I have a city in another world

Chapter 5330 Shouqian, rotten corpse stall owner!

Chapter 5330 Shouqian, rotten corpse stall owner!
The price quoted by the rotten corpse stall owner made everyone very helpless.

According to common sense, most of the lifespan that ordinary people have, excluding the time spent, does not exceed 50 years.

The buyer has to write down the denomination of fifty on the rune yellow paper. Once it is successfully converted into life money, it is equivalent to paying for all lives.

It only takes one day to leave this town, and he will definitely die suddenly.

Even if he didn't die at the time and fell into a coma, he wouldn't have survived for long.

The main price of the carrion stall is too high, and everyone can't afford it. Even if they pay all the Yangshou, they can barely make up one-tenth of it.

The function of the bronze bell made everyone unable to give up, and they wanted to get it with all their heart.

Maybe there are other ways to solve this problem.

After a group discussion, the brawny man asked the corpse stall owner: "If a few of us pool money, can we buy one product together?"

The stall owner nodded slightly after hearing this.


"That's good, this bronze bell must be sold to us!"

The strong men looked happy and discussed in low voices, and then some people turned around and left.

The footsteps hurried, and went straight to the direction when you came.

There are a lot of strong men in the group, but they don't have enough money to buy the bronze bells. They are going to go back and summon more people to come.

Intimidation, inducement, cajoling and deception can always achieve the goal.

Find more than [-] people, and each person will pay for ten or eight years, and they will be able to make up enough money for life without losing their lives.

After cultivating for a period of time, it is possible to wake up.

Judging from the looks of the group of strong men, they knew they were determined to get the bronze bell.

When Mu Qi heard the price, his heart dropped, knowing that he couldn't afford it.

Together with four other accomplices, they could not even collect half of the payment.

Besides, those four accomplices may not cooperate in their actions, they also have their own choices.

With a sigh in his heart, Mu Qi prepared to leave.

"There are other things, don't you want to take a look?"

At this moment, the stall owner suddenly asked a question.

"Sorry, I don't have that much money..."

Mu Qi scratched his head with a regretful expression.

"If you can't afford something expensive, you can buy something cheap. If you choose carefully, you might find something that suits you."

When the rotting corpse stall owner was speaking, foul-smelling blood continued to seep out of the shroud wrapped around his mouth.

Such a strange sight makes people panic when looking at it.

Fortunately, before everyone entered, they were mentally prepared, and they were not surprised by the strange scene.

The burly men looked at Mu Qi with a cold smile on their faces, and they no longer felt that he was a threat.

But it was inevitable that he would feel unhappy and offended.

It's a pity that due to the rules, Mu Qi couldn't be blasted away, otherwise he would have been shot and killed long ago.

"Well, you're right."

Mu Qi nodded, knowing that this was indeed the case.

At each booth, there is a stack of blank rune yellow paper that everyone can use freely.

Pick up a pen and dip it in ink, write numbers, and you can pay for your own Yangshou.

If the yang life is not enough, the characters cannot be written.

If there is still time left, you can get new yellow paper and continue filling it out.

Before Mu Qi and others entered, they were informed of the operating procedures and directly grabbed the yellow paper and ink pens.

He had already made up his mind and was ready to give it a go, so there was no hesitation.

On the blank runic yellow paper, the maximum value was written directly, which was 50 years of Yangshou.

Although the operation is simple, not everyone can do it. Some short-lived ghosts can't even live up to ten years.

Mu Qi was also a little worried, fearing that his longevity would not be enough to get the expected benefits.

When he put down the pen and paper and wrote down the number fifty, he breathed a sigh of relief.

When the people around saw the denomination, they knew what Mu Qi was thinking. This was a plan that would never come back.

The strong man who threatened Mu Qi before retreated silently, and Biochemical itself was attacked by revenge.

A person who dares to gamble his life, but now his life is sold in exchange for longevity money, it will be very terrible if he goes crazy.

Mu Qi did not notice this, but picked up the pen and paper again, preparing to pay all the remaining Yang Shou.

