I have a city in another world

Chapter 5435 Neil’s experience

Chapter 5435 Neil’s experience

The strange sights in the village frightened and excited Neil, and he knew he had gotten big news.

He was considered well-informed, but he was still shocked by the scene in front of him. Others must have been even worse.

As long as this scene is truly shown to readers, it will definitely become a very successful news.

He will also become famous overnight because of the reports.

Thinking of the benefits, Neil felt his fear subside like a tide, and he used the camera function without hesitation.

He took photos and recorded all the weird scenes he saw, and then added a vivid text.

When readers see the newspaper, they will definitely be attracted by such wonderful content, and at the same time they will remember his name and applaud this heroic reporter.

Reputation is accumulated in this way. If he does a few more similar things, he will become a famous reporter.

Neil was so excited that he kept pressing the shutter and took one photo after another.

But not long after, he noticed several figures and suddenly opened his eyes.

Without a trace of human emotion, it is more like a beast.

Those people's eyes were blood red and they were staring at Neil, obviously noticing his traces.

"not good!"

Neil's heart was beating wildly, and he turned around and fled without hesitation, rushing towards the river at an extremely fast speed.

He could clearly feel the sound of rapid footsteps coming from the direction behind him.

The soldiers and government officials who had been sleeping before were chasing after him like crazy. Once he fell into their hands, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking of the scene he saw before, Neil felt his scalp numb and ran forward with all his strength.

He knew very well that if he was caught, the scene would not be much better.

With the river in front of him, Neil jumped.

It worked!
Neil was filled with joy and was ready to enter the water. He had good water skills and could get rid of enemies like a swimming fish.

But this time, there seems to be something not simple about the situation.

The joy in Neil's heart just rose, but was immediately replaced by panic, because he saw something in the water.

It was a villager, but his body was covered with scales, and his big grinning mouth was full of sharp teeth.

He stayed quietly in the water, watching Neil jump down, showing a ferocious smile.

When Neil in mid-air showed panic and waved his hands and feet wildly, the villager jumped up from the river like a hunting lizard.

He hugged Neil's body, making him unable to move, and then fell into the river.




After a while, Neil, who had been filled with river water, was lifted ashore by the villagers.

His face was pale, and he kept vomiting out river water, which was mixed with aquatic plants and small fish.

The villagers held Neil by the belt and led him into the village, like dragging a dead dog.

"Hey, brother, let me go, I can actually go by myself."

Neil said to the villagers, but his eyes were full of curiosity, carefully looking at the strange villagers in front of him.

He found that after landing, the villagers' lizard-like, fish-like and shrimp-like features disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that these special organs are actually held up by water. As they become dehydrated a lot after landing, those organs that are different from humans also disappear or hide.

On the surface, he looks like an ordinary person, but his skin is too pale and his expression is too cold, like a dead person turned into a zombie.

Who would have thought that the slender wrinkles on both sides of the opponent's thighs actually concealed folded fin-like organs.

Such strange changes were enough to prove the magic of extraordinary power, and Neil couldn't wait to find out the truth.

Like other aborigines, he is full of curiosity about supernatural power, and he can't wait to figure it out, and it's best if he can get it himself.

Soon he discovered that mist had arisen in the village, making the houses and trees hazy.

It didn't take long for him to be lifted by the villagers to the center of the village, under the strange big tree.

The soldiers and yamen servants I saw before still had their eyes closed, but they were wandering in groups in the village.

They can be seen in every corner, like ghosts wandering in the morning mist.

Neil secretly guessed that they were patrolling the village.

What kind of ability is it that can make a group of heavily armed soldiers obediently obey and manipulate commands, and become a group of puppets controlled by the enemy?
If one possesses this kind of extraordinary ability, wouldn't the wealth of the world be whatever one wants, and no one can do anything to oneself.

From Neil's heart, there was a strong expectation and yearning.

At this moment, under the big tree, there were some more figures, a dozen villagers surrounded by a man in a long robe.

They stood quietly under the tree, looking at Neil silently, looking very strange.

Neil was put down by the villagers, quickly got up from the ground, and straightened his clothes.

This is to keep his image from being too embarrassed and to maintain as much dignity as possible.

Neil's eyes passed over the villagers, and finally fell on the man standing in the center.

"Hello, sir, I mean no offense."

Neil looked at the man in the robe, took the initiative to say hello, and then told him the purpose of his trip.

“I heard about what happened to the villagers and felt deeply angry and unfair, so I took the initiative to investigate the truth.

If everything is true, I must make it public, let the world know the despicable behavior of these powerful people, and seek justice for the innocent villagers! "

When Neil said these words, he looked indignant and his attitude looked very serious.

He didn't say this deliberately to please the villagers, but he really had such a plan.

The envoy on the opposite side nodded slightly after hearing the words.

"I can feel that your determination and sincerity prove that you are a person with a strong sense of justice.

This is a noble quality, not everyone has it, and should be appreciated and encouraged.

I can forgive you for intruding, not hold you responsible for taking random photos, and can let you leave this village. "

Neil suddenly beamed with joy after hearing this.

"Thank you, Your Excellency. You are truly a kind being, able to distinguish right from wrong, and have a tolerant heart."

The angel smiled and nodded slightly.

"But before that, I want to entrust you with something, which may delay you some time."

Neil was startled, afraid that something unexpected would happen, but he didn't dare to show it.

"What do you need me to do for you, Your Excellency?"

Seeing Neil's slightly changed expression, the envoy continued: "You just said that the villagers were persecuted by the villains and suffered huge injustices, which almost caused a catastrophe.

But until now, not many people know about it, and the culprit has not received the punishment he deserved.

I hope you can uphold the spirit of justice and report this incident truthfully, so that the world can know the ugliness of the rich and powerful.

I will be responsible for upholding justice, allowing the weak to be protected, and the despicable and shameless to be punished! "

Upon hearing the angel's request, Neil quickly nodded and agreed. This was what he wanted to do.

I was still worried at first, but now my burden is completely gone.

He is now acting according to the order and can definitely obtain more information, making the content of this report more exciting and full.

At this time, the envoy said to Neil in a flat voice: "Anyone who has a similar experience can find a way to contact you, and then you will tell me.

Once the evil deeds of the other party are determined, I will send people to take action to let the criminals get the punishment they deserve. "

Neil's expression suddenly became more exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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