The regular power is extracted through the soul, and then stored in the mutant tree demon, and then it can be continuously refined.

When the refining is successful, the power of the rules can be yours.

When fighting and formulating rules, these refined rule powers can serve as the foundation of the omnipotent

Rules can be built faster, with stronger power, and the consumption of source power will be reduced accordingly.

Such a change will have a great impact on the improvement of strength, thus determining the level of the monster's realm.

Tang Zhen harvested part of the power of rules through war means. If it is used to enhance the strength of the realm, there will be no obvious improvement at all.

Tang Zhen knew this and planned to find another way.

Use the rule power as a consumable to form a temporary rule, so as to achieve the purpose of diving into the abyss.

Such an operation is undoubtedly very crazy, very few monsters would make such a choice.

It is difficult to obtain the power of rules, and it is easy to encounter accidents if you forcefully dive into the abyss. It is simply a joke with your life.

It's like a car, which only has enough fuel to go back and forth in a straight line. Once something goes wrong, it can't be recovered.

Tang Zhen's situation is special, and this kind of operation is more suitable. Although the loss of rule power makes people feel distressed, there is no better choice.

After previous accumulation, the reserved rule power had met the demand, and Tang Zhen decided to take action immediately.

He took out the rune skeleton and activated the last chance to use it, and soon a golden rune appeared.

The rune skull at this moment has deep cracks all over its surface, and it may disintegrate and shatter at any time.

Even without reading the prompt, Tang Zhen knew very well that this would be his last chance.

If this operation fails, it may mean that he has no chance with the artifact.

Although it is possible, Tang Zhen will not give up easily and will definitely find other available methods.

Follow the instructions all the way forward, crossing an extremely long distance again, until the rune skull disintegrated in an instant.


This situation is enough to show that the system he has been tracking is now at the bottom of the abyss beneath his feet.

Now that we have reached this moment, there is no need to hesitate any longer.

The rule power accumulated earlier was activated by Tang Zhen to formulate a temporary rule.

"Burning the power of rules, sent me to the depths of the abyss."

But in an instant, the rules were judged to be generated.

Under the mutated Dryad's feet, the originally rock-solid ground directly turned into a water-like substance.

Tang Zhen controlled the mutated tree demon, falling downwards at an extremely fast speed as if being pressed by a huge mountain above his head.

At this moment, he was surrounded by chaotic scenes, as if he was looking into a kaleidoscope.

All kinds of ravings and demonic thoughts, as well as the angry roars of monsters, kept coming like a tide.

These things will cause harm, and Tang Zhen must take the initiative to defend himself, otherwise he may suffer serious injuries during the dive.

Tang Zhen had prepared for a long time, wrapped himself tightly, and used all the defensive magic weapons.

At such a critical moment, when the equipment comes into play, you must not be stingy at all.

If the goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter even if it is damaged.

Just like this, he dived all the way, feeling the powerful demonic thoughts locking on him, but he was unable to launch an attack because he was too far away.

There were also demons from the abyss. After noticing that Tang Zhen was passing by, they launched a probing attack without hesitation.

These demons could sense that Tang Zhen was just a passing rookie, and he was not very strong.

With the strength he possesses, it is impossible for him to appear in the depths of the abyss.

It was precisely for this reason that the demons were curious and wanted to capture him and find out more about him.

There are also some monsters who only want to kill Tang Zhen and treat him as a delicious meal delivered to their door.

This dive process can be said to be extremely dangerous, and I almost died several times.

Tang Zhen had a clearer understanding of the dangers of the abyss, and at the same time secretly made up his mind.

If it is not necessary in the future, I will never dive easily.

As soon as this thought came up, a terrifying force struck, completely imprisoning the mutated tree demon's body.

Tang Zhen could see a figure as huge as a mountain ten thousand meters away from him.

Huge tentacle claws, hideous heads all over the body, and all kinds of strange organs that cannot be described.

Countless black lines spread around it, looking like long flowing hair.

This terrifying demon was staring at Tang Zhen with curiosity and greed in his eyes.

A long tentacle swept towards Tang Zhen, clearly trying to capture him.

How could Tang Zhen let the other party get what he wanted? The rune sword in his hand slashed out violently, and a bright sword glow fell directly on the tentacles.

After that pitch-black tentacle was chopped by the sword light, a deep scar appeared.

Tang Zhen had launched an attack before and was able to kill the demon with one sword, but at this moment, the full blow did not cut off the demon's organs.

The strength gap between the two sides can be compared from this.

Tang Zhen's heart trembled slightly. This blow failed to repel the opponent, and the consequences would be quite serious.

Sure enough, there was a roar, mixed with strong anger, and more tentacles came.

If he were hit by this monster, he would be shattered into pieces in an instant.

Seeing this, Tang Zhen quickly activated the bark shield, and at the same time took out the thunderbolt vajra.

The thunder and lightning spread in all directions, heading straight for those thick tentacles, trying to prevent them from approaching.

The bark shield turned into a wall to protect itself, and the runes on the surface kept flashing.

There is also an ancient bronze bell, showing a huge shadow, clasped on the body of the mutated tree demon.

But in the blink of an eye, the terrifying tentacles smashed over, causing the bark shield to disintegrate into pieces.


The bronze bell responsible for guarding made a deafening hum, and clear and dense cracks appeared on the surface.

Just a wave of attacks, the bark and the copper bell were severely damaged, and may disintegrate at any time.

But at the same time, the thunderbolt lightning released by Tang Zhen also caused huge damage to those tentacles.

Lightning flashed on the surface, the outer skin was scorched black and rotten, and even the end was broken.

The roar of the monster came again, obviously it was hurt, and it became more and more furious.

The body as huge as a mountain actually began to move slowly, approaching the location of the mutated tree demon.

There is a huge gap between the two sides, both in size and realm, it can be said to be overwhelmingly crushed.

Once being approached by the other party, the consequences will be disastrous.

Tang Zhen was eager to get out of the predicament, but he had already been imprisoned by the opponent's rules, and there was no way to get rid of it.

His current state was like an insect caught in a spider web, struggling to survive.

Despite their best efforts, little success has been achieved, and the terrifying Spider Hunter is approaching at high speed.

Is this operation really going to end in failure?
Tang Zhen was unwilling, but had nothing to do, and once again realized his weakness.

Under the protection of Lou Cheng, he has been going smoothly before, and the process of cultivation is no different from playing.

But once in the outside world, without the protection of Loucheng, one can experience all kinds of dangers.

For example, at this moment, he had no choice but to watch the demon approaching.

Maybe after a few breaths, he will become the opponent's delicacy, or he will be imprisoned and unable to escape.

Even though he was extremely unwilling, there was nothing he could do.

The only thing that can be done is to blew himself up, not giving the other party a chance to take advantage.

When this idea came up, Tang Zhen was about to explode himself.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a cold snort came, and the power that restrained Tang Zhen suddenly disappeared.

The monster rushing towards Tang Zhen stopped approaching suddenly at this moment, and then turned and fled.

From the eyes of the other party, Tang Zhen saw deep fear.

In the abyss below, a giant hand suddenly appeared and slammed on the monster's body.

Accompanied by a scream, the huge monster was thrown out like a ball.

When Tang Zhen was in shock, a force enveloped the mutated tree demon and pulled it directly into the depths of the abyss.

(End of this chapter)

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