The day after the transaction is completed, he will inevitably fall into a coma and die suddenly, and he will be in a vegetative state for the rest of his life.

If you pay for a 50-year life, you won’t be able to survive for more than a few years.

Instead of living and suffering, it is better to die directly and transform the remaining Yangshou together.

People with similar thoughts have done the same behavior as Mu Qi, hoping to buy more things.

According to the steward's suggestion, it is best to write ten years of longevity on the second denomination. The best number you can write is the best. If you can't write it down, it will continue to decrease.

If ten years can be written, you can try to write the third one, also starting from ten.

Mucci followed the advice and wrote down the number ten.

The whole process went smoothly without any interruption, and soon another banknote appeared.

At this time, Mu Qi already had 60 yuan in his hand, which was enough to buy a good product.

Mu Qi, who was full of joy, decided to keep up his efforts and continue writing the third banknote.

In fact, he also had some surprises. He didn't expect that he could live for such a long time with a poor and humble body.

The poor and humble have short lifespans, and many people suffer from premature aging and die young. Many people do not survive to the end of their lives.

Being able to live to seventy or eighty years old is enough to be considered a longevity person.

Thinking that there are still 60 years of life to come from now on, Mu Qi has some regrets in his heart.

But on second thought, no matter how long you live in a mediocre life, it is a waste of time.

Picking up the third rune yellow paper, Mu Qi continued to write, this time it was still ten years old.

If you can't write it out, you can decrease it in order.

According to Mu Qi's thoughts, he may not be able to write it this time, but he will not be disappointed.

Unexpectedly, after I put pen to paper, it was still very smooth and I wrote it easily.

This time, not only Mu Qi was shocked, but everyone around him was also a little surprised.

They looked at Mu Qi and were very surprised in their hearts. They didn't understand why this kid lived so long?
Just when Mu Qi was surprised, the cold and strange voice of the corpse stall owner came, accompanied by the smell of corpses.

"You can try to write a few more, all of which are in fifty denominations, and you may receive unexpected surprises."

The suggestion of the rotten corpse stall owner surprised everyone again, with incredulous expressions on their faces.

They looked Muki up and down, their eyes full of inquiry, trying to figure out what the stall owner meant by what he said.

A life span of 70 years is long enough, and with the years passed, it is almost close to a hundred years.

It is said that at this level, the human lifespan is basically exhausted, and if there is any more, it will only last three to five years.

The words of the carrion stall owner made everyone realize that things might not be that simple.

Mu Qi was also surprised and delighted, he didn't know what happened, and when he heard the suggestion from the rotten corpse stall owner, he took up his pen and wrote without hesitation.

When the special writing brush was lifted again, the bright red number fifty appeared again.

"Keep writing!"

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the rotten corpse stall owner urged Mu Qi to continue writing birthday money.

Mu Qi picked up his pen again and continued to write fifty denominations of birthday money, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

But in the blink of an eye, another piece of longevity money was written,
A group of spectators were stunned at this moment, wondering if something went wrong.

"I'll take one too!"

Someone rushed to the booth, picked up yellow paper and a vermilion pen, and also wanted to write a birthday coin equivalent to 50 years of life.

I hope that like Mucci, I can write out many longevity coins with large denominations, so as to exchange for more good things.

But after they put down the pen, they couldn't write anything, as if the ink disappeared out of thin air.

The real situation is that their life span is more than 50 years and they cannot complete the exchange at all.

This situation is enough to prove that the problem is not the booth, but Mu Qi with an excited expression on his face.

It is true that he has a long lifespan that can be exchanged for life coins. The rotting corpse stall owner has clearly seen through the truth.

This made them jealous and envious, and then there was a hint of worry, fearing that Mu Qi would buy the bronze bell.

But when I thought about it again, I found it very ridiculous.

Looking at the whole world, there is indeed no shortage of people who live long lives, but it is difficult for anyone to live longer than two hundred years.

Beyond this age, except in legends and stories, it is unheard of in reality.

(End of this chapter)

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