I have a city in another world

Chapter 5402 The terrifying light spot!

Chapter 5402 The terrifying light spot!

At this moment, Hua De felt a deep ecstasy in his heart.

He thought that he would die without a doubt, but he didn't want to see a turnaround, so he temporarily saved his life.

If the inner ghost is killed, it means that reinforcements have arrived, and the death crisis may also be resolved.

Every one of these bandits and bandits deserves to die!

At this moment, Hua De was extremely grateful to the savior in his heart, and couldn't wait to thank him.

But his body was still unable to move, and he could only stare blankly in one direction.

The inner ghost, who was unwilling to die, was still staring at the dead fish's eyes, with confusion and unwillingness remaining in his eyes.

However, Hua De felt very happy, staring at the opponent's corpse viciously, a triumphant smile gradually emerged from the corner of his mouth.

This is a good sign, proving that the effect of the medicine has begun to fade.

Huade noticed this and tried to turn his head, trying to see more scenes.

The campground in the dark suddenly became chaotic, and some bandits roared angrily.

Listening to their voices, they were clearly terrified.

There must be other gangsters who suffered similar attacks, which scared their accomplices.

I thought the operation was going smoothly, but unexpectedly something unexpected happened, and a group of gangsters began to panic.

While threatening loudly, they also shot into the darkness, trying to force out the hidden enemies.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a light point flew out of the grass and passed directly through the head of a gunman.

The gun-wielding gangster's right eyeball exploded in an instant, leaving a transparent hole from front to back.

Without making a sound, he collapsed directly to the ground.

When the other gangsters saw this, they were shocked and shot at the light spot.

Facing the flying bullets, the light spots appeared extremely agile and easily dodged.

Immediately afterwards, he accelerated and rushed towards the nearest gangster.

The gangster's complexion changed drastically, and he tried his best to dodge, but after all, he was still not as fast as the light spot.

But in the blink of an eye, the spot of light penetrated the gangster's stomach.

Seeing the hole in his stomach, the gangster let out a mournful wail, and quickly reached out to grab the leaking intestines.

But after grabbing it for a few times, his movements became sluggish, and then he collapsed to the ground with a pale face.

The other gangsters saw this and became more and more panicked.

At this moment, they didn't have time to rescue their companions at all, but kept looking for light spots.

The light spots in the dark night will drag a dazzling stream of light when flying at high speed.

While the gangsters were looking around and looking for cover, they landed from the treetops again.

Like a ghost, it was suspended above the head of a gangster.

The gangster didn't see it, and still looked around with a vigilant face, trying to find traces of the light spots.

His accomplices saw the light spot and looked at the gangster at the same time.

The weapon in his hand was raised immediately, and the trigger could be pulled at any time.

"What are you doing, don't shoot!"

The gangster's face was pale, and he reminded his accomplice loudly, his legs were shaking with fright.

But at this moment, the light spot fell into the other party's hair.


When the bandit leader next to him saw this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he shot without hesitation.

The other gangsters heard the gunshots and pulled the triggers in unison, and dense gunfire continued.

The gangsters who were attacked by concentrated fire had their bodies beaten to pieces by bullets and their heads disappeared after being shot several times.

But even so, the gangsters did not stop shooting, just to completely eliminate the light spots.

By the time the gunfire stopped, the hapless culprit had been reduced to minced meat.

The gangsters stared at the corpse with wide eyes, trying to find traces of light spots.

There were no light spots around the corpse, and it might have been scattered and broken by random gunshots.

The mood of a group of gangsters was therefore slightly relaxed.

"Go up and see!"

The bandit leader issued an order, and the selected bandits trembled and walked slowly to the corpse.

He used the hot barrel of the gun to poke at the rotten corpse, trying to find traces of light spots.

After fluctuating more than a dozen times in a row, there was no gain.


The gangster breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to turn around and remind his accomplices.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a ray of light emerged from the ground and pierced through the gangster's terrified expression.

The gangster next to him saw this and quickly fired again, but found that he was unable to lock the light spot.

At this moment, the speed of the light spot became obviously faster, and it shot through the chest of another gangster in an instant.

Shooting and killing two bandits in a row, the speed of the light spot did not slow down, but flew towards the other bandits.

Seeing this, the gangsters immediately screamed and dodged, shooting and slashing with knives.

The campsite was a mess, filled with screams and curses from the gangsters, and screams could be heard from time to time.

The light spot is like a nimble bird, dragging a stream of light, constantly chasing the bandits who are dodging around.

At the beginning, the speed was a bit slow and the movement trajectory was very clumsy.

But in a short period of time, it became faster and faster, as fast as lightning.

This can't help but make people suspect that Guangdian has the ability to learn, and is now rapidly improving in battle.

Lying on the ground, Huade witnessed a killing that he would never forget.

That small point of light dragged out a brilliant light in the night, constantly passing through the chests of the gangsters.

The cunning and cruel gangster no longer looked arrogant, but instead let out a desperate cry.

They no longer miss their belongings, but run outside the camp, hoping to escape from the pursuit of the light spot.

But before he ran very far, he would feel his heart burning, and then he would collapse to the ground weakly.

"Who are you, stop attacking, I can give you everything!"

The bandit leader was so frightened that he screamed at the top of his lungs, hoping to reach a settlement with the attackers.

He confirmed that this spot of light was secretly controlled by someone, and that the other party should be hiding nearby at the moment.

It's a pity that he couldn't find the other party, otherwise he would have to make the other party pay the price.

What can be done at this moment is to stabilize the opponent first and reduce casualties as much as possible.

"Idiot, after killing you, these things still belong to him!"

Suddenly a voice came, startling the bandit leader.

He followed the sound and found that it was a personal servant of the expedition team, who was aiming a gun at himself at the moment.

He had seen this servant before when he was hiding in the darkness. Not long after he took over, he was knocked to the ground by the poison in the bonfire.

There is no need to pay too much attention to a little person like this.

Originally, he thought that the inner ghost had killed all the night watchmen, but he didn't expect that there were still some missing.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the bandit leader was shocked and angry, knowing that he had encountered a double life crisis.

"Little brother, don't be impulsive. As long as you let me go, I will give you a large sum of money immediately!"

The bandit leader felt that buying them with money should be very effective.

"Fuck you, do you think I'm a fool?"

The young personal servant cursed at him, and then the gun spewed out flames.


The bandit leader cursed and subconsciously fired back, only to feel a pain in his chest.

He glanced down and saw a glowing blood hole appearing on his chest.

That strange light point was suspended in front of him, dancing gently like a bee.


The bandit leader wanted to say something, but found that he could not make a sound, and a strong sense of powerlessness flooded his body.

Is this what it feels like before dying?
In the mind of the bandit leader, the faces of the victims he killed flashed through his mind. Each one was extremely clear, yet extremely hideous.

At this moment, they are all demanding their lives from the bandit leader.


The bandit leader let out a weird laugh, his strong body swayed, and he fell directly on the corpse of his accomplice.

Seeing this, Hua De, who shot, did not take it lightly
Just as he was about to refill his shot, a young man of slight stature jumped down from a big tree next to him.

Looking at the young servant with the gun, Agen greeted him with a smile.

Of course, he didn't relax his vigilance. If Hua De attacked himself, the light spot would instantly shoot a bloody hole out of his body.

(End of this chapter)

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