I have a city in another world

Chapter 6018: Cooperation, Development and Choice

The cooperation between the alliance and the group soon became known to the world and immediately caused an uproar.

The two forces, which had been wary of each other and had even fought a war, suddenly became partners.

As expected, in this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

If the conditions are met, cooperation is also possible between angels and demons.

Discussions on this matter continue to heat up, but it will not have any impact on the cooperation.

After the contract was signed between the two parties, the major groups immediately worked overtime to produce and strive to deliver the order in the shortest time possible.

The alliance is in urgent need of this batch of supplies and requires that they be delivered within a short period of time.

The alliance has made it clear that if delivery is completed ahead of schedule, more order benefits will be given.

The alliance will set different identity levels based on the performance of partners. The higher the level, the better the treatment.

The Alliance will launch a new level system shortly, specifically for partners of different identities.

The closer the relationship with the alliance, the more benefits you will get. If it reaches a certain level, there will be no difference between you and the people inside the alliance.

If you want to win over the major groups, you must use both carrots and sticks to truly make them obey your orders.

This is just the beginning, and there will be more operations in the future to bind the major groups and alliances together.

Compared with the resources of the new world, the major groups are the greatest wealth and the support that Tang Zhen will never give up.

More and more groups have signed various contracts with the alliance and are devoting all their efforts to production.

Corporate groups that are hostile to the alliance and those that want to remain on the sidelines are now on pins and needles.

In the past, all major groups shared a common hatred of the enemy and had the confidence to confront the alliance.

However, as the cooperation is achieved, the group camp will be completely divided and will no longer be able to maintain its original form.

Those who are close to the alliance, those who remain neutral, and those who hate the alliance will be divided into different camps.

Be wary of each other and hate each other, and even war may break out.

The problem is that those who are close to the alliance will get more benefits, making themselves stronger and stronger.

This behavior carries hidden risks, but it is also the price that must be paid to gain benefits. It is equivalent to dancing on the edge of a cliff, and there is a possibility of falling into the abyss at any time.

The benefits granted by the alliance will certainly not be obtained by neutrals and hostile parties.

Once a group that is close to the alliance becomes stronger, it will inevitably take action against other competitors.

Gaining benefits from the alliance has improved their own strength, and they have the alliance as their backing.

Once the war starts, the neutral and hostile groups will be in a precarious situation and will not be able to compete with the enemy.

It is even possible that the alliance will take the initiative to launch an offensive and completely destroy the hostile group.

If the major groups cooperate, the alliance may not have the courage to take action, but if they divide and attack, they will have a very high chance of winning.

Perhaps this cooperation is a conspiracy of the alliance.

Even if they knew the truth, the major groups could do nothing about it. This was an open conspiracy, waiting for someone willing to take the bait.

No matter which group it is, as long as they are willing to cooperate, the alliance will give them opportunities.

If you are unwilling to cherish and still choose to be hostile and confrontational, then you must be responsible for your choice.

No matter how magnanimous Tang Zhen is, he will not allow an enemy who wants to destroy him to exist. Once the opportunity arises, he will send the enemy into the six realms of reincarnation.

Today's new world is occupied and divided by major groups and has actually reached saturation long ago.

Unless something major happens, it is rare for new groups to rise. Most of them are suppressed or swallowed up, ending up with nothing left.

Tang Zhen wants to break the deadlock and destroy the groups that are not suitable for existence, thus leaving more living space.

This part of the space will then be divided among corporate groups close to the alliance, or occupied by the alliance itself.

This is something that is inevitable in the future. A turbulent rear is definitely not the environment that Tang Zhen wants.

Although the alliance did not make any additional statements from beginning to end, it could not withstand the analysis and deduction of major groups.

The current situation makes them feel terrified, and they gather together to study the response plan. They will not sit and wait for death, but will find ways to resolve the crisis. If there is a suitable opportunity, they will go all out to kill the alliance.

The waves caused by the order are still surging and are likely to cause more things in the future.

Tang Zhen would not pay too much attention to this kind of news, as there were dedicated people within the alliance to handle it.

His main focus now is on the entrance base, trying to turn it into a solid fortress in a short period of time.

If you want to upgrade and transform the base, you first need a large amount of materials, many of which need to be processed and customized.

Although the Alliance has the ability to manufacture some of these items, it is unable to increase production in a short period of time.

However, there are still many items that the Alliance does not have the ability to manufacture and produce, and they need to be obtained through other means.

For long-term use in the future, there must be a stable supply channel.

Cooperating with major groups is the best choice and can kill two birds with one stone.

The situation in the void world is special. Ordinary substances will be corroded, and only some special metals can last for a long time.

According to records, there are a total of twenty-seven kinds of usable metals, among which gold is the easiest to obtain.

High-purity gold, which is equivalent to money and makes mortals chase it madly, is just a basic building material in the void world.

As for other metals, they are not within Tang Zhen's range of choice due to their low cost-effectiveness.

After signing orders with major groups, the alliance began to purchase gold without limiting the quantity.

For major groups, this is another excellent opportunity to exchange points. Compared with those rare metals, gold reserves are higher and the difficulty of mining is lower.

As the news of the acquisition was released, the price of gold in the private sector soared, and holders did not want to miss this opportunity to make money.

However, this situation did not last long because the major groups did not make public acquisitions.

The gold they have in reserve is enough to meet the needs of the alliance, so there is no need to pay a higher price to purchase it from the private sector.

Those who try to cut corners and make a profit from the price difference are destined to fail.

If you try to play tricks on the big corporations, your final outcome will be miserable.

Sure enough, when the news came out, those who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune fell into despair.

When they have no other options, the group may make an acquisition, but it will definitely not be at the price the other party expects.

The large amount of gold collected was quickly sent to Feng'er City, and then sent to the entrance base by the gold train.

After the gold was delivered, it was refined by the alliance's weapon refiners and turned into golden railings for making walls.

Construction in the void world is extremely difficult, and using local materials is also very important.

Those remaining ruins, large and small, have been preserved because they were eroded by dark forces.

If placed under light, it will only continue to emit black mist and become a terrible source of pollution.

When dark monsters invade the heavens, they often devour ruins and debris, then spit them out crazily after entering the world.

These ruins and fragments will form a thick black fog, which will accelerate the spread of erosion.

The same is true for soil, which will also release black mist, but will quickly return to normal.

The monks of the alliance worked together to assemble the golden fence and then filled it with soil from the void world.

After filling and compacting, continue to raise and lift it, building a wall like building blocks.

If there were no golden enclosure acting as a skeleton, the accumulated void soil would quickly disperse and become as loose as flowing sand.

In fact, there are some ways to get a stronger wall, but the conditions are not met now.

Tang Zhen was not busy alone. There were more than 5,000 alliance monks who were also participating in the construction of the entrance base.

In the busy process, spirit stone rockets would occasionally launch into the air to attack the dark monsters in the distance.

By using this attack method, the dark monsters will be frightened and will not dare to approach the entrance easily.

(End of this chapter)

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