I have a city in another world

Chapter 4886: When crisis comes, take the initiative.

Chapter 4886: When crisis comes, take the initiative.

The environment of Guteng Sect is good, but unfortunately there are too many restrictions, which makes it impossible for people to have fun.

The Gu Teng Sect chose to open the area below the [-]th floor to the public, allowing outside monks to visit and hang out.

Areas above [-] floors are classified as restricted areas, and trespassers will be severely punished.

For many Zongmen cultivators, being able to enter areas above a hundred floors is a very honorable thing.

If you just want to buy and sell things, the space on the [-]th floor is enough.

If the sect monks carry a large amount of supplies, they can also rent temporary stalls and sell them to the practitioners attending the gathering.

However, such transactions require a certain commission, and private transactions are never allowed.

Once discovered, severe punishment will be imposed.

This kind of business is not easy to do, the price is set too high, no one will ask to buy, because there are also sales in the shop of the Guteng sect.

But if the price is too low, plus a commission, it would be better to wholesale it directly to the Guteng Sect.

The Guteng Sect uses this despicable method to openly engage in buying low and selling high, making it impossible for other sects to do business.

The major sects complained about this kind of bullying and domination, but there was nothing they could do about it.

The Guteng sect's powerful strength is by no means something they can resist, and the consequences of provoking it are likely to usher in destruction.

The only thing that can be done is to constantly adapt to the environment until it gradually grows stronger.

It can be concluded from this that in the seemingly glamorous and prosperous true spiritual world, practitioners are actually burdened with a heavy burden.

The beautiful descriptions of practitioners do not apply to the true spiritual world, but are mixed with more worldly atmosphere.

High-level practitioners in the real spirit world, like blood-sucking demons, crazily squeeze low-level practitioners.

Relying on this accumulation of resources, he got the opportunity to overcome the tribulation and become an immortal.

But how do you know that behind the scenes, there is actually a family of beasts, acting as the harvesters of the ultimate benefits.

Tang Zhen could only say that he deserved it.

While Tang Zhen was wandering around the market, he discovered another thing, which was extremely unfriendly to practitioners of low-level sects.

Many key cultivation materials cannot be purchased on the market and must be purchased at officially designated locations.

Not only will the quantity be limited, but additional merit will be paid, otherwise there is no way to obtain it.

Merit is another means of exploitation.

If the Zongmen can pass the annual review, they can get part of the basic merits, and if they fail, part of the merits will be deducted.

When the merit shows a negative number, it can be deducted with practice materials. When the total exceeds zero, it cannot be purchased with practice materials.

To get more meritorious service, you must complete various tasks.

The Guteng sect uses this method to control all major sects, so that all resources are under control.

The limited supply of cultivation materials will definitely have an impact on the major sects, but there is nothing they can do about it.

Because cultivation resources are limited, elite monks will be trained intensively, while ordinary monks can only take a sip of soup.

In the end, elite monks will be recruited by superior sects, while other monks are just high-level wage earners.

Such a trading environment gave Tang Zhen the idea that he might be able to use this incident to plunge the Guteng School into chaos.

For Lou Cheng, the more chaotic the environment, the easier it is to hide its own existence.

If possible, it would be best to cause chaos in the entire true spirit world.

After shopping around all the places he should visit, Tang Zhen didn't want to buy anything. After all, there was no shortage of anything in the city.

He tasted the special delicacies of the True Spirit World, and he felt that the taste was not bad.

Before I knew it, three days passed.

On this day, all the cultivators of the sect gathered in the square under the giant vine, and the cultivators of different sects each occupied a place.

At this moment, practitioners were also standing on top of the giant vine, looking down from a height.

The leader of the Guteng Sect, as well as the elders and other high-level monks, appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

They are luxuriously dressed, with austere bearing, exuding the aura of high-level powerhouses.

The suzerain of the Guteng sect is a monk at the peak of transforming into an infant, and he is only one step away from being promoted to the stage of returning to the void.

Looking at the many practitioners below, Sect Master Guteng nodded in satisfaction and began to speak in public.

The content is also very old-fashioned. It is nothing more than summarizing the past and looking forward to the future, emphasizing the importance of the Guteng sect, and hoping that other sects can work harder.

At the same time, the date of the Zongmen Grand Competition was announced. At that time, practitioners from all major Zongmen will gather in the Guteng Zong again.

At the end of the speech at the rally, Sect Master Guteng reminded all sects to maintain a high degree of vigilance in the recent period.

If there are unknown practitioners who enter the Gu Teng Mansion, all major sects must investigate clearly.

Once an abnormal situation is discovered, it must be reported as soon as possible without any delay.

If there is a problem, it must be held accountable and severely punished.

For such an order, the monks of the various sects were a little at a loss, unable to understand the reason.

Could it be that practitioners from other places are trying to invade the Guteng Sect, or are some evil heretics sneaking out to cause trouble?
The Guteng Sect Master did not explain the specific situation, and the monks did not dare to ask any more questions.

But he secretly made up his mind to pay attention to this matter after returning to his sect.

Tang Zhen, who was in the square, looked calm at the moment, but felt a little surprised in his heart.

He had a feeling that this order was aimed at Lou Cheng.

It may be some enemies who use special means to determine the arrival of Loucheng, but there is no way to determine the exact location.

So he issued an order to rely on this wide-net search to try to find traces of Lou Cheng.

Once the location is determined, further actions will inevitably be taken, which is not good news for Lou Cheng.

The enemy's movement speed is much faster than imagined.

The enemy has already launched an operation, and Tang Zhen will definitely not sit still. Originally, he planned to observe for a while, but now he feels that it is unnecessary.

We must start from now on and take action immediately to counterattack the enemy's actions.

It is best to turn passive into active, destroy the original rules, and let the enemy completely mess up.

Only when the situation is chaotic, Loucheng will have more opportunities.

At this moment, in Tang Zhen's mind, various thoughts popped up one after another, and they were constantly deduced.

Loucheng has enough strength and means to do something in the real spirit world and cause a huge enough impact.

Of course, such an operation requires a certain price and even takes huge risks.

But now Tang Zhen doesn't have much choice, unless there is a way to leave the real spirit world.

The teleportation function has just been used, and now it has entered the cooldown period. If you want to start remote teleportation again, you must wait until the cooldown period expires.

Moreover, the next teleportation will still be limited to the true spirit world. If you want to break through the plane crystal wall and go to other worlds, you must wait for Lou Cheng to advance to a higher level.

At least for a short time, there is no need to think about this thing again.

After the sect gathering is over, the monks from each major sect will return one after another to prepare for the next sect competition.

There are also some practitioners who have already negotiated the conditions during the period, and will leave after returning to the sect.

All the major sects have long been accustomed to such things. Some sects will do their best to retain them, while the vast majority of sects will let the other party leave.

This is a rule of the higher-level sect. You must not stop a practitioner from changing jobs. Otherwise, you will not only be punished, but you may also suffer grudges and revenge from the monk in the future.

How to choose, needless to say.

Zongmen monks above the sixth level will take a high-level cloud boat to return to their sect, while monks from low-level sects can only return the same way.

There is no way to use the teleportation array, because it is only a one-way teleportation array that can only go back and forth but not back.

This type of teleportation array is cheaper to build and much less difficult to build.

On the official road leaving Guteng Sect, cloud boats can be seen flying by from time to time, which is regarded as a grand scene by the people along the way.

But this time the return journey is destined to be different from the past, because there is a big opportunity waiting for them.

(End of this chapter)

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