I have a city in another world

Chapter 5226 The opportunity finally came!

Chapter 5226 The opportunity finally came!

The members of the Star Demon Clan did not expect that there would be a big family unite with each other to form a brand new country.

The name of the new country is called "New" country, which means replacing the old system and dynasty.

After the news came out, there was an uproar immediately.

Since the Star Demon royal family was inherited and rose rapidly, many countries in this world have completely disappeared.

The Star Monster clan members of different races have gradually achieved a high degree of integration without distinction since then.

After the new generation of Star Monster clan members grew up, they no longer had the concept of a country.

Not all Star Monster Clan members are satisfied with the current situation, especially those who have been deprived of their privileges.

Before the rise of the Star Demon Royal Family, they could do whatever they wanted in their respective kingdoms.

With the privileges taken back, they are no different from ordinary people, and they are naturally extremely unwilling.

In the past years, they never gave up and wanted to restore their former glory.

Now that the Star Demon Realm is in turmoil, these great families have suddenly united to fight against the royal family.

This was by no means a spur-of-the-moment idea, but something that had been prepared for a long time. All that was missing was a suitable opportunity.

They should be very clear about the strength of the Star Demon Royal Family, but they still made such a choice.

This shows that in their hands, there must be means to fight against the Star Demon Royal Family, otherwise they would never dare to take such a risk.

Some large and small rebel organizations, as well as many family monks, were all excited about this incident.

They all set off to try to join in.

This newly established country angered the Star Demon royal family, and immediately dispatched a large army to prepare for the conquest.

Many people are optimistic about the royal family and believe that they will definitely win this battle.

But unexpectedly, at this moment, another piece of shocking news came out, causing even greater shock.

More than a dozen branches of the royal family suddenly announced their break with the royal family and collectively joined the newly established Star Demon Kingdom.

A group of high-ranking monks from the royal family also joined together, greatly enhancing the strength of Xinguo.

The addition of this group of royal families instantly increased the prestige of the new country, and more families and monks chose to defect.

The Star Demon royal family, who had originally dispatched troops and generals to suppress and wipe out the Xin Kingdom, suddenly became silent.

The Star Demon Legion, which was preparing to attack, was stationed near Xinguo, waiting for the next order.

Originally, swords were on the verge of breaking out, but now it has become a confrontation with each other.

The confusing and confusing developments made people confused and confused about what happened.

The secrets here may only be known to the Star Demon royal family.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is just a temporary calm, and a war between the two sides will break out sooner or later.

The Star Demon royal family will never allow it. There is another country in this world, and it must be eradicated no matter what.

The sudden establishment of a new country also brought courage and confidence to the Star Demon Clan monks, and they became more active in practicing the Jade Pai Kung Fu.

Those who were hesitant at first have now made up their minds to ignore the star demon royal family's ban.

Seeing the coming of troubled times, disasters are bound to happen. If you don't have enough self-protection ability, you may become the target of slaughter.

Compared with wealth and life, the royal ban is not worth mentioning at all.

In troubled times, luck is unstable, and resentment is soaring, which will inevitably attract evil spirits.

The ghost domain, which had not been moved for a long time, suddenly exploded and spread, quickly breaking through the barrier set up by the star demon monks.

Slowly spread, swallowing a large area of ​​land.

There are also many places where various evil spirits appeared, recklessly harvesting the lives of the Star Demon Clan members.

Such a chaotic situation made everyone feel insecure and gradually ignored many things.

For example, no one pays attention to the death of the Sleeper now.

Valley Pharmaceuticals.

Tang Zhen looked at the latest information with a strange look on his face.

The turmoil in the outside world was indeed quite intense, but it made him a little bit incomprehensible.

Although this turmoil was personally provoked by him, it was impossible to accurately judge the development of the situation.

It is said that there is a high possibility that it will end in failure, and the probability of success is very slim.

Like a little ant trying to trip an elephant, the difficulty can be imagined.

The impossible is actually happening now.

Things in the world are always unexpected, even Tang Zhen didn't expect that the Star Demon World would fall into chaos so quickly.

Not only because he took action, but also because the accumulated troubles broke out at the same time, which had the effect of fanning the flames.

All kinds of things came together at the same time, and it seemed that God was also helping Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen had a vague feeling that the Dao of Heaven was also targeting the Star Demon Clan.

This race that has risen suddenly but produced countless killings may have reached the time to pay off its debts.

Once a monster like this rolls downhill, it is difficult to stop.

It will roll faster and faster until it is smashed to pieces.

Tang Zhen naturally desires such a result, but he will not take it lightly.

The star demon royal family is so powerful that it is impossible to be easily knocked down. Even if they are in a desperate situation, they can easily turn against the wind.

What Tang Zhen has to do is to continue to do his best to send the star demon royal family to a desperate situation.

There are a few things that need to be done by Tang Zhen.

The first thing to do is to lead the nearly [-] million sleepers to break through the interception of the star demon monks.

Use these sleepers to run amok in the dreamland and collect the spiritual power of the Star Demon Clan members.

Cultivating dream beasts may come in handy at the critical moment.

Tang Zhen is also very interested in the newly established new country. If the other party is determined to fight against the Star Demon Royal Family, he can provide some help for free.

Give away some skills and provide some weapons. After all, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

However, Tang Zhen also knew that he must not place all his hopes on others.

Especially for such a major event, it is even more impossible to entrust it to others, and it must be done by yourself.

Otherwise, if there is a slight negligence, the consequences will be disastrous.

The current chaotic situation is just the time to show off. How could Tang Zhen miss it so easily.

There is one more thing that Tang Zhen must do as soon as possible, and that is to find ways to protect himself.

Although he has tried his best to be careful about what he did, it is impossible to hide it from everyone.

If you really want to investigate, you will definitely be able to find Tang Zhen.

As a master of alchemy, there may be a powerful backer behind him, so Tang Zhen will definitely be highly valued by all camps.

It doesn't take long for trouble to follow.

No matter what the other party's purpose is, Tang Zhen must not let it be manipulated and must find a way to fight and protect himself.

Now beside Tang Zhen, there are only a group of Kansi family monks, and their strength can only be regarded as average.

These guys can't count on anything, so they can only find another way.

Tang Zhen is planning to open a large ghost domain around the valley to serve as a protective barrier.

With the existence of this thing, it will be very difficult for outsiders to get close to the valley.

When the dream beast breaks through successfully, it can hide and grow here, causing countless sleepers to wander around the valley.

Ghost Realm and Sleeper are a perfect match, allowing both of them to gain strength.

Of course, these means alone are not enough to deter the enemy, and more powerful forces are necessary.

The power of Tang Zhen, who has been hiding for fear of being discovered by others, can finally be displayed publicly.

Relying on its own powerful strength, it can deter and strike the enemy so that the other party dare not provoke them easily.

Even if someone discovers that he is an outsider, there won't be much trouble.

Compared with the chaotic situation, the identity of the outsider is no longer important, or it is impossible to pursue it.

If you can stand on your feet, the next thing will be much easier.

By maintaining the state of chaos, the Star Demon Royal Family will be unable to cooperate with the Divine Beast Clan, and Loucheng will be able to ensure its own safety.

With the buffer time, Lou Cheng can accumulate strength and even launch a counterattack against the mythical beast clan.

As for the Star Demon Clan, if possible, Tang Zhen would like to make their clan exterminate.

Especially the Star Demon Royal Family, whose sins are extremely serious, can be forgiven by their clan members, but the Royal Family must be eliminated.

Killing one and saving hundreds is truly a great merit!
(End of this chapter)

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