I have a city in another world

Chapter 6056: The Rage of the Peak Monks

Chapter 6056: The Rage of the Peak Monks
Seeing that the formation could not be broken and the mountain city could not be lost, the monks from the peaks who came to rescue decided to try negotiation.

The prerequisite for negotiation is to find the negotiating partner and then put forward your respective demands.

But looking around the wasteland, there was no trace of the enemy and no way to determine where they were hiding.

If we can find the enemy, that would be great, and we will be more confident during negotiations.

If we can't find it, the negotiations can't proceed, and the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it will be to our side.

A group of monks in Qunfenglou City discussed secretly and decided to take the initiative to propose negotiations.

It might cause loss of face, but since it concerns the overall plan of their own tower city, the monks in the mountains can only bow their heads.

After the discussion was complete, the monks from Qunfeng Tower City took immediate action and shouted loudly at the thick fog formation.

He took the initiative to reveal his identity, hoping to negotiate in order to ensure the safety of the Shanlinglou City army.

But after half a day, there was still no movement from the thick fog formation, and there were only gusts of lonely wind in the wilderness.

The monk from Loucheng who was shouting showed a hint of anger, but it disappeared in an instant.

At the moment he is in a weaker position than others, so it is not his turn to be arrogant or angry. It is best for him to be patient until he achieves his goal.

The thick fog formation before them left all the formation masters of Qunfenglou City helpless, which was a proof of their strength.

Maintaining respect for the strong can effectively avoid conflicts. Unless you have the ability to resolve them perfectly, it is best not to cause trouble.

The monks from the Qunfeng Tower City who were watching quietly suppressed their dissatisfaction and continued to wait silently for a response.

But I made up my mind that if I had the chance to fight back in the future, I would make the other party pay the price.

As the two sides were in a stalemate, more and more figures came from the hidden corners of the nearby wasteland after hearing the news.

There are forces composed of wild cultivators, and some are from other Loucheng organizations. Several of them have received greetings from Tang Zhen.

Unlike the people in the mountain tower city, their reaction was not violent, and they had no intention of retaliating.

Instead, he felt fear and anxiety, wondering if he had offended some powerful enemy and whether it would bring danger to his own city.

As the level of the city increases, residents will become arrogant and develop a condescending attitude.

This is the case with mountain tower cities, and even worse with peak tower cities. Their first reaction towards the weak is to bully and crush them.

This is not the mentality of a strong person. If it is not corrected and changed in time, it will only create greater hidden dangers in the future.

Faced with the negotiation request from the monks from the mountains, Tang Zhen did not respond and deliberately let the other party wait for a while.

If you want to solve the problem through negotiation, you must first have enough sincerity. If you don’t even have this little patience, the best choice is to get out.

Tang Zhen has enough cards and confidence to deal with all kinds of tactics used by Qunfenglou City, and the bigger the noise, the better.

This is the Immortal Tower City’s first appearance, and it must leave a deep impression on people so that those with ill intentions will not dare to provoke it easily in the future.

From the very beginning, Tang Zhen never thought about developing in a low-key manner, but rather about making rapid progress.

Take bigger steps, cover further distances, and advance faster.

Unlike ordinary monks in Loucheng, Tang Zhen knew too many secrets, which were secret knowledge that many high-level monks in Loucheng did not possess.

This knowledge made Tang Zhen realize that the tower city before level six was just a place for fun, with no way of contacting the real world.

If you want to get enough benefits and become stronger, you cannot waste your precious time.

Upgrade your tower city as quickly as possible and get through the first five levels of the novice period, so that you will have a chance to gain benefits faster.

But then again, there will be a novice period in the war zone in order to better train the monks in Loucheng and make them stronger.

Without this step, one could lose his life if he is not careful when facing the dangerous and unpredictable world.

Many war zones release monsters and set up monster spawning locations such as wild buildings, which is actually a rehearsal for the war among the heavens.

The monsters you encounter are likely to have been encountered in other worlds, or they may be very similar to each other.

Experienced monks in Loucheng will be more efficient and relaxed in battle and will not be helpless due to lack of experience.

Tang Zhen wanted to climb high and look far, so he had to take steps. He didn't have a specific goal, and often chose randomly. For example, the mountain tower city, or the peak tower city that followed closely, if he beat one and jumped out of the nest, others might be annoyed, but Tang Zhen was looking forward to this situation.

The more stepping stones there are and the larger they are, the easier it will be to climb.

When there are enough corpses, they can be laid out to form a staircase, making it easier and more stable to reach the top of the mountain.

However, Tang Zhen discovered that those low-level building cities were very cautious and showed no signs of jumping out on their own initiative.

It's normal to think about it. In front of the two tower cities of mountains and peaks, there is really no place for them to speak.

To these small forces, the two tower cities are huge monsters that they cannot afford to provoke.

Being able to fight against two major forces and reach a stalemate, he is naturally not a simple character.

When it comes to things like this, you don't even have time to avoid them, so how can you possibly get involved in them?

Once you are caught in it, there is a high possibility that you will be smashed to pieces.

These small forces and organizations cannot be compared with the two tower cities at all, so it doesn’t matter if they don’t participate in this matter.

Let them watch quietly, act as free mouthpieces, and then publicize the matter.

Using them for advertising would definitely be very effective, much better than Immortal Tower City’s proactive promotion.

If it were promoted by the Immortal Tower City, people might be skeptical or even sneer at it, and the expected effect would not be achieved at all.

When the bright moon rose, the monks from the peaks still did not evacuate.

They are very perseverant and keep persisting until the goal appears.

The hidden onlookers also did not leave, but continued to wait silently.

In the blink of an eye, it was a new day. The sun shone on the wasteland of the sea, and the monks in the peaks gradually lost their patience.

They are all high-ranking and powerful figures in their respective cities. Why did they become so servile?
Although judging from the formation, the methods of the Immortal Tower City are indeed not simple, it cannot be used as a capital for arrogance and rudeness.

Before this, Qunfenglou City had been waiting patiently, which was considered to be giving the other party enough face.

Everything has its limits, otherwise too much is as bad as too little.

After discussion, the monks of Qunfeng Tower City decided to wait for a while and then study other plans.

The army in Shanlinglou City is trapped. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. The longer it is delayed, the more dangerous it will be.

If the delay causes the Mountain Tower City to suffer serious losses, further negotiations will be meaningless.

If a real fight comes to a head, Qunfenglou City is not afraid of any opponent. As the overlord of this area, the methods it possesses are far more than what outsiders see.

Once the war breaks out, it will be a thunderous one.

While waiting for the negotiations, the monks from the Qunfeng informed Loucheng of the news. After a night, they must have been fully prepared.

Once an unexpected outbreak occurs, the Qunfeng Tower City can respond in time and will not be caught off guard.

The sun is rising high in the sky and the deadline is approaching.

The monk from Qunfenglou City had been waiting for a long time. His anger grew with the scorching sun and was gradually on the verge of exploding.

Just at this moment, someone noticed the fog surging, and then several figures rushed out.

Judging from the other party's appearance and dress, he is clearly a monk from the Mountain Tower City.

The monks from Qunfenglou City who were planning to break up with each other were startled and rushed forward to check.

After confirming that there was no problem, the monks from the Qunfeng immediately interrogated the other party to find out everything the other party had experienced.

Although they knew very well that the residents of the Mountain Tower City were all in the fog, they were still unable to obtain any information.

This important opportunity before us must not be missed at any cost. We must find out the other party's identity.

In order to get the result as quickly as possible, the monks of the Qunfeng used cruel means, forcing the escapees to tell the truth at the cost of hurting their souls.

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