I have a city in another world

Chapter 5223 Opportunity in adversity

Chapter 5223 Opportunity in adversity
In the dream world, there was a loud noise suddenly.

Then you can see that the bodies of many sleeping people have become dim and erratic.

Like water without a source, it may dry up at any time.

This spread throughout the city, leaving no sleeper alone.

As if sensing something, a sleeping person began to cry, looking extremely sad.

Crying seemed to be contagious, and the other sleeping people also cried loudly.

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves echoed throughout the city, and the sound wave after wave seemed to never end.

Because of this, the whole city was infected with a touch of sadness.

Looking at this city building again, it also became erratic and flickering, and some small places even blurred and disappeared.

Countless cracks and cavities appeared in different places in the city, as if eaten by honeycomb worms.

The whole city gives people a feeling that it suddenly loses its solidity, like a castle piled up with sand, which may completely disintegrate at any time.

When the dream city disintegrates, the sleepers in this city will also disappear completely along with them.

Because of this, they kept crying, feeling sad for the city and suffering for what happened to them.

These ignorant sleepers can actually sense that the body in the real world has died.

The physical body is the root of the soul, and the two are interdependent, so it can be said that one cannot be separated.

With the nourishment of the physical body, the soul can exist for a long time, just like a sleeping vegetative person, it is still possible to wake up.

But if the body dies, the soul cannot exist for a long time.

Unless you are a powerful practitioner who can absorb the energy of heaven and earth with your soul, then you have the possibility of long-term existence.

But without the protection of the physical body, he would be afraid of the wind, light, and loud noise, and if he was a little careless, his soul would collapse and he would die.

You can only travel at night and don't dare to wander in the sun, otherwise it will be like being in a furnace.

At the same time, these sleepers are also the basis for the existence of the dream city. Because of their thinking and conception, this spliced ​​and combined city can be realized.

Also because of wild thoughts and unconstrained thoughts, there are many unimaginable places in this dream city built on the basis of reality.

The ability of the dream beast is to guide the sleepers, and then use their spiritual power to build a dream city.

Once the Sleeper dies, the Dream City will cease to exist.

Tang Zhen knew this, and felt very headache at this moment. The enemy was trying to draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron, trying to completely cut off the dream beast's vitality.

The Star Demon Royal Family is indeed cruel, and they show no mercy when cleaning up their own people.

Tens of millions of Star Monster Clan members died one after another in a short period of time, and none of them survived.

Tang Zhen's control of the dream beast only restricted the freedom of the Star Demon clansmen and extracted their spiritual power as nutrients.

At least until now, he has no plan to kill the other party, but to let him go when the oil is exhausted.

The abolished star demon clansmen will bring more troubles and consume more social resources.

The dead Star Monster clansmen may only need a grave.

The high-level members of the star demon clan chose to take action directly to clean up all possible troubles.

In the end, this scapegoat will be pinned on the enemy, anyway, the Star Demon Royal Family will never admit that they intentionally killed countless of their own clan.

This kind of operation of the Star Demon Royal Family can be regarded as hitting more than seven inches, and it is indeed very effective.

Without a large number of sleepers, it would not be able to provide enough emotional energy, and the dream beasts would not be able to grow smoothly.

Tang Zhen also knew that this was only the enemy's first move.

After the sleepers are cleared, the dream city will collapse and the hidden dream beasts will be revealed.

The star demon royal family waiting in secret will immediately launch an attack to kill or surrender the dream beasts.

If the dream beast wants to escape, it must break through the energy barrier, and at this time it will be intercepted with all its strength.

Besides, this kind of escaping behavior itself also exposes the whereabouts, allowing the Star Demon Clan monks to lock their targets more easily.

If you don't quickly find a way to solve the immediate predicament, the situation will get worse.

Tang Zhen, who was in the valley, fell into a state of contemplation at the moment, looking for a solution to the problem.

Originally, he didn't expect that the dream beast could destroy the star demon clan, but he wanted to cause some trouble for the other party.

But what happened before made Tang Zhen realize that he underestimated the ability of the dream beast.

If done properly, it can really have an astonishing effect and put the Star Demon clan into a fatal crisis.

Today's cultivators of the Star Monster Clan have found a countermeasure, but Tang Zhen doesn't want to give up easily.

In this life-and-death game, if you give up easily, you will have no chance of winning in the future.

Therefore, in this round of competition, Tang Zhen must not give up easily.

If they can win a round, they can press on every step of the way, causing the entire Star Demon Realm to be completely chaotic.

Regardless of the strength of the Star Demon Royal Clan, they can survive and fight without the Star Demon Realm.

Ideas like this are also recognized by many star demon royal families.

But if in a state of war, the Star Demon Royal Family completely separates from its people, that would be the real way to seek death.

The situation is the same as that of the sleeper, becoming a mountain stream with no water source, and sooner or later it will face the desperation of drying up.

Perhaps this kind of operation is the most correct direction.

The goal of the next action is not to attack the Star Demon Royal Family, but to worsen the relationship between the two parties.

Let the star demon royal family and ordinary people be hostile to each other until the war breaks out.

In the process of action, there will inevitably be many organizations willing to help Tang Zhen achieve this goal.

Many people are envious of the power of the royal family and can't wait to replace it.

Not only ordinary families, but even royal monks are all dreaming of the same spring and autumn dream.

With their ability and means, it is impossible to realize this dream. Although they have tried hard in the past, it has not had much effect.

The appearance of Tang Zhen out of thin air has brought them an excellent opportunity. If they can grasp it well, there is still a certain chance to realize their dreams.

However, Tang Zhen also knew that he must not pin his hopes on these guys. Through this period of understanding and contact, he found that those rebel organizations were not reliable at all.

Including the mysterious boss who is hidden behind the scenes and is suspected to be a member of the royal family, his performance during this period has been very hip.

With Tang Zhen stirring up the wind and rain, causing chaos in the Star Demon world, it can be said that opportunities are everywhere.

But these bastards are still watching in secret and have no intention of taking action with all their strength.

Although there were some actions, they were just small fights, and they couldn't hurt the bones at all.

Such behavior is despicable, equivalent to betraying his teammates and putting all the pressure on Tang Zhen.

In the coming days, they will still wait and see. If the situation is good, they will be able to take action with all their strength.

Although the behavior of the rebels was despicable, they were self-aware. If they really dared to jump out and be targeted by the Star Demon Royal Family, they would be doomed to be wiped out.

It's not that Tang Zhen is bragging about himself. Although he is only a single-handed man, his strength and means far exceed those of those rebel organizations.

After all, behind Tang Zhen, there is the transcendent existence of Loucheng, and the record of defeating the monks of the Star Monster Clan and the Clan of Divine Beasts.

Those scattered rebel organizations with varying strengths were not at the same level as Tang Zhen.

If you want to get out of the predicament, you must either create new chaos and share the pressure here, or turn the corner and completely defeat the enemy's plan.

Tang Zhen thought for a long time, and suddenly he had an idea and found something that he had neglected.

If it can be used well, not only can it reverse the situation, but it can even completely mess up the Star Demon Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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