Chapter 4969
It is easy to ask God to send God away, and this has been the case since ancient times.

Regardless of whether it is a good god or an evil god, once it comes, it is difficult to be sent away.

In the final analysis, it is still not easy to come, coupled with greed, always thinking about getting more benefits.

When greed has no bottom line, it will get out of hand and eventually become a disaster.

Tang Zhen knew this, so how could he not take precautions.

The abyssal demon god in front of him violated the previous spirit contract, and was the target of Demon City's attack.

Just use this matter to beat those disobedient guys and let them know the importance of obeying the contract.

Tang Zhen waved his hand, and it was a rule talisman.

This rule talisman also comes from the cornerstone platform, and is a treasure that Tang Zhen discovered during his usual hunting.

Top-level items like this must not be wasted easily, but wait for the critical moment to be used.

For example, at this moment, punishing the disobedient Abyss Demon God can demonstrate its powerful power.

The moment the rule talisman appeared, the abyss demon god in the form of a giant worm turned pale with fright, because he felt the fatal danger.

Although he had just broken up, he was not in a hurry to take action. The purpose was to see what Demon City could do.

Determine the strength of the magic city and then launch a targeted attack.

Such an operation is not because I am afraid of the Magic City, but because I want to win more securely.

Facing the attack of the regular talisman, the giant insect demon was completely dumbfounded. Not to mention that the clone could not withstand it, even if the main body arrived, it would not be able to withstand it.

Why is the magic city's hidden methods so terrifying? It can even be said to be killing a chicken with a butcher's knife!

It's like an ordinary mortal who sees a train crashing into him, and he has to bear it with his flesh and blood.

If you withstand the collision of the train, you may survive, otherwise you will die.

What will happen to him, the giant worm demon knows best in his heart.

Sensing the approaching crisis, the Giant Insect Demon God roared and began to resist with all his strength.

Ants are still alive, let alone an existence like the Abyssal Demon God, they are definitely not willing to obediently wait for death.

Regardless of whether you can carry it or not, you still have to try it.

But in his heart, he had long since regretted it, and should not have broken the contract because of greed.

He will pay a very painful price for his actions.

I am afraid that there is no way to take back the power of the soul that builds the projection, and the flesh and blood soul that I worked so hard to absorb will be wasted.

The key is that if you break your trust, you will inevitably be retaliated against, and there will be no possibility of cooperation in the future.

The more I think about it, the more annoyed I become, and I always feel that I am stupid.

This giant worm demon god from the abyss has excellent mind and perseverance, but he can't pass the test of greed.

The stronger the strength you have, the more uncontrollable your greed will be, which may also be a drawback brought about by practice.

It is precisely because of the influence of greed that he does this kind of thing that violates the rules, always thinking of taking all the benefits in his own hands.

Things that don't belong to you will inevitably be punished after you take them, especially the group of demons, who may need their lives to make up for their mistakes.

The onlookers saw a glare of light, followed by a shrill scream, and that hideous figure as huge as a mountain quickly disintegrated.

It seemed that the giant worm demon god did not take the initiative to dodge, but forcibly suffered a fatal blow.

In fact, this is not the case. The Demon God of the Abyss has already tried his best to dodge, but somehow he cannot avoid it at all.

The demonic body restricted by rules can only withstand one blow.

All the defensive measures he had accumulated fell apart upon contact, and his soul was instantly annihilated.

Tang Zhen made a move, a one-hit kill!

At the same time, a shrill howl erupted from a hidden area in the abyss.

"Mocheng, I will take revenge!"

The Abyss Demon God in the form of a giant insect roared viciously, but his tone was somewhat powerless.

After being injured this time, it may take hundreds of years to recover, and at the same time, it will have to be under smooth conditions.

The severely wounded Abyssal Demon God turned around and ran away without hesitation after recovering a bit.

This confrontation made him aware of the horror of the Demon City, and he no longer had any thoughts of revenge.

All I could think about was escaping, hiding as hidden as possible, and not being found by the Demon City.

Otherwise, according to the soul contract, he is likely to lose his life, or become a slave for ten thousand years.

No matter which outcome, it was definitely not what He wanted, and escaping became the best option.

There is no need to say more about the fear and regret in my heart.

But more regrettable, if the previous plan is successful, the true spirit world will be taken as his own.

If you can manage it well, you can freely demand soul blood food, and become the supreme existence is just around the corner.

But this kind of thing is just a thought. How can there be so many good things in the world?

More than one abyssal demon god had such an idea, but most of them can control their greed.

They are very clear that the contract is definitely not a dead letter, and Demon City must have enough confidence to dare to do such a thing.

Soon these demon gods who signed the contract received a wanted order from the Demon City to hunt down an abyss demon god who violated the contract.

The Abyss Demon God is very cautious and will not reveal his true name, so he does not know the specific identity of the other party.

It just announced its appearance and the aura it possesses. If it can be found, it can directly inform the magic city.

Few people can receive a bounty for such a demon arrest warrant, but the crux of the problem is not here.

Demon City kills violators and launches wanted arrests. This is a display of strength.

Warn the other abyssal demon gods, don't violate the rules and make mistakes, otherwise they will inevitably suffer tragic consequences.

Magic City has enough power to make defaulters pay a heavy price.

In the Demon City Alliance at this moment, apart from the Moon Deer Clan, other races were also under siege.

The attacks of the divine beasts and angels were not carried out simultaneously, and they did not know what their plans were.

Maybe they want to test it out, know the foundation of the magic city, and facilitate a large-scale attack.

Unexpectedly, the beast angel who first launched the attack was killed directly by the Abyss Demon God.

But even so, the beast clan still started to act, and at the same time attacked the members of the Demon City Alliance.

At this moment, the Magic City Alliance is facing a huge challenge, and every true spirit race needs rescue.

Every member of the Demon City Alliance needs to face a beast angel, all of whom control the ultimate strength of the true spirit world.

The monks in the tribulation stage are simply vulnerable in front of the beasts and angels.

Encountering such a situation, any practice organization will have a headache, and the enemy believes that the same is true for the magic city.

This idea is correct. Under normal circumstances, Demon City really has no way to deal with it.

But the Demon City is not simple, it is not an ordinary practice organization, and it has extraordinary means.

Demon City had already predicted the actions of the divine beasts and made corresponding preparations in advance.

At the same time as the angel of the beast descended, the demon city also began to call, and the demon gods in the abyss also responded one by one.

None of the demon gods hesitated, and they all came to the real spirit world immediately, and fought with the beasts and angels.

The strength of the beast angel is not weak, and the talent means are fierce and extraordinary. It is impossible for ordinary monks to be opponents.

In terms of innate ability, the beast clan has the best advantage, and it is by no means comparable to that of human monks.

It is the same point that makes the beast family proud, and ordinary races are not regarded by them at all.

But their opponents this time were demons from the underworld, each of them a truly strong man who emerged from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In the eyes of the Abyssal Demon God, the fighting power that the beast clan is proud of is no different from fighting with children.

In this confrontation between the two sides, the Abyss Demon God told the other party with the facts, what is a real life-and-death fight!

This defense battle was fought in darkness, and the magic city won the final victory.

Of the ten divine beast angels that descended, nine were devoured by their projection avatars, and the remaining one was even more miserable, being imprisoned by the Abyssal Demon God using a secret technique.

In the days to come, you will inevitably suffer torture and pay an even more tragic price.

(End of this chapter)

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