I have a city in another world

Chapter 4895 Crisis and Opportunity

Chapter 4895 Crisis and Opportunity

But in a short time, the wilderness was in chaos.

The Guteng Sect monks who were on a mission struggled with those demonized monks, but they soon fell into a disadvantage.

Although the demonized monk is dull and numb, his fighting power has become stronger, and he can even cast strange magic.

The monk of the Guteng sect secretly groaned in his heart.

Seeing those ants rushing into the gate of the magic city with a positioning ring in their hands, their hearts were full of unwillingness.

It's a pity that this wilderness under the red moon is the temporary territory of the Demon City, and it is not their turn to make the decision.

The ants holding the positioning ring can hide their bodies as long as they get close, so that the monks of the Guteng sect cannot find them.

When they are in danger, they only need a thought, and demonized monks will rush forward to rescue them.

Various methods of operation will emerge naturally, and the holder can activate it with a single thought.

Relying on the protection of the Demon City, these ants successfully entered the Demon City, but rarely saw anyone return.

This group of cunning guys will deliberately stay for a while, so as to avoid the robbery of the Guteng sect.

The battle continued, and in the face of the demonized monks who were not afraid of death, the practitioners of the Guteng sect retreated steadily.

Although the number of casualties has not been counted so far, it must have already exceeded a hundred.

In less than one night, the number of casualties reached the previous total, which really made the monks of the Guteng Sect panic.

If we keep fighting until dawn and maintain this high-intensity battle, who knows how much sacrifice we will have to make?
Such a huge consumption is just to prevent those ants from obtaining immortality. If you think about it carefully, it is really not worth it.

The Gutengzong monks on the battlefield are now full of complaints in their hearts. They secretly released water and refused to do their best as before.

The elders of the sect who were in charge of the command were helpless and simply turned a blind eye.

Such a huge sacrifice made him feel heartbroken and uneasy. Although the Guteng Sect had a profound foundation, it could not withstand such a sacrifice.

Perhaps from the very beginning, this war was a mistake, because Gutengzong's greed and conceit led to this situation today.

It is meaningless to talk about these things at this moment. The sect’s plan must be implemented.

Otherwise, the previous sacrifices will be wasted.

Unknowingly, dawn came quietly.

The demonized monks wandering in the wilderness disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only a messy battlefield in the end.

It can be seen that there are many broken corpses, but their identities are all monks of the Guteng sect.

Seeing this tragic scene, the surviving practitioners were silent, but their eyes were full of hesitation and hatred.

They also began to doubt whether this war was meaningful and whether the Guteng Sect was the ultimate winner.

The tragic battle and shocking casualties have gradually made them lose confidence.

Not long after, another group of cloud boats came slowly, carrying monks who had come to hand over their shifts.

Looking at the tragic battlefield, the succeeding practitioners were filled with astonishment.

Although it was expected that there must be a fierce battle last night, they did not expect the scene to be so tragic.

More than 700 Guteng Sect monks died in the battle last night, but only more than 100 illegal entrants were killed.

Only more than 70 demonized monks were killed, and the casualty ratio was as high as ten to one.

Faced with this result, there was silence on the battlefield, and an atmosphere of sadness and anger was brewing.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see clearly that if this situation continues, the Gu Teng Sect will inevitably suffer serious losses.

Even if they win in the end, it will be just a miserable victory.

It will take a long time to regain vitality, and there is a high possibility of accidents during the period.

After thousands of years of peace, the Guteng Sect was finally challenged and is now facing a fatal crisis.

After a silent handover, the Guteng sect monks who had fought hard all night withdrew, and they will return to the sect for cultivation.

After a few days, they will arrive at the battlefield and continue to repeat the battle of last night.

Thinking of such an arrangement, the monks felt depressed and wanted to jump out of this death vortex immediately.

Otherwise, maybe next time, it will be their turn to lie here.

The senior officials of Guteng Sect were well aware of the situation on the battlefield, but no one spoke out.

The plan has been made, and the next thing to do is to stick to it and wait until the reinforcements arrive.

However, considering the actual situation, patrol defense will most likely be reduced to avoid further large-scale casualties.

If the Demon City is successfully resolved, these ants are nothing to mention, and there will always be a way to wipe them all out.

In the days to come, just wait quietly.


Far away from the battlefield, an old figure slowly appeared, looking at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

After confirming that there was no problem, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, with a secretly happy expression on his face.

His name is Anxin, he is a warrior, and he has been full of desire for practice since he was a child.

Becoming a practitioner is his biggest dream.

But as he gradually grew up and learned more and more truths, Anxin realized how difficult it was to become a practitioner.

Not only talent is required, but background is also required, just like a business that is sure to make a profit and not lose money, naturally it must be reserved for others to enjoy.

There are not many practitioners in the real spirit world, and they are basically casual practitioners.

The monks from various major sects have various backgrounds.

An Xin tried his best, but he could only become a warrior, and had no chance of becoming a fairy.

For forty years across the rivers and lakes, I have traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers, and I have been fortunate enough to visit some practice sects during this period.

But every time, I came back with regrets.

As he grew older, Anxin reluctantly accepted his fate and gave up his desire to seek immortality.

But in the bottom of my heart, I was naturally full of regret and resignation.

Originally, he thought he would die with regrets, but he didn't expect an opportunity to fall from the sky.

Seeing the introduction of the positioning ring, his mind immediately became active. In order not to let himself regret, An Xin finally decided to give it a go.

He picked a good horse, made all kinds of preparations, and then waited quietly for nightfall.

But he never dreamed that he was so lucky that the entrance to the Magic City would appear near his home.

Seeing the light rising into the sky, Anxin hurried forward and headed straight for the fairy fate he longed for.

When he first saw those demonized monks, An Xin was filled with fear. Even though he was a warrior, he was no match for the demons.

However, the positioning ring informed that these are the guardians of the fairyland, protecting the safety of all those who enter.

If necessary, these guards can also be mobilized to protect their own safety in a short period of time.

Anxin did not try these functions. He just wanted to enter quickly to avoid losing this rare opportunity.

During this period, he also discovered that there were many people nearby who were now in a wait-and-see mode.

An Xin understands the caution of these guys very well. Good things like pie in the sky often have fatal traps hidden behind them.

In the past, he might have hesitated to observe until it was safe to take action.

But today's Anxin has long experienced the prosperity of the world, and only wants to step into the fairyland.

Even if it cost his life, he was still willing to fight once, and he would have no regrets or complaints.

An Xin has long understood a truth after searching hard all his life.

The key to the journey of cultivating immortality lies in a fight, and if there is no fight, it will be fleeting.

Therefore, at this moment, even if there may be danger, Anxin still has no hesitation.

His decisive behavior was obviously the right choice, and what happened later proved this point.

Before entering the magic city, he was just a warrior. After staying in the magic city for one night, he has already opened up a spiritual vein and stepped into the fairy road.

Recalling the exercises he learned and the various items he obtained, An Xin felt inexplicably excited.

From today onwards, he will also be a cultivator. Although he does not belong to the sect, he is also qualified to ask for longevity.

Besides, how can those cultivating sects compare with the Demon City? They have everything they want, and they also support gold and silver trading.

As an ordinary person, An Xin only had gold and silver in his hands, but none of the spirit stones used by monks.

I never dreamed that I could trade gold and silver in the Demon City to buy supplies for monks.

Anxin doesn't know why Magic City charges gold and silver, but it doesn't affect his support for this kind of transaction.

I was even more secretly happy in my heart. I must hurry up and exchange all the gold and silver I had accumulated at home with cultivation materials.

(End of this chapter)

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