I have a city in another world

Chapter 5711 Set off again

The foreigners with insufficient wallets also bought the car they wanted, but it was a simple version.

Some of these vehicles look similar to three-wheel motorcycles, and their main purpose is to be streamlined and practical.

Although the appearance is far less impressive than the high-end version of the vehicle, the selling price is really cheap.

But in terms of power, it really doesn't compromise.

Besides, this kind of low-profile vehicle is more suitable for driving on snowy streets. It runs as fast as the wind and raises a billowing cloud of snow dust.

There are three members in the car, and the stronger ones are given priority. When gathered together, they can become a fast action team.

Combined with the weapons and equipment on the vehicle, it can easily suppress more than ten times the number of enemies and ensure that it is not damaged.

Produced by Loucheng, it must be a high-quality product.

After buying a low-end version of the car, I was originally happy but depressed, feeling that my family had lost face.

We are all nearby neighbors, so there will inevitably be a comparison mentality. If others are better than you, you will definitely feel unbalanced.

Even if you try your best, you still have to earn face.

Money, an external thing, can be earned again after being spent. But if face is lost, it is extremely difficult to recover it.

These foreign lords are also not misers. Things they can do with money are not a problem at all in their eyes.

Spending money to buy face is a very cost-effective thing.

But it didn’t take long for the foreign experts to discover to their surprise that low-end cars may not be bad.

The vehicles manufactured in the Loucheng gathering place consume spiritual stones as energy, and there is no fault in their power.

If the output is at full power, traffic accidents are extremely likely to occur.

Before the vehicle is sold, various precautions have been stated. If you fail to comply, you will be responsible for any accidents that occur.

Wanting to cause trouble for Lou Cheng and extort a sum of compensation is just wishful thinking.

If you dare to do this, you will have to bear the wrath of Lou Cheng, and the power of the spirit stone rocket will make all enemies who have experienced it curse.

I believe it won’t be long before Loucheng’s achievements will spread and the aliens with evil intentions will become honest.

It is a common problem among foreigners to bully the weak and fear the strong. If they are weak, they can be bullied to death by the foreigners, but if they are strong, they will often avoid them.

I'm afraid that if I make a careless move, I will end up in a mess.

As the reputation spreads, Lou Cheng's reputation will become louder and louder. People's names, trees' shadows, and the forces that dare to provoke Lou Cheng will become fewer and fewer.


On the snow-covered street, a car was driving rapidly, sending up snow and ice particles all over the sky.

For the strong, the more dangerous the activity, the more exciting it is.

Speed ​​racing is a real game for brave people. Adrenaline is soaring, and life and death are just a thin line away. The feeling is really exciting to the extreme.

Discovering the fun, a group of strong aliens had a great time.

Perhaps starting from today, there will be more entertainment programs for the strong foreigners in the nearby gathering place.

Snow racing.

Bored foreign strong men will definitely not reject this kind of outdoor activities. If they can put bets on it, it will definitely be more attractive.

Several nearby gathering places all donated generously, and all their accumulated wealth was wiped out.

Loucheng was the biggest winner and made a lot of money.

After harvesting millions of spiritual stones, the original purpose of Loucheng has been achieved, and there is no point in staying any longer.

The road ahead is long, I don’t know when we will reach the end, and there are still many places where we can make money.

Those medium-sized gathering places, as well as large gathering places, can definitely earn more spirit stones.

These big dogs are Tang Zhen's target.

Come when you should come and leave when you should go. This kind of desolate place is not worth lingering on.

Tang Zhen gave the order to go to the next location. “Dudududu, dudududududu…”

The melodious and low sound of the horn sounded slowly over the gathering place, giving people a solemn feeling.

This has always been the case in a violent organization like the military. Rules are greater than heaven, and orders must always be followed.

The Loucheng gathering place was established not long ago and is not a real military organization, but everything is carried out according to militarized standards.

Habits become natural, and a true professional soldier cannot be cultivated overnight.

Members of the Loucheng gathering place immediately began to get busy after hearing the horn sound.

According to the horn prompts, after a few hours, the Loucheng gathering place will leave again.

Many lost people raised their heads and looked at the conspicuous mechanical clock to count the remaining time.

There was still a lot to do before the team left, and there was not much free time at all.

Traveling long distances is a rush, and you will inevitably have to be busy and tired from one place to another.

People on their way act as passers-by and spectators. They come today and leave tomorrow without any nostalgia at all.

When operating in a medium-sized gathering place, it is a spectacular sight.

When the foreigners saw this scene, they felt very shocked and clearly realized the gap between the two sides.

Such disciplined behavior is really rare in daily life, which is enough to prove that this is a truly elite team.

With such elite soldiers and generals, coupled with sophisticated equipment, how many people can be opponents?

Fortunately, from beginning to end, no conflict broke out between the two parties, but they became transaction partners.

Otherwise, if a war breaks out, how many people will be able to survive? I am afraid that none of the surrounding alien gathering places will survive.

Some people were originally worried, fearing that Lou Cheng would stay here and not leave, but now they breathed a sigh of relief.

If you think about it carefully, this worry is really ridiculous.

With the strength Lou Cheng possesses, he can't go anywhere, so how can he be greedy for their barren territory.

After there was no threat, he felt a little reluctant to give up on Loucheng. So many good things could be exchanged for spiritual stones. This was something that he never dared to think about in the past.

If there are spiritual stones in the future, who will I spend them with?

Facing the foreigners' inquiries, the sales manager also gave a reply, asking them to follow the track and then they could find Loucheng for trading.

No matter what time, Loucheng will welcome guests from all over the world with a smile.

Especially nowadays, after obtaining a magical vehicle, the traveling speed can be doubled.

If we drive at full speed, we can successfully catch up with the Loucheng convoy in just a few days.

Tang Zhen also had the same idea when selling vehicles, hoping to get more repeat customers.

The following vehicles may also join Loucheng in the future and become comrades in the same boat.

After going round and round like this, the car returned again.

However, this kind of thing may not necessarily happen. The main purpose is to earn spiritual stones.

What Tang Zhen wants to do is actually a bottomless pit, and he doesn't know how many spiritual stones it will take to fill it.

The collection at the Loucheng gathering place alone cannot meet the demand, and more gathering places must help.

If you don’t take anything, others will definitely not agree to it. If the thing is not good, those lost people will not accept it either.

Just come up with really good things and let these aliens be tempted at first sight, and then they will obediently dig into their pockets.

What the Lost Land will look like in the future has nothing to do with Tang Zhen.

If he could choose, he would like the Lost Land to be more chaotic, instead of like what it is now, like a pool of smelly stagnant water.

The lost people trapped here lose their ambition and sink in despair until death comes.

Today's Lost City is a frozen sea, covered with thick ice.

Breaking through the ice is by no means an easy task. Even if it is the Raging Sea Dragon, it must have the right time and place.

Without the right time and place, you can only create it yourself, but the process is destined to be extremely difficult.

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