized to prepare for continued bombing and were ready to level the city.

Although this will cause huge losses and turn many factories into ruins.

At that time, such a loss was nothing compared to the possible serious consequences of the rampant demons.

Countless eyes from the outside world are now gathered in the city of monsters, wanting to know how to solve this matter.

However, the development of the situation exceeded everyone's expectations.


A continuously roaring steam train was running fast on the narrow-gauge railway, and the carriages were full of army soldiers who had been ordered to come.

When passing a bridge, the train driver was horrified to find a group of humanoid creatures falling on the bridge.

They had huge wings, looked at the train with cold eyes, and then showed ferocious and weird smiles.


With a loud bang, the bridge was directly blown off, and the moving train rushed directly into the valley below.

The long train carriages were smashed to pieces, and most of the passengers were smashed to pieces.

Some of them were lucky enough to survive and climbed out of the carriage, and then saw a scene that frightened them.

Those winged monsters hovered and danced above the river valley, holding something like a crystal ball in their hands.

From the corpses of those soldiers, translucent souls floated up continuously, and were finally absorbed by the crystal ball in the hands of the demons.

Some soldiers tried to resist, but were shot and killed by these monsters. They also used guns and weapons, and their accuracy was terrifying.

There were also some soldiers who chose to pretend to be dead and finally saved their lives.

But they can be sure that it's not that the monster didn't find out that they were pretending to be dead, but that the other party didn't pay attention to it at all.

That mocking smile is actually enough to explain everything.

Attacks like this are also happening in other places, and the means are also varied.

Inside a military camp, there were collapsed figures everywhere, and many of them had lost their breath.

Warm food was scattered around many of the corpses.

Strange figures of monsters walked around the camp while holding the crystal ball in their hands.

The dazed and numb soul emerged from the corpse, and was eventually absorbed into the crystal ball.

"Hahaha, these stupid guys, how does my saliva taste!"

A huge monster, wearing the costume of a fireman, holding a big bone-chopping knife in his hand.

He looked around with his eyes wide open, sniffing wildly with his fist-sized nostrils, and soon showed an excited expression.

He rushed into a tent, pulled out the frightened quartermaster, and then threw him into the pool.

Amidst the screams of the officer, he tore off the opponent's clothes and washed them in the water continuously.

"Let you be greedy for ink!"

"Let you bully the weak and fear the hard!"

"Let you use power for personal gain!"

"Death to me!"

With a sound of cursing, the quartermaster was thrown into the boiling cauldron like a chopped chicken.

Seeing this, the other monsters did not stop at all, but let the other party vent.

In the process of blocking the enemy, it is also one of the tasks of the demon slaves to find companions who can be demonized.

This demonized chef perfectly met the standard, and the transformation was completed in a very short time.

Because of his cooperation, the scene before us was possible.

If you want to destroy the enemy in war, you don't have to fight head-on. Various methods can be used.

One message after another was continuously sent back to the rear headquarters, and each message was extremely bad.

The troops sent to the demon city were all attacked without exception, and every army suffered heavy casualties.

The mission that was originally undertaken can no longer be carried out now.

The successive tragic losses finally made the officials realize that the Demon City was far more terrifying than imagined.

Those guys who have been clamoring to attack and raze the demon city to the ground obediently shut their mouths at this moment.

Many people even became frightened because of this, fearing that they would be retaliated by demons.

They are so afraid because they have been warned by Demon City that if someone harbors hostility again, Demon City will launch a retaliatory attack.

If it is an ordinary rebel, no matter how severe the warning is, it may not have much effect.

They are confident enough to have adequate security in their own territory.

However, such self-confidence is only aimed at ordinary people.

These demons appear out of thin air and possess unfettered extraordinary power, which is by no means beyond their control.

When encountering such an enemy, they no longer dare to act recklessly according to their own ideas as before.

When the outside world was shocked and clamored for revenge against the demon city, the dignitaries and the commanding staff rarely fell silent.

On the surface, they continued to denounce, but secretly racked their brains to find a solution to the problem.

There are even some dignitaries secretly trying to negotiate with Demon City. They don't want to solve the problem, but try to gain benefits.

They all covet extraordinary power. After all, no one can refuse power and immortality.

If you can succeed, even if you pay a high price, you will try to obtain the transaction.

What these people didn't expect was that the negotiation went very smoothly, and the demon was willing to provide items with magical abilities to help them gain health, vitality and longevity.

Traders only need to start wars in some places according to the requirements, and then let the monsters go to harvest the souls.

The final winner of the war must also be decided by the demons.

Things that seem difficult are actually very simple operations for these rich and powerful.

They have done something like this more than once, and have made a lot of money doing it.

Now returning to the old business, exchanging the souls of innocent people for benefits, without affecting the acquisition of wealth, naturally there is no reason to refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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