I have a city in another world

Chapter 5738 The Legend of Space Cracks

A solid fence was built around the space rift and was guarded by soldiers at all times.

From this moment on, this area becomes a restricted area and no one is allowed to approach it.

No vehicles are allowed to stay within a distance of thirty meters, and the free movement area is fifty meters away.

Because of this regulation, the gathering area expanded outward again, forming a real ring area.

Tang Zhen's exclusive RV is also parked inside the fence, allowing him to access various supplies at any time.

Tang Zhen informed the senior management of the gathering place that he would stay for a long time this time and had no plans to travel far in the short term.

If everything goes well, the travel plan will be completed.

But there are a few things that must be done immediately to cooperate with Tang Zhen's plan.

The first thing is that the trade fair will continue to be held.

Transactions related to spirit stones must be continued in order to collect more extraordinary materials.

In the next period of time, the consumption of spiritual stones will be extremely large, and the existing reserves will no longer be able to meet the demand.

Obtaining enough spirit stones is the first priority at the gathering place.

Tang Zhen originally planned to plunder a nearby gathering place and wipe out all the spiritual stones he had accumulated over the years.

But after thinking about it later, I felt that there was no need to do this, and more gentle business methods could be used.

Let the lost ones not feel the pain, but still say your goodness in their mouths and hearts.

The specific operation needs to be studied by Lao Mao and others, and Tang Zhen will be responsible for providing the products.

In the following time, Tang Zhen's main job was to strengthen and widen the space-time rift.

The second thing is to create public opinion and spread some news.

Regarding the space rift, Tang Zhen does not intend to keep it to himself, but wants to bring in more lost people.

If there are risks, they can be shared together.

Lao Mao and others are no strangers to creating rumors and public opinion, and they can certainly do it easily.

Wait until the meeting is over and the action begins immediately.

After they stopped in Loucheng, the strong foreigners who had been following them all started to catch up one after another.

This journey was carried out slowly and hurriedly. Many lost people were filled with resentment and almost gave up halfway.

But the temptation of the magic weapon made them persist all the way.

Hearing that the trade fair was being held again, a group of strong foreigners were extremely happy and prepared spiritual stones for purchase.

The resentment accumulated in my heart was relieved.

Several nearby gathering places also sent people to inquire about the news. They were very surprised to see many foreigners stationed nearby.

Abnormal things like this were rarely encountered in the past, leaving a group of strong aliens scratching their heads.

After some inquiries, they put down their worries and looked forward to the trade fair.

There are also some strong aliens who are curious about the war that broke out earlier and want to know what caused it?

There are also strong aliens who firmly believe that there must be opportunities hidden here, otherwise there would never be such a vision.

No one knows what kind of chance it is, and can only speculate based on various clues.

But there are some rumors that come from unknown sources and are spreading quietly.

For example:

Tang Zhen's trip this time was to find a way to leave the lost place. He would never stop easily until he found it.

There are also rumors:

Tang Zhen may have discovered something by staying here.

Others secretly claimed:

There is a space rift here, connecting to another world that was previously occupied by a large group of monsters.

The lord of the Loucheng gathering place discovered the hidden space cracks, fought with those monsters, and finally gained control of the place.

The purpose of staying here now is to find a way to leave. Maybe it won't take long to go to another world.

I don’t know where the rumors came from, but they said they had noses and eyes, and many powerful foreigners received the news one after another.

These powerful foreigners will definitely not keep secrets, but will spread the news.

In a short period of time, more foreign races knew about this matter and became infinitely interested.

If there really is a chance, everyone will definitely fight for it and completely stay away from this bitter cold place. Unconfirmed rumors cannot be trusted after all. Someone must be sent to investigate first.

Regardless of whether the news is true or false, at least one thing is certain, Lou Cheng does have something good in his hands.

In the past period of time, Loucheng's reputation has completely spread, and the products sold have withstood the test.

Magical weapons with different functions have attracted countless lost people, all hoping to own one.

The items with the highest desire to buy are various magic weapons and vehicles, which have now attracted a large number of fans.

Who doesn't want to own a chariot that can ride in the ice and snow without fear of monster harassment, and can even knock opponents away easily?

The powerful aliens who own vehicles now have extraordinary scenery, attracting countless envious looks.

In recent times, the strong men have been accumulating spiritual stones and silently waiting for the trade fair to begin.

Now that the opportunity has finally arrived, the strong men will definitely not miss it easily and will come with the spirit stones as soon as possible.

There are many such teams, and most of them are on the road now, or have just received news and are ready to set off.

Since the arrival of Tang Zhen and the establishment of the Loucheng gathering place, the Lost City has become more and more lively.

The lost people don't know that something even more amazing is brewing now.


Tang Zhen made some preparations and began to build the rune array.

This method of stabilizing space cracks and expanding them is no stranger to Tang Zhen.

Not only can he build it, he can also modify it to adapt it to every situation.

Even if you are in a desperate situation, you can survive.

Tang Zhen's rank is too high. Few people can understand what he does, let alone expect anyone to help him.

Building the rune array can also only be done by one person, and the workload during the period is indeed not small.

Fortunately, he had a group of evil spirits in his hands that could be driven and could help Tang Zhen complete some basic work.

Soon someone discovered that a strange-looking building slowly rose in the center of the building city.

The material of this building is unknown. It looks like an arch, but its shape is very strange.

A dazzling colorful beam of light extends into the sky from the position of the arch, which can be clearly seen dozens of miles away.

The sudden appearance of strange buildings aroused the curiosity of more lost people and reminded them of some rumors they had heard.

Could it be that the lord of Loucheng gathering place really discovered the rift in time and space and could help the lost to go to other worlds?

The minds of the powerful aliens were attracted by this strange building, and they tried to obtain more information.

They also used various methods to send messages back to their respective gathering places, hoping to receive more assistance and support.

More and more eyes are looking at the gathering place of Loucheng, always paying attention to what is happening here.

After some time, someone discovered more anomalies.

Near the strange arch building, you can occasionally see rising and rolling air currents dancing and gushing out.

This is a natural phenomenon that only occurs when there is a heat source.

Such situations are not uncommon in gathering places, and things like boiling water for cooking are unavoidable.

But there is something obviously wrong with this area, and it is definitely not a heat release caused by daily life.

Those aliens who observed in secret saw strange insects and birds in the sky near the arch many times.

They suddenly flew up, and soon fell to the ground and disappeared, as if they were blocked and controlled by invisible forces.

In the frozen and snowy Lost City, these little things were rarely seen, but now they appear frequently.

Judging from their appearance, they don't look like creatures from cold areas, but come from warm areas.

After some time, something unusual happened.

The alien lost people attending the trade fair suddenly heard a whistling sound, and then saw a strange scene.

Countless weird bugs suddenly appeared from the central area of ​​the gathering place and flew in all directions.

These tender green bugs are all thin-skinned and stuffed, and they will explode when pinched with your fingers.

Compared to the bugs in the Lost Land, they were incredibly fragile and did not look like something that grew in the ice and snow.

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