I have a city in another world

Chapter 6063 A New Round of Cooperation

Chapter 6063 A New Round of Cooperation
The cornerstone platform of the Fallen Earth War Zone is not very friendly to Tang Zhen.

Taking over the Immortal Tower City was not the original intention of the Fallen Earth Platform, but an operation forced upon it.

There are some rules involved that cannot be mentioned to outsiders, especially not to Tang Zhen.

From the perspective of the Fallen Earth Platform, Tang Zhen’s arrival is not a good thing, but will bring unforeseen troubles.

When communicating with Tang Zhen, the Falling Earth Platform could only follow the rules and regulations and it was impossible for it to provide any special treatment.

When Tang Zhen asked to open the space-time channel to connect with the new world, the Fallen Earth Platform refused without hesitation.

Every time a space channel is opened, unknown hidden dangers will increase, and only a tower city above level six has the ability to guard it.

On the surface, the cornerstone platform's rejection of Tang Zhen seemed reasonable and there was nothing wrong with it.

But in the real world, things are never black and white, and not all rules need to be strictly followed.

Rules are made by people and also need to be enforced by people. Although the law is harsh, some things are excusable.

Tang Zhen knew very well that some things were not unacceptable, and the Keystone Platform would not rigidly enforce the regulations.

However, this fallen earth platform is not very friendly to Tang Zhen.

Through communication, it can be determined that there is basically no possibility of compromise on the cornerstone platform of the Fallen War Zone.

In this case, Tang Zhen could only find another way.

If someone else encountered the same thing, they might be at a loss as to what to do, but Tang Zhen actually has a solution.

He knew more than a dozen teleportation arrays, one of which could teleport across boundaries and connect the New World with the Fallen Earth War Zone.

Although it is not as good as the space-time channel, it can also solve the transmission problem without having to rely on the cornerstone platform every time.

In fact, this teleportation array relies on the cornerstone platform, but it is reasonable and legal, and it can be said to have exploited the loopholes of the cornerstone platform.

To put it simply, a space-time channel has been established between the two worlds by the cornerstone platform, which teleported Tang Zhen and the residents of Loucheng to the Fallen Earth War Zone.

However, this passage is in a closed and hidden state, and will not be opened unless the city reaches level six.

What Tang Zhen wants to do is to use this space-time channel to open a portal in each of the two worlds.

Tang Zhen used the space-time channel without paying any fees and obtained the resources of the cornerstone platform for free.

This type of transmission method still has its drawbacks and can cause serious damage to the soul.

However, Tang Zhen has his own solution to this problem.

When the plan is executed, the Fallen Earth Platform will inevitably suffer a loss.

After making a plan, Tang Zhen quickly took action and led the residents of Loucheng to build a teleportation array.

Before this operation, Tang Zhen brought enough materials to deal with possible situations.

The construction of a cross-border teleportation array is also in the plan, and the main components of the teleportation array have been refined in advance.

The difficulty of building the teleportation array is therefore greatly reduced, and ordinary monks can also operate it easily.

The construction site of the cross-border teleportation array is located in the inner city area of ​​the new city. This area is isolated from the outside world and there is not even a gate for entry and exit.

The monks in Loucheng acted as guards to prevent enemies from sneaking into the inner city. In order to ensure that everything was foolproof, Tang Zhen also set up a special illusion array.

When the enemy enters the inner city, they will fall into an illusion and be unable to extricate themselves.

With the joint cooperation of all the monks, this cross-border teleportation array was built in just three days.

The teleportation array was successfully established and activated and operated smoothly, confirming that there were no problems.

Tang Zhen communicated with the cornerstone platform and teleported back to the new world, preparing to make further arrangements.


A ray of light flashed, and Tang Zhen appeared in the Immortal Tower City.

The defense system inside the tower city is clearly in operation. The intelligent computer controls a large number of drones and mechanical warriors to ensure that this area is impenetrable.

The main body of the intelligent computer is here. He cares about the safety of the city more than anyone else and will not allow any mistakes to occur.

Seeing Tang Zhen return safely, the intelligent computer immediately jumped out and asked about his travel experience. The intelligent computer was indeed full of curiosity about the Tower City World and the Fallen Earth War Zone to which the Immortal Tower City belonged.

He really wanted to go and take a look and experience the scenery of the other world.

The intelligent computer has the mentality of a teenager with a strong curiosity. If there were no restrictions, he would definitely follow Tang Zhen to the Fallen Earth War Zone.

When Tang Zhen was not in Loucheng, Zhinao had contacted the cornerstone platform many times, but received no response.

The intelligent computer felt very aggrieved and told Tang Zhen about his experience, thinking that the Fallen Earth Platform looked down on him because of his background.

Tang Zhen smiled, comforted the intelligent brain, and said that he would definitely vent his anger for him in the future.

Today, Feng'er City has become extremely well-known, and more and more people are coming here to visit.

There are also many group executives who have signed transformation contracts with the alliance and are eager to be promoted to extraordinary levels.

Nowadays, the entry conditions to Feng'er City are becoming more and more stringent, resulting in an explosive growth in the number of people staying outside the city.

Various types of construction vehicles appeared on both sides of the road, stretching for dozens of kilometers.

Such a spectacle is hard to see in other places.

After Tang Zhen returned, he invited all major groups to hold a meeting to discuss how to cooperate in developing the Immortal Tower City territory.

This was the first time that Tang Zhen took the initiative to appear in person and participate in a meeting, which was a very rare occurrence.

When all the major groups learned of this, they immediately realized that something big was happening and responded at the first opportunity.

Other group companies that were still waiting and