I have a city in another world

Chapter 5160 Change the rules again

Chapter 5160 The rules changed again
As the finals approached, the abandoned city became quieter.

The teams that were originally running around have now completed their second group formation and each occupied an area.

If the yellow sand barrier does not shrink, they will refuse to move.

There is no deadline set in the rules of the competition, so some teams that lack self-confidence naturally want to delay as much time as possible.

Use the buffer time to improve your own strength as much as possible, and let others fight to death.

For the audience, such a scene is too boring, and they are eager to see more exciting battles.

Many spectators shouted, demanding to speed up the game, both on and off the field.

The voice of the audience is not important, the key is that some high-level figures watching the battle also don't want to waste time.

After some discussion, the rules changed again.

In the inner area of ​​the abandoned city, ten scoring areas will randomly appear, and the occupants can get extra points rewards.

Each scoring area exists for one hour, and the longer you hold it, the higher the score.

The guardian of the scoring area who died in battle can choose to be resurrected in the scoring area if there is a chance to be reborn.

Resurrection in other areas, if you are unlucky, you may be killed just after you come back to life.

Such an operation would inevitably cause the scoreboard to skyrocket again in a short period of time.

When the contestants see this, they will definitely be deeply stimulated, and try their best to seize the scoring area.

Otherwise, it only takes one or two rounds of competition, and the score gap will become wider and wider, and the hope of winning on the list will be even slimmer.

After the points surge, it will stimulate the contestants and make the game more exciting.

The audience looked happy and satisfied, the organizers had nothing to lose, and the final rewards did not change in any way.

Sure enough, following the announcement of the rules, the participating monks who had been silently watching became restless again.

While cursing secretly in his heart, the organizer is too shameless, and at the same time, he is ready to snatch it.

The points that were obtained with great difficulty in the previous fight, now as long as they keep the scoring area, they can easily exceed it after the expiration.

The top three monk teams are especially nervous at this moment. They must grab a scoring area so that they can maintain their own advantages.

Otherwise, in just a short time, the points ranking will be overtaken, and there is even a possibility of being directly kicked out of the top ten.

Not long after, beams of light were seen rising from different areas of the city.

Below the thick beam of light is the scoring area, just occupy it and work hard to protect it.

The moment the light beam appeared, each team acted quickly, and streaks of smoke rose into the sky.

When the puppet mecha took action, houses collapsed wherever it passed, and trees were broken under the violent impact.

Although this scene is mighty, it is also enough to prove that the control ability of the contestants needs to be improved.

The control is so wonderful that it can lift the weight as lightly as possible. Even if the body is huge, it can still be as light as a civet.

But in the blink of an eye, smoke and dust rose from inside the abandoned city, and the sound of battle also erupted.

The monk who arrived at the scoring area immediately input his mental power into a crystal cylinder.

After the crystal cylinder is activated, colors will appear on the body surface of the participating monks of the team.

This coloring method can clearly indicate the camp to which they belong, and avoid attacking friendly forces in melee.

For the audience, clear marking makes it easier for them to watch.

A total of ten scoring areas were snatched away in the blink of an eye, and fierce competition began.

It doesn't matter who arrives first, the key depends on whether it can be held.

There were several scoring areas that had just been occupied, but were snatched away in the blink of an eye.

The monks who attack and rob only need to input their mental power into the crystal cylinder to successfully complete the occupation and change of ownership.

Keeping the perimeter of the scoring area and watching the crystal cylinder to prevent the enemy from approaching is what a guardian must do.

The brutal battle started quickly at ten locations, and the battle scene was extremely fierce.

Tang Zhen led a group of men, also locked a scoring area, and launched an attack in coordination with other teammates.

In this scoring area, the guardian was covered in blood, and the dazzling blood could be seen from a distance.

There must be more than one team participating in the snatching, and there are mecha puppets everywhere.

The fierce fighting and collision, as well as the activation of various abilities, caused the puppet mechas to be dismembered and paralyzed.

None of the monks who have persisted until now are weak, and there is no problem in manipulating the puppet mecha to fight.

Now if you give it a go, it must be extremely fierce, which will make the audience's blood surging, and they will applaud loudly from time to time.

In a battle like this, the key to victory is not individual bravery, but the cooperative will of the entire team.

If there is a good commander in command and a strong general to take the lead in charging, the combat effectiveness will also be greatly improved.

At this moment, Tang Zhen took the lead and rushed to the forefront of the team.

The six-armed puppet he controls has an extremely fierce fighting posture, and no one can stop it wherever it passes.

It was like an icebreaker, breaking through the solid ice and opening a passage for the teammates behind him.

The following team members, according to Tang Zhen's arrangement, activated the combat accessories one after another.

Facing the enemy's attack, he refused to retreat and cooperated with his teammates to resist the attack.

Behind Tang Zhen's team, more teammates pushed forward. They formed a neat formation and broke through the guardian's defense abruptly.

Tang Zhen naturally took the lead in being able to do this.

Seeing Tang Zhen's bravery, the monks were convinced. It was impossible for them to lead the charge so quickly.

It's like destroying the dead and destroying the dead, leaving the enemy unable to fight back.

In less than a minute, the team led by Tang Zhen rushed in front of the crystal cylinder.

Seeing this, the enemy guardians rushed to block, but Tang Zhen directly penetrated the cockpit.

The operator screamed, and instantly disappeared.

Stepping on the remains of the enemy, Tang Zhen poured his mental power into the crystal cylinder, and in the blink of an eye his body was enveloped in red light.

Seeing the light rising, all the monks cheered, their morale was high at this moment.

The moment the scoring area changed hands, all the practitioners who belonged to the team were rewarded with one point.

Although not many, this is just the beginning, and as time goes by, more and more points will be awarded.

No matter how touching words are, they are not as good as the actual rewards. The moment the points are credited, the cheers rang out again.

At this moment, all the monks are full of fighting spirit, and they are bound to guard this scoring area.

From an attacker to a guardian, the identity change is only a blink of an eye, but the pressure is multiplied in an instant.

Other teams continued to launch crazy attacks from all directions, and the battle to protect the scoring area was extremely difficult.

Under the crazy attack of the enemy, team members continued to fall, and then they were reborn beside the crystal cylinder.

There are also unlucky ones who have exhausted all rebirth opportunities and are directly eliminated from the arena.

In the ensuing battle, they could only watch silently, no matter how anxious and depressed they were, there was nothing they could do.

Guardian battles are destined to be difficult, and there will be continuous attrition, which is also the price that must be paid to obtain high points.

Not only did the guardian suffer heavy losses, but so did the attacking side. In a short period of time, the number of casualties soared at an extremely fast rate.

Tang Zhen did not guard the crystal cylinder, but actively wandered on the battlefield, supporting and resolving dangers everywhere.

A group of subordinates led by him also followed closely and launched an attack according to the order.

Tang Zhen used his performance to conquer a group of subordinates, and now they are all obedient.

They would carry out Tang Zhen's instructions without hesitation, and would not flinch even if the knife was placed on their necks.

Tang Zhen didn't let them down either. Whenever he encountered fatal danger, he would rescue them as soon as possible.

As the battle continued, the team's attrition never stopped, but the team led by Tang Zhen suffered no casualties.

In addition to guarding the score, he also obtained a large number of kill points, which made other participating monks envious.

(End of this chapter)

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