I have a city in another world

Chapter 5413 Survival from desperate situation, porcelain armor!

Chapter 5413 Survival from desperate situation, porcelain armor!
Before countless heads surrounded Huade, his heart was already devoured by despair, thinking that he would definitely die today.

Although the weapon in his hand was still tightly held, he was unable to swing it out.

He knew very well in his heart that the weapon in his hand alone could not change the adversity.

The only thing I can do is to pray in my heart, hoping that some god can save me.

Although a little ridiculous, it still represents a glimmer of hope.

When he was praying, light suddenly radiated from the inside of the backpack, and then a piece of porcelain flew out.

It was suspended in front of him, emitting a faint green light.

The sudden scene shocked Hua De, and then he looked ecstatic.

The moment the tile appeared, a piece of information poured into his mind, telling him how to use it.

It is necessary to use Yangshou as a price to turn the porcelain pieces into personal armor, which can be used to resist the damage caused by monsters.

This kind of armor has durability and will continue to be worn out in battle until it completely fails.

The strength of the porcelain armor is related to the size of the porcelain used and the longevity of the sacrifice.

Hua De, who received the message, couldn't help secretly ecstatic.

He never dreamed that after the porcelain bottle broke into pieces, it could still be used like this.

Does that white-haired young man know about this matter, and this time he survived a desperate situation, is it considered that the other party is helping him?

Such thoughts flashed through Hua De's mind, but they were quickly dismissed by force.

At the moment of life and death, there is no time to think too much. If I can go back alive, it will not be too late to find the white-haired young man to express my thanks.

Without hesitation, Hua De chose to pay three years of Yangshou and turn the porcelain fragments into a pair of armor.

As the thought flashed, the porcelain shards disintegrated, turning into countless powders and scattered.

While the powder was flying, it unexpectedly absorbed the energy of the heavens and the earth quickly, turning into large colored crystals.

Immediately afterwards, these crystals quickly gathered towards Huade, as if his body had magnetism.

But in an instant, the hexagonal crystals were attached to the body surface, forming a crystal and smooth armor.

Like the scales of animals, reflecting the bright light, there is an indescribable beauty.

If you observe carefully, you can also see the exact same patterns on the surface of the porcelain on this pair of armor.

At the same time that the porcelain armor was taking shape, a group of monster heads surrounded Huade and bit into his body.

The crisp sound of gnashing teeth indicated that the monster's head had launched an attack, and its fangs were biting Huade's body.

Such a crazy bite is enough to tear his body apart in an instant.

But at this moment, there were only some shallow marks remaining on the surface of Huade's body.

Feeling the changes in his body, Hua De was extremely surprised, and let out a roar of excitement.

Raising the long knife in his hand, aiming at the head of the monster on the ground, he began to chop continuously.

At this time, he was pleasantly surprised to find that after obtaining the porcelain armor, his strength had also been improved.

The long knife in his hand became as light as a stick at this moment, and it easily split a head in half.

The heads of those monsters that grabbed his legs and kept biting them could be bounced away with a flick of force.

The never-before-seen powerful power made Hua De boil with fighting spirit, and he continued to attack in the crowd.

Those human-headed monsters that were rushing towards him and about to engulf him were flying around after being hit.

During the attack, Huade was constantly moving and dodging, looking for a safer place that was more suitable for him.

A depression in the wall caught Hua De's attention. If he hid in it, he could quickly reduce the pressure.

There is no need to be surrounded by enemies, just face the enemy head-on.

Huade made up his mind and quickly rushed towards the depression, constantly kicking people's heads away like balls.

With the protection of the porcelain armor, Hua De became extremely powerful, and he was able to kick the monster with a head easily.

In the process of kicking the head, the soles of the feet still feel no pain.

Some of the more brittle heads were even kicked, causing broken bones and rotten flesh to fly everywhere.

This bloody feeling gradually made Hua De intoxicated, and he kept roaring with excitement.

After this rampage, Huade successfully reached the depression and used the terrain to protect his back and sides.

Seeing the monsters rushing in front of him, Hua De started kicking and kicking those heads flying around.

Or wielding a long knife, chopping and chopping indiscriminately, killing heartily.

I don't know how long it took, Hua De suddenly kicked empty, and his body lost his balance and fell to the ground.

All the strength in his body seemed to be lost. He was full of energy just now, but now he couldn't even lift a finger.

This frightened Hua De, fearing that a monster would take advantage of this opportunity and bite his throat out.

But the exhaustion of his body made him not in the mood to think about it at all, he just lay powerlessly in a pool of rotten flesh and blood.

After waiting for a while, no monsters approached.

A glimmer of hope ignited in Huade's heart, maybe things were not that bad.

As time passed, he became more certain of his ideas.

I want to live!
With this thought in mind, Huade tried to breathe again, trying to stand up from the flesh and blood remains.

After working hard many times, he finally regained some strength.

In the process of struggling, he suddenly felt extremely hungry, and that uncomfortable feeling almost drove him crazy.

In his backpack, there are some dried fruits and jerky, which are specially prepared food by him.

For Hua De, the backpack placed in the distance is now out of reach.

He didn't have the strength at all, so he crawled to the vicinity of the backpack and could only watch helplessly.

At this time, a piece of flesh and blood rolled down from the side and fell into Huade's mouth.

The stench made Hua De almost vomit.

But at this moment, there was no food in his stomach pouch, and he couldn't vomit it even if he wanted to vomit.

But at the same time, there was a strange longing emerging from his heart.

It seems that as long as swallowing flesh and blood, hunger can be relieved.

When this thought came out, it became irresistible immediately, filling Hua De's heart with longing.

He knew very well in his heart that such flesh and blood could not be eaten, otherwise there would be unpredictable consequences.

But his body was gradually losing control, and he couldn't help but swallow flesh and blood into his mouth.

By the time he reacted, this piece of flesh and blood had already been swallowed into his stomach.

The greasy and greasy feeling made him almost vomit again, but at the same time, his stomach pouch contracted strangely and violently.

Obviously to stop Hua De from spitting out the food he had swallowed.

This situation is enough to show that Hua De's thirst for food has reached its limit. Even if he swallows a stone, it may be digested into a pile of powder.

After swallowing this piece of rotten meat, Huade immediately felt stronger, and a trace of energy emerged from his body.

Such an obvious change surprised and delighted Hua De.

He had heard someone say before that whether a warrior or a monk, if he wanted to become stronger, he must take high-quality special food.

But such food is often expensive and difficult to obtain.

Even the rich and powerful could not afford such food consumption.

The flesh and blood of the monster in front of him burst into energy after entering his stomach, which showed that this was definitely not an ordinary thing.

It is likely to be a high-value and very precious blood food.

If this is the case, no matter how disgusting the taste is, you must eat more.

Thinking of this, Hua De buried his head directly and began to swallow it.

It looks like an evil ghost, extremely ferocious!
(End of this chapter)

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