I have a city in another world

Chapter 6058: The Unrest in the Peaks and Towers

Chapter 6058: The Unrest in the Peaks and Towers

The negotiations went very smoothly and Qunfenglou City got the desired result.

But at this moment, they did not feel joy, but deep worry.

The Immortal Tower City, whose origins are unknown, makes the monks in the mountains feel wary and they guess that it will definitely bring more troubles in the future.

If possible, it is best to solve the problem once and for all.

After coming into contact with Tang Zhen, the monks from the mountains all had a feeling that they might not be his match.

If we choose this moment to break off relations with the Immortal Tower City, we might face fatal danger.

It is better to be cautious and rescue the residents of the mountain tower city first.

Some monks returned to the mountain city, ready to open the treasury of the city and take out the life-saving ransom.

If such an unexpected situation occurs, there is no need to consider the rules and procedures, you can just withdraw the money directly.

Then they rode at full speed directly to the wilderness and handed it to Tang Zhen in person.

The monks from the Mountain Tower City who followed were extremely nervous, fearing that some unexpected situation would occur again.

What if Tang Zhen accepted the ransom but refused to release the person, or deliberately inflicted harm, causing serious damage to the residents of Shanling Tower City?

Although on the surface they had the support of the Qunfeng Tower City, any discerning person could see that this group of high-level Tower City monks, who were usually arrogant and conceited, were clearly wary of the young man in front of them.

Once a problem occurs, I'm afraid there's nothing you can count on.

This complex feeling of anxiety did not last long. Tang Zhen released the person directly after receiving the money.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the thick fog continued to roll and dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The residents of the building city who were trapped in the thick fog appeared in all kinds of strange postures. Some ran around frantically, some fell to the ground in despair. They were scattered here and there, with confusion and despair in their eyes.

When the fog dissipated, the trapped residents of the building city finally came to their senses and let out all kinds of screams and shouts.

That kind of excitement and joy really came from the heart, and waves of sound echoed throughout the wilderness.

After experiencing a desperate struggle and suddenly gaining a new life, the residents of the mountain city had mixed feelings.

The Lord of Mountain City looked around and saw the monks from the peaks who came to rescue him, his own residents who followed them, and a young monk with an extraordinary demeanor.

The moment he saw Tang Zhen, the Lord of Shanling City immediately had a feeling that he had trapped the Loucheng army in a formation.

Anger and murderous intent rose up, but were suppressed in an instant. The current situation did not allow him to vent his anger at all.

At this time, a telepathic message appeared in the consciousness of the Lord of Mountain City, also warning him not to act rashly.

No matter what happens, you can go back and talk about it. Don't act impulsively.

There was no need for warning at all, as the Lord of Mountain City knew very well what to do. He had been trapped in a thick fog formation before and had already clearly realized the gap between the two sides.

If Tang Zhen is angered and the formation is activated again, he will have to go through a nightmare-like scene again.

If this is true, the mountain tower city will be in ruins.

By observing their words and expressions, he also discovered the abnormality of the monks from the peaks. They seemed to be very afraid of Tang Zhen.

Anyone who can do this must be no ordinary person, and he must not act rashly.

Suppressing the anger and hatred in his heart, the Lord of Mountain City saluted to the monks from the peaks, and then ordered mutual assistance and rescue.

At this moment, the mountain residents were in a very ugly state, and many of them fell into a coma or became mentally ill.

After treatment or awakening, some of them gradually returned to normal, but those in poor condition still accounted for the majority.

It is necessary to rest and recuperate before you can return to normal.

The Lord of Mountain City did not want to stay any longer, as he felt that this wasteland was too dangerous and it would be best to return home as soon as possible.

With the protection of the tower city, it will definitely be safer.

However, when he thought of the tower city symbol left by Tang Zhen not long ago, the Lord of Mountain City felt uneasy again.

The defense system of the mountain tower city is completely powerless against Tang Zhen, who may sneak into it at any time.

