I have a city in another world

Chapter 5323 The weirdness in the smoke

Chapter 5323 The weirdness in the smoke
Well-equipped mercenary cavalry were originally full of confidence before the battle.

But as the vision appeared, they also became confused and uneasy, with expressions of vigilance on their faces.

Looking at the battlefield at this time, it seems that everything is wrong.

The smoke generated by the bombing never dissipated, as if it was frozen.

On a normal battlefield, unless there is a lot of burning objects, this situation will never happen.

Looking at the surrounding ground, there were no debris, not even a single weed or branch.

The repeated bombardment before had turned the land in the attack area upside down, and it definitely ended with nothing growing.

Not to mention such a big car, not even a single weed was left, it was blown up and scattered around the battlefield.

However, what he saw was completely different from what he imagined. The target that the employer spent a lot of money to attack did not seem to be damaged as expected.

What happened must be figured out immediately, and the target must be completely eliminated.

What the artillery can't do, they must do!
With war horses under their control, the mercenaries quickly approached the battlefield, their rifles already loaded with bullets.

There were still some people behind, with sharp sabers drawn out, flashing with cold light.

This kind of saber from the Western Regions is covered with beautiful patterns on the surface, and it is carefully forged by skilled craftsmen.

The patterned saber is extremely sharp and can easily cut an enemy into two pieces, and can even split iron armor.

It is said that when forging this saber, the blacksmith will recite a spell that will give it an extraordinary blessing of strength.

It can help the user, gain great courage from the gods, and even kill evil spirits.

The secret and excellent craftsmanship, as well as the miraculous legends, have become the basis for commodity price increases.

The price of this kind of saber therefore became extremely expensive.

But for this operation, the employer spent a lot of money to specially equip a hundred such sabers.

It is required to use this sharp sword at the beginning of melee combat to kill all the attacking enemies.

This kind of strange request can't help but make people think about it.

The mercenaries don't care what their employer thinks, they just take money to do things.

Every sword-wielding warrior has excellent martial arts, many are masters in the military, and some are great thieves.

They followed the gunmen and were responsible for the final cleanup.

Thousands of cavalrymen surrounded the road in a short time.

But the thick smoke and dust blocked their path and sight, greatly reducing the power of the cavalry.


At this moment, the cavalry commander became a little embarrassed. He wanted to order shooting, but he was afraid that stray bullets would hit his own people.

Shooting simultaneously from different directions at such a short distance is simply killing each other.

The only thing he can do is to order the cavalry to move forward and sweep the entire smoke area.

Use the method of people and horses to clean up the entire bombing area.

If you encounter an enemy during this period, launch an attack immediately and leave no one alive.

The commander who made up his mind decisively issued the order and immediately entered the smoke.

At the same time, all cavalry were ordered to put away their firearms and take out their swords, and were not allowed to fire in the smoke.

After receiving the order, the cavalry immediately rushed towards the smoke, drawing their sabers and holding them in their hands.

Once an abnormality is encountered, an attack is immediately launched.

The smoke is so thick that you can't see anything beyond one meter. Entering it is like entering another world.

Such a strange feeling made a group of mercenaries even more uneasy.

Fortunately, they always have teammates following them, and they can take care of each other.

The bombing zone is a road, not long or wide, and you should be able to walk to the other side quickly.

With this in mind, the mercenaries moved on, always ready for battle.

But it didn't take long for some mercenaries to realize something was wrong.

The roads that were supposed to be bombed should now be rugged and filled with deep craters.

The soil with the smell of gunpowder will be scattered everywhere.

But at this moment, they did not feel the ruggedness of the crater, nor did they smell the smoke.

The thick fog prevented the mercenary from seeing clearly what kind of environment he was in, but strange thoughts came to his mind.

At this moment, they are not on the battlefield, but in some unknown place.

This is a very outrageous idea, but combined with the surrounding environment, it gives people a feeling that this is the case.

As an experienced rider, he can accurately judge the speed and distance of the war horse. It should be expected that he should meet up with his companions on the opposite side at this moment.

But so far, they haven't heard anything.

With such a short distance and such a small area, this should not have happened.

The increasingly weird situation made the mercenaries panic, and they even had the idea of ​​turning around and evacuating.

They had a premonition that if they continued to move forward, they would encounter something incredible.

Perhaps at this moment, they are already deeply involved.

Soon another mercenary discovered that the sound of horse hooves around him was getting softer and softer, and now only the movement of himself and his companions were left.

"What happened and where did everyone else go?"

The mercenary asked loudly, hoping to get a response from his companions, but there was no movement.

At this moment, the mercenary finally felt panicked and quickly asked his companions to check what happened.

But it was only then that the mercenary was surprised to find that something was wrong with his companions.

Their faces were as pale as paper, their movements of manipulating the horses were very stiff, and the sound of the horseshoes landing was also very strange.

It doesn't look like flesh and blood, it's more like something made of paper.

Is it...

A bad premonition suddenly arose in the mercenary's mind, and fear erupted like a blowout.

"Death to me!"

The mercenary immediately swung his knife and slashed at his accomplices to ensure his own safety.

They were originally a mob, gathered together because of money, and now facing a fatal threat, they did not hesitate to do it.

As a result, when the knife fell, there was no scene of blood and flesh splashing. There was no touch at the place where the knife fell, as if the teammate was just a disembodied image.

"Damn, what are you?"

The mercenary roared, with a look of horror on his face, and at the same time controlled the horse to leave the team.

The accomplice who was attacked by him twisted his body at this moment, with a strange smile on his pale face.

"Why are you attacking me?"

The accomplice smiled all over his face, but questioned him in his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, a crack appeared in his body, and blood slowly flowed out.

"Why are you attacking me?"

The accomplice still had a smile on his face, but his expression had gradually become distorted.

"Why are you attacking me?"

It was still the same sentence, but the wound became bigger and bigger, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

That face was completely distorted, and it became like a ferocious ghost, which made people feel horrified.

This man had been on the battlefield as a soldier, and as a mercenary who had been bandits and robbed homes. He believed that he was not afraid of anything. As long as he was given enough money, the emperor would dare to stop him.

But at this moment, facing this strange situation, he felt a fear he had never experienced before.

When his companion dropped his jaw to his chest and questioned him again, he raised his rifle and fired.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of gunfire, a bullet hole appeared in the accomplice's forehead.

This shot hit the vital point, but the accomplice did not fall down in response, but stretched out a slender finger.

Compared with normal fingers, they are more than five times longer, like thin bamboo joints.

The sharp fingernails were inserted into the bullet hole, and he pulled out twice vigorously, and then pulled out a metal bullet.

The accomplice used two long nails to pinch the warhead and looked at it carefully, as if very curious.

The mercenaries who launched the attack were so frightened that they turned around and fled without hesitation.

At this moment, he didn't care about the penalty for breach of contract at all, he just wanted to escape from this terrible place as soon as possible.

He had a hunch that if he hesitated any longer, he might lose his last chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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