I have a city in another world

Chapter 5275: Pulling the mage into sleep

Chapter 5275: Pulling the mage into sleep
Seamount boundary, a certain hidden place.

When night falls, the black nine-story mage tower located deep in the valley releases a strange green light.

The masters and their disciples cultivated various strange plants and planted them in every corner of the valley.
Every time night comes, it will emit light of various colors.

One of the vines is attached to the outer surface of the mage tower, as if it has been painted with a layer of luminous paint.

In the open space around the mage tower, there are two-story buildings built in a row, which are the residences of the mage's apprentices and followers.

At this moment, a group of mages gathered hundreds of followers in the open space and watched intently.

Many mage apprentices cooperated with each other to operate various equipments.

As the night approached, sleepy expressions suddenly appeared on the faces of some followers.

"I'm so sleepy, I can't hold on anymore!"

A follower shouted loudly, with a painful expression on his face, and looked at a group of mages in front of him with pleading eyes.

"Refresh yourself with cold water."

Seeing this scene, a mage gave an order to his apprentice in a deep voice.

An apprentice received the order, controlled a bucket of cold water, and poured it on the followers.

The icy mountain spring water is enough to make people's teeth chatter, and instantly drive away sleepiness and become sober.

But at this moment, this stimulation method lost its effect. Even though the body was covered with cold spring water, the follower still fell into a coma.

He closed his eyes tightly and lay on the stone slab sprinkled with mountain spring water. No matter how he screamed, he could not wake him up.

This strange scene was witnessed by a group of mages and apprentices, and they seemed nervous and excited.

They have been able to determine that this abnormal thing must be related to extraordinary power.

But what happened, no one could say clearly.

What they have to do now is to figure out the real cause of the lethargy, instead of passively enduring this confusion.

Exploring the truth in the world and finding the essential truth of all things is originally the pursuit of these mages.

Wanting them to pretend to turn a blind eye to this matter is more uncomfortable than being hacked dozens of knives.

Through careful observation, the mages discovered one thing.

Compared with the previous All Dreams, the number of people who are sleepy tonight has decreased significantly, and many followers are still full of energy.

According to the analysis of the mages, these people should be eliminated, and the current situation is fairly safe.

There are also some followers who suddenly become extremely sleepy, and no matter what methods they use to stay awake, they eventually fall into a deep sleep.

Such a powerful and strange power shocked a group of mages and made them deeply envious.

The desire for power made them decide to continue the investigation.

But it didn't take long for a group of mages to feel something was wrong, because there was a trace of pure sleepiness in their hearts.

Under the influence of deep sleepiness, a group of mages just wanted to sleep with their heads covered.

The mage apprentice's resistance was even weaker, and in a short period of time, he had already slumped on the ground.

The sudden change made a group of mages panic.

Although the mages were mentally prepared before taking action, they couldn't keep calm when things really happened.

They use various means to fight against the intrusion of sleepiness and prevent themselves from falling into deep sleep.

There are even crazy guys who use knives to shave off their own skin and even put their palms in boiling oil.

Various props are also used to create mental disturbance and prevent oneself from falling into an uncontrolled deep sleep.

However, this effort did not have any effect, and the sleepiness became more and more serious.

Soon there was a mage who fell into a deep sleep, no matter how his companions called him, he just couldn't wake up.

When the other mages saw this, they became more and more frightened. They knew very well that they would soon fall into a deep sleep.

In addition to panic, the mages also had deep curiosity and wanted to experience it personally.

Listening to what others say in detail is not as good as experiencing it yourself, and you may be able to discover something different.

Without persisting for too long, the mages fell into a deep sleep, and the Mages Valley became silent.

Soon the mages found that they had entered a huge square surrounded by thick fog.

After verification, it was determined that this was a lucid dream and was not in the real world at this time.

Compared with ordinary people who are at a loss, mages are obviously more professional. They start to analyze and judge as soon as they enter the square.

I want to obtain more intelligence clues through various information to facilitate the next step of action.

But not long after, the mages felt a mysterious force invading their souls.

When they tried to resist, they found that they couldn't resist at all, and the whole person became like a puppet.

The mages who were originally calm and wanted to explore the secrets finally felt flustered at this moment.

The most fearful thing for those who have extraordinary power is when things are out of their control.

At this moment, the transcendent will feel extremely terrified, and behave like a madman.

The longer the delay, the more severe the loss of sanity.

Ordinary people are in the dream world, and what they feel is a kind of dazed fear, like duckweed in the wind.

If it were an extraordinary person, living in a dream world, every moment would be a fatal torment.

Soon they saw that the stalwart figure like a mountain felt an extremely heavy sense of oppression.

Under the guidance of the seductive voice, the mages looked up to the sky one after another, and couldn't help but recall the memories of the past.

Those secrets that are hidden in the bottom of my heart and never told to others, are constantly flashing in the air at this moment.

This feeling of secrets being revealed in public, and privacy being peeked into, made a group of mages feel extremely devastated.

Fortunately, the people around me at this moment don't know each other, otherwise they will die on the spot.

As time passed, the mages' secrets were revealed, and there was nothing left to hide.

At this moment, the mages felt a strange sense of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders.

It's like entering the bathhouse, seeing each other frankly, and feeling refreshed after steaming and rubbing.

The mages were surprised to find that their souls seemed to have been significantly refined and improved at this moment.

Originally, they were extremely resistant to panic about entering the dream world, but at this moment they felt strange.

It seems that coming in a few more times is not a bad thing.

Such an idea is terrible. Under normal circumstances, such an idea would never occur.

Obviously, in a short period of time, the souls of the mages were affected, and their thinking also appeared abnormal.

But the mages at this moment are not aware of this at all.

During the time of daze, their emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy turned into a strand of filaments, which merged with the surrounding mist.

As greedy predators, the dream beasts will not miss any hunting opportunity. Every creature that enters the dream world will contribute to the growth of the mythical beasts.

But this hunting behavior is actually a good thing.

The spiritual power devoured by the dream beasts carries all kinds of joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and over time, it will have a serious impact on living beings.

Emotions, anger, sorrow, joy and sorrow, excessive will hurt the heart, spleen and lungs, and even make people crazy and hurt.

There are also some obsessions and various mental problems that cling to and corrode like moths.

After being absorbed by the dream beast, it is like a tree that grows wantonly, and has been pruned most thoroughly.

Although it is temporarily damaged and various negative situations appear, it will recover sooner or later.

At that time, the soul will be healthier, the mood will be happier, and various psychological problems will disappear.

However, it will take a long time for such benefits to appear, and now we can only see various disadvantages.

Quietly, a new day comes.

Countless figures in the dream world disappeared one after another, and in the end only a majestic existence remained.

"There is nothing to gain. It seems that I can only go to the next country..."

Tang Zhen murmured to himself and planned the next itinerary.

(End of this chapter)

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