I have a city in another world

Chapter 4879 Magic city, magic willow, and wonderful players.

Chapter 4879 Magic city, magic willow, and wonderful players.

A certain area in the underworld, originally without a name, is now occupied by players from Loucheng.

Since then it has been named Hope Plains.

In a sunken place like the underworld, a plain of hope appears. I don't know whether it is a mockery or a provocation.

The monsters entrenched here were killed and expelled by the players, so it became a quiet place.

There is a ruined city here, with a simple and majestic shape. It is unknown which world's imperial city was dragged into the underworld.

Now it has fallen into the hands of players, and it just happens to be remodeled as Loucheng's base camp in the underworld.

Hundreds of thousands of players are constantly busy in the city, transforming the city into a sinister atmosphere.

In fact, I don't blame the players, after all, the environment of the underworld is like this, lifeless all day long, full of all kinds of strange things.

The lit flame lanterns are also green and exude a spooky atmosphere.

When a monk stays in such a place, he will also be affected by the devilish energy, gradually turning into a strange appearance.

Not to mention that in this magical city, monsters will randomly appear from time to time. These are the real natives of the underworld.

Because of Tang Zhen's control, the monsters born inside the magic city are basically in human form.

However, the characteristics of monsters are also very obvious, and the differences from humans can be seen at a glance.

The predecessors of these monsters were the souls harvested by mutated tree monsters. They extracted the power of the rules and then put them here.

After they are born, they will be taken to the designated place by the player to learn various rules and skills.

Different from ordinary monsters, they all possess high intelligence and can even awaken some special talents.

With the teachings of the players, they will no longer be just ordinary cannon fodder, but will play a greater role.

For example, act as a construction worker, manage and build this magic city, or become a well-trained soldier.

According to ancient rumors, players even want to copy the underworld and set up various underworld officials.

It is said that a long time ago, this cultivation organization did exist, and it was also the overlord of the underworld.

I don’t know why, but it suddenly disappeared without a trace, and no relevant traces can be found again.

Many monks believe that this mysteriously disappearing practice organization is likely to be separated from the underworld and establish itself.

Xingyu is vast and boundless, maybe hidden in some corner, it is developing and growing silently.

Naturally, Tang Zhen would not interfere with the players' operations, but hoped that they would make the commotion even bigger.

A well-organized demon has a sense of superiority and looks more qualified than other demons.

If it can lead the trend and let other monsters follow suit, it would actually be a good thing.

Tang Zhen found the best building in the dilapidated imperial city to use as his private territory.

A group of little monsters wearing big pants and shirtless were working very hard to clean up the garbage and filth.

In a large square, he saw a flower bed with a dead thousand-year-old tree standing there.

After walking around the tree twice, Tang Zhen nodded and took out a black seed.

When he left, the demon god quietly presented a black seed, which belonged to the same source as the magic sword Yuzhu.

This seed is very magical. You only need to find a carrier and provide enough fertilizer to grow smoothly.

Reaching out and gently shaking, the seeds fell into the mud under the roots of the tree, but there was no movement.

Tang Zhen was not in a hurry, but drove a group of little demons to pour the processed demon flesh and blood into the flower bed.

For seeds, demon flesh and blood is the best fertilizer.

But in the blink of an eye, the seeds burst out of the shell, and the black shoots grew rapidly like vines.

I saw it surrounding the big tree, constantly growing slender roots, and piercing deeply into the tree.

The thousand-year-old tree that had long withered, but at this moment it glowed with strange vitality, and tree buds slowly sprouted from the broken position.

After a closer look, it was clearly a part of the vine, which burrowed into the tree and grew out again.

In the following time, the two sides will gradually merge until they are completely integrated.

Accompanied by a crackling sound, this thousand-year-old tree, which had been dead for many years, grew tall again.

Looking at the appearance of this ancient tree, it is not a straight ink-colored polygonatum, but more like an ancient willow with a gloomy air.

Under the nourishment of the fleshy fertilizer, the thousand-year-old tree grew extremely fast, and the canopy almost covered half of the square.

When it was about to sprout and take leaves, Tang Zhen received the idea of ​​an ancient tree, saying that there was not enough flesh and blood fertilizer.

This is not a problem. Tang Zhen had already prepared for the players to capture and imprison a large number of monsters.

Following an order, the demons were driven to the square to be used as flower fertilizer for the ancient trees.

Without the player having to do anything, the roots of the ancient tree burst out of the ground, binding these monsters and sucking them into mummies.

The bloody scene of bones piled up is also in line with the style of the underworld, adding a bit of eerie color.

After obtaining enough nutrients and absorbing magic power on its own, this thousand-year-old tree finally grew branches and willow leaves as slender as a knife.

Monsters are violent and fierce by nature, and it is more appropriate to use a sword. Tang Zhen also considered this before modifying the tree species.

As the trees continue to grow, the dense willow leaves also change, taking the shape of a slender seedling knife, with metallic light gradually appearing on the surface.

When colliding with each other, there will be a crisp sound.

Over time, willow leaves will become tougher and runes will be formed on the surface.

When the leaves mature and fall, they can be given to players and monsters to use, becoming one of the iconic weapons of the Demon City.

Tang Zhen watched from the sidelines, and after confirming that there was no problem, he handed over the training work to a group of demon laborers.

This kind of magic tree has thick branches and leaves, so it doesn't need to be carefully cared for, it only needs to provide nutrients regularly.

In the following time, Tang Zhen wandered around this magical city and communicated with players from time to time.

Now that Tang Zhen's identity as a player is no longer a secret, he simply stopped covering it up.

If the city lord and the people enjoy themselves together, it can indeed bring them closer together, so why not do it.

During the inspection, Tang Zhen once again marveled at the players' brains, they can really do anything.

For example, the players in front of them have built a shop in the magic city, which specializes in selling all kinds of exotic clothes.

Tang Zhen felt speechless for a while looking at those outlandish clothes sewn from rags and fur and dug out of the soil.

Mourning clothes, shrouds, and funerary objects in the tomb are also hung in the shop, exuding a stale and stench.

There are actually many cinnabar charms sewn on some weird clothes, and they are genuine.

If you accidentally activate it, you will suffer damage, just like holding a grenade as a walnut and playing it in your hand.

This group of weird guys actually commanded a group of little demons to rummage through the ruins of the city looking for rags.

All kinds of rags filled the open space behind the shop.

Not to mention how talented they are, after those tattered materials have been transformed, their appearance is really ghastly.

However, this kind of clothing is very popular among players, who think it is very personal when worn.

However, in a short period of time, dozens of players visited the store, and they all wore a hand-made costume when they left.

Although this kind of behavior is strange, it can be regarded as a wise way to make money. Not only should you not suppress the other party, but on the contrary, you must provide key support.

There are enough obvious characteristics to make people feel deep in memory. Player monsters in strange clothes can also be regarded as promoting the magic city.

A shop not far away specializes in selling all kinds of coffins.

Loucheng players are indeed weird, actually selling this kind of stuff in the underworld.

Of course, it is not an ordinary coffin, but a modified magic weapon, which can be used as a means of transportation, and can also be used as storage equipment.

Of course, the main purpose is to cultivate all kinds of zombies, which can continuously improve their strength.

Those who have such needs are basically human players, and now they have directly become magic monks.

As a demonic monk, it is completely normal to carry a few coffins with you and a few zombies inside.

(End of this chapter)

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