Chapter 4897
As night fell, the surrounding area was completely silent.

The birds and beasts seemed to sense something, curled up and shivered, and even the bugs became silent.

The moon in the sky turned blood red, as if a blood eye was staring at the earth.

The unspeakable strange force is coming quietly, slowly invading this world.

Unknowingly, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the tips of some plants were covered with frost.

The hazy mist slowly rose over the woods and fields, making it impossible to see too far away.

"Ho ho ho..."

Strange figures, like ancient statues, suddenly appeared in the wilderness.

He was five meters tall, with tattered robes on his body, and weapons such as swords and animal bones in his hands.

With blood-red eyes staring, he kept looking around, like the most loyal watchdog.

They walked back and forth in the wilderness, but there was no damage to the places they stepped on. It turned out that everything below the legs was tangible.

Such demonized monks also appeared in nearby cities and villages, constantly walking and patrolling the streets.

Not long after, a green beam of light appeared in the night sky, tearing through the night sky and reaching into the sky.

After this beam of light appeared, figures rushed from all directions.

Their speed was extremely fast, as if they were racing against time, passing through the middle of the demonized monks.

The demonized monk turned a blind eye to these figures.

Similarly, some figures rushed out from the entrance of the magic city under the beam of light, and then disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

The scene of people going in and out looked very lively, but also had a strange nervousness and rush.

There is a reason for such a situation, because it won't take long for the practitioners of the Guteng sect to arrive here.

Once they arrive at the scene, they will not ask any questions and will kill someone directly when they see them.

Before that, some villages and towns were killed by Guteng sect monks because of the incident.

For this kind of massacre, the monks of the Guteng sect took it for granted, but it was just some ants, so what if they killed them all?
If you want to blame it, you can only blame the Demon City for not appearing. That is the source of all disasters.

Sure enough, not long after, a stream of light flashed across the sky, and the Gu Teng Sect's Yunzhou flew towards them at great speed.

Seeing this scene, some casual cultivators quickly manipulated the positioning ring to hide their traces of action.

Otherwise, once targeted, it is very likely to be killed remotely.

There were some idiots who didn't know how to use the invisibility function of the positioning ring before, and they were killed while entering and exiting the magic city.

A guy like this deserves his death.

Soon they discovered that something was very wrong tonight, and the number of monks who appeared was ten times as many as before.

There is a great possibility that the Gu Teng Sect will come out in full force.

"Surround this place, don't let anyone go!"

A cold command came from the Gu Teng Sect's Yunzhou.

The spirit boats in the air quickly dispersed and surrounded the entire area affected by the Demon City, ensuring that not even a mouse could escape.

This time, the Gu Teng Sect really went all out and even used a combined rune array.

There are tens of thousands of magic weapons activated at the same time.

Bright balls of light rose rapidly from all directions, representing the smooth operation of the rune array.

After the Guteng Sect completed the siege, two more cloud boats flew in from a distance and rushed over menacingly.

Without the slightest pause, he went straight to the entrance of the magic city.

At the same time, the demonized monk wandering in the wilderness raised his head to the sky and let out a roar.

Lock the cloud boat in the air and launch attacks one after another.

At this moment, the temperature began to drop rapidly, and the icy air mass rushed towards Yunzhou.

The silvery white frost quickly condensed to form a thick ice shell, causing Yun Zhou's speed and height to continue to decrease.

The practitioners on Yunzhou all had solemn expressions at this moment, ready to fight at any time.

Before they acted, although they knew the enemy was ferocious, they never expected that the start would be so difficult.

I originally thought that I could rush directly into the Demon City in one go, but now it seems that I may not succeed.

Sure enough, as the thought rose, Yunzhou was covered with thicker and thicker frost, and it might fall to the ground at any time.

"Be prepared and join me in entering the Demonic City!"

On the Ziyun Sect's Yunzhou, the leading Void Returning monk gave an order and slashed forward with the long sword in his hand.

The demonized monk blocking the way was pierced by this sword light one after another, collapsed on the ground and screamed continuously.


The two overwhelmed cloud boats finally fell to the ground, crashing into deep pits one after another.

The practitioners of the Purple Cloud Sect and the monks of the Guteng Sect who participated in the battle all rushed out of the cloud boat roaring at this moment.

The entrance to the magic city is just ahead, and there is nothing blocking it.

Practitioners from the two sects rushed directly to the nine-storey archway as fast as lightning.

But in the blink of an eye, he had already entered the magic city.

However, what appeared in front of him was not a bustling and bustling magic city, but countless magic monks.

They looked at the two monks with smiles full of smiles, like a group of hunters.

In the wilderness on both sides, there is a hundred-foot-tall demon king and countless little demons, their eyes full of bloodthirsty desire.

The two monks were shocked, they did not expect to encounter such a situation.

Especially the leader of the Ziyun Sect, looking at those terrifying monsters, his original indifferent expression suddenly changed.

"Underworld demon!"

In his eyes, there was a deep fear and a trace of regret.

The Guteng Sect Leader next to him was also full of shock at this moment. He didn't expect that the Demon City's lineup was so strong.

Originally, he thought it was possible. As long as reinforcements from the Ziyun Sect arrived, they would definitely be able to defeat the Demon City.

But now it seems that this trip may be a disaster.

As soon as the thought came up, a roar was heard, and some demons couldn't wait to attack.

The demon monks controlled by the player are like ghosts at this moment, rushing towards the monks of the two sects.

The fierce and fierce battle officially started at this moment.

On a tall tower in Loucheng, Tang Zhen looked in the direction of the battlefield with a calm expression.

Within the scope of the magic city, players can come back from the dead, no matter how many enemies come, there is no need to be afraid.

Today's two monks are destined to come and go.

The opponent who cannot be killed, cannot be killed, which enemy is not afraid?
When encountering an enemy that is too strong, Tang Zhen can also summon a mutant tree demon and use its true body projection to fight.

The mutated tree demon located in the abyss has obtained the souls of tens of thousands of practitioners, and its strength has been greatly improved.

The souls of the monks who have been stripped of their rules are now thrown into the altar of the Demon City and transformed into new monsters.

Because of Tang Zhen, the mutated tree demon can cast its power into the real spirit world, and the demonized monk is a puppet controlled by it.

The mutated tree demon is also a puppet, and the real controller is Tang Zhen.

Gu Teng Sect Master never dreamed that the mastermind behind the scenes that he hated so much was actually right under his nose.

Pretending to be a little suzerain, he looked at him with a cold look.

At the same time, he should also be lucky that Tang Zhen did not launch an attack, otherwise he would also appear on the death list.

Unlike other sects, the special envoys of the Guteng Sect were controlled from the beginning.

That guy didn't enjoy any privileges in Huayumen. Instead, he lived on tenterhooks all the time.

Before carrying out the mission, the special envoy thought it was a fat job, and he could take the opportunity to reap a lot of benefits.

In order to please the special envoy, Hua Yumen must give gifts, so as to get a few good words.

When he came to Huayumen, ready to show the majesty of the superior sect, he found that something was very wrong.

Those monks who should have been in awe after seeing him showed malicious smiles.

Soon he was horrified to discover that he was actually the weakest monk in this ninth-level sect?

He is from a third-level sect, but the Huayu sect is only a ninth-level sect, there shouldn't be such a big difference in realm.

Then the only possibility is that there is something wrong with Huayumen, and these practitioners are all fakes.

Although he knew the truth, he was unable to tell the sect at all, and eventually became a controlled puppet.

(End of this chapter)

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