Chapter 4987
The plan of beauties on all sides would not work at all with Tang Zhen.

It now has only two choices, either to tell the truth, and then cooperate sincerely with Tang Zhen.

Either give up on Tang Zhen and find a new target.

But the problem is that finding the right partner is much more difficult than imagined.

Maybe after missing Tang Zhen, there will no longer be a suitable candidate.

With the movement of the beasts, there is not much time left for the beauties on all sides, which is the real reason for its panic.

If the Divine Beast Clan makes a big move and successfully completes the trial, they will receive the legacy of the various Divine Beasts.

Remains, exercises, treasures, and various inheritances.

For such a situation, the beauty on all sides absolutely cannot accept it, because all this belongs to it.

Anyone who dares to pretend is its sworn enemy.

The four-faced beauty is the spirit bred from the remains of the mythical beast after its death, but it has little to do with the original body.

Strictly speaking, it is an existence equivalent to excrement, but it just claims to be the rebirth of an ancient beast.

He believed that everything left in the tomb belonged to him.

However, due to the restrictions of the rules, the Four-Faced Beauty cannot obtain the inheritance of the original body, and must rely on the help of the tester.

The monks of the beast family must not be able to cooperate, and the monks without background are the best candidates.

It's hard to meet Tang Zhen, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult.

While it was still hesitating, Tang Zhen lost his patience and said in a cold voice: "You want to get benefits but don't want to pay anything. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Appearing in the image of a beauty with four faces, but in fact she is as timid as a mouse, timid in doing things, it is simply ridiculous.

I can be sure now that you are definitely not a beauty all around, you are just a fake! "

As soon as Tang Zhen said this, the expressions of the beauties around them changed suddenly, and they changed again extremely quickly.

Many tentacles under the red umbrella stretched out and danced wantonly, proving the restlessness of the beauties all around.

It wanted to attack Tang Zhen, but suddenly pulled back when it got close, obviously hesitating in its heart.

Tang Zhen's words were equivalent to exposing the disguise of the beauties all around, making it impossible for him to maintain his composure.

The strongest thought in my heart was to kill Tang Zhen, so that he could hide the secret that he was a fake.

The main reason for his desperation was actually the shame in his heart, as if he pretended to be a billionaire but was exposed mercilessly.

This made the beauties on all sides who had been emphasizing their identity and wanting to overwhelm others feel a deep sense of shame.

Only by killing Tang Zhen can this sense of shame be erased.

But its intuition tells it that if it really does this, it will definitely regret it.

When it raised its killing intent, it could clearly feel that there was a terrifying threat of death coming from somewhere.

This made the beauty on all sides very puzzled, it was just a small ant, why would it cause such a terrible death crisis when trying to kill him?

I was puzzled, but became more cautious because of it.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen became more and more disdainful.

"If my predictions are correct, you must be trying to use my identity to plot some hidden benefits.

But he was afraid that I would lose control, so he wanted me to sign a slave contract. "

"If you want to cooperate, correct your attitude and stop showing off your false and ridiculous identity.

You are obviously a poor guy, but you want to pretend to be a giant dragon. You really think that everyone else is blind, and you can't see that you are bluffing! "

Tang Zhen's sarcastic words completely exposed the disguise of the beauty on all sides, and her rapidly changing expression finally slowed down.

In the end, it was replaced by a gloomy and terrified, yet unwilling expression.

After hesitating for a few minutes, the beauty around said slowly: "You are right, I really think too much, I want to get benefits, but I don't want to pay anything.

It is not easy to see through this point.

It seems that cooperating with you is a pretty good choice, and the probability of success should be extremely high.

Next, you ask me questions. If you want to know anything, you can just ask me. "

Tang Zhen nodded, this is a cooperative attitude.

Under the narration of the beauties on all sides, some answers that interested Tang Zhen were revealed at this moment.

Tang Zhen's inference was good. This mysterious palace was indeed a giant mausoleum.

In this mausoleum, many ancient beasts are buried.

The history of their existence is much earlier than the gods and beasts in the upper realm of immortal gods, and it can be said that they are the ancestors of many gods and beasts.

However, due to some special reasons, all these ancient beasts died and were buried collectively inside the palace.

This palace itself is a special artifact that can guarantee that the remains of the dead beast will not be destroyed.

The main purpose of establishing the mausoleum is not because of the hard work of these beasts, but to preserve their inheritance.

In the future, when the descendants of the divine beasts enter it, they will have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the divine beasts.

This is the rule of the artifact, and no one can defy it.

However, due to some special reasons, the artifact has been in a free state, and has not performed its original inheritance task.

But not long ago, this special tomb suddenly appeared in the Immortal God Upper Realm.

Whoever can control it can obtain the inheritance of the ancient beasts and become an invincible overlord.

In order to snatch the ownership of the palace tomb, a war suddenly broke out in the upper realm of the gods and gods, and they fought fiercely with each other.

It turns out that the beast monks from the upper realm of immortal gods accidentally discovered something. Beast souls can be used to make sacrifices in palaces and mausoleums.

Through this method of sacrifice, a pass token is obtained, and then the gate of the palace tomb is opened.

It is simply not feasible to let the beast family commit suicide and sacrifice, and no one wants to risk their own lives.

However, if you want to open the palace mausoleum, sacrificing the beast soul is a necessary process. Without the sacrifice, it is impossible to obtain the access token.

In order to inherit the ancient beasts and become the overlord, even the most demanding requirements must be fulfilled.

Fortunately, the major beast races have found a solution, which is to sacrifice the beast souls of other races.

It is definitely the most perfect operation to use the lives of other divine beasts to open one's own way to ascend to heaven.

As a result, at this time, because of the magic city, the secret of the beast soul in the real spirit world was exposed.

The true spirit race turned upside down, questioning the gods and beasts from the upper realm one after another.

As a result, some guy suddenly had an idea and wondered if he could use the beast soul of the True Spirit Tribe to sacrifice.

Therefore, a plan was launched to encourage the True Spirits to use beast souls in exchange for pills. In order to increase enthusiasm, some additional rewards will be given.

The results of the experiment soon came to fruition, and more spirit beast souls had to be sacrificed in exchange for a pass token.

After this incident came out, it immediately aroused joy from all sides, and they encouraged the True Spirit tribe in the lower world to sacrifice animal souls.

For the Divine Beasts, the lives of the True Spirits are worthless, no matter how many deaths there are.

Besides, now that the secret has been exposed, all the True Spirit clans have different intentions, and there is no way to deceive them anymore.

For disobedient livestock, the best way is to kill them all, and then re-raise a batch.

This is the truth, but it is a pity that it has been kept in a state of secrecy, and the true spirit races in the lower realm have never known it.

If the original plan is carried out, the True Spirits will be killed and injured, and all will be reduced to sacrifices in the palace tomb.

However, the development of the matter has once again escaped the control of the beast clan.

The sudden appearance of the palace mausoleum actually opened a space passage, obviously preparing to move to a new location.

After calculation, it was discovered that the destination of the palace tomb turned out to be the real spirit world below.

After discovering this, the Divine Beast Clan immediately changed their strategy and stopped using animal souls as sacrifices.

They decided to change their strategy and use the various races of the true spirits as pathfinding stones to enter the palace tombs for investigation.

Collect various trial information, so that the pass rate can be improved.

When the time is right, the True Spirit Clan monks will enter in person and eventually obtain all the inheritance of the ancient beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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