After returning to the tower city, it is necessary to seek help from the monks in the peaks to obtain more security protection. Now that Tang Zhen has been offended, and the two tower cities are closely adjacent, the Lord of the Mountain City is indeed worried.

Tang Zhen stood quietly, and so did the monks from the peaks. The situation between the two sides was more like a standoff.

The problem of the mountain and tower city was solved, and the contradictions were smoothly transferred, but they became more complicated and dangerous.

After a while, the army of Shanlinglou City reorganized itself. It was no longer as aggressive as when it came, but became sluggish.

If he returns to Loucheng in this image, he will inevitably be watched by passers-by, and all kinds of speculation will follow.

It will have a significant impact on Shanyelou City.

But there was no time to think too much about it at the moment. With an order, the team moved slowly across the wilderness.

The monks from the Qunfeng were responsible for guarding the rear to prevent any further accidents from happening. Although the problem had been solved, they still did not dare to take it lightly.

If the formation is used again to attack the mountain tower city, they will definitely have to take action to stop the rescue.

In fact, at this moment, the monks in the mountains were also uneasy, fearing that Tang Zhen would go back on his word.

If they were trapped, the benefits gained would far exceed those of the Mountain Tower City. The value of a group of high-level monks could not be compared to that of ordinary Tower City residents.

In order to avoid accidents, the monks in the mountains all acted separately to avoid being caught in one fell swoop when an accident occurred.

Fortunately, the things they worried about did not happen along the way, which made the monks in the mountains secretly relieved.

By the time they successfully left the wasteland and were out of the territory of the Immortal Tower City, the reinforcements that had quietly arrived also received the signal.

Before figuring out the situation, the reinforcements from Loucheng who arrived in a hurry did not rashly break into the territory of Immortal Loucheng.

In order to avoid falling into a trap and being caught, this kind of behavior will be made into a big deal, which will cause more trouble.

During this period, Qunfeng Tower City mobilized all its forces to investigate, trying to find information related to Immortal Tower City.

This rarely happens unless there is a war.

Unfortunately, after investigating for half a day, there was no result. The Immortal Tower City seemed to have appeared out of thin air.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing would be almost impossible to happen.

The seemingly independent building cities are actually closely connected to each other. If you pay enough, you can always get the information you want.

But this time, there was really nothing to be gained.

Such an abnormal situation aroused the vigilance of the Lord of Qunfeng City, who decided to investigate the matter thoroughly.

The Qunfeng Tower City is in a critical period of promotion and no accidents can occur. The sudden appearance of the Immortal Tower City makes people deeply uneasy.

There is only one thing to be thankful for, the Immortal Tower City is built in the wasteland and belongs to a true marginal area.

Even if there is a problem, it is easier to deal with.

The investigation into the Immortal Tower City will continue, and we will be on high alert against Tang Zhen.

From now on, unless it is necessary, we will not take the initiative to enter the territory of Immortal Tower City, nor will we do anything provocative overtly.

It is better to have less trouble than more. It will not be too late to deal with this matter after the Qunfeng Tower City is successfully promoted.

The Mountain Tower City, in particular, received a stern warning and was not allowed to provoke retaliation.

The Lord of Mountain City, who suffered losses, was angry and anxious. It was the first time for him to suffer such a big loss.

He hated Tang Zhen to death and really wanted revenge to vent the anger that was building up in his heart.

But he also knew that without the support of Qunfeng Tower City, he would be unable to do anything to Tang Zhen.

The terrifying thick fog array still left him with lingering fears, and he had no desire to experience it again.

Unless he is sure enough, the Lord of Mountain City will not take any action to avoid putting himself in danger.

But whenever he thought of the losses, he felt heartbroken. Those were resources accumulated over many years, and now they had shrunk by half.

Part of it was given to Tang Zhen, and the other part was given to the monks from the peaks. However, some monks from the peaks were still not satisfied and tried to ask for more rewards.

The Lord of Mountain City was filled with resentment, but he couldn't afford to provoke the enemy. Now he was like a turtle hiding in a pit, suffering from humiliation on both sides.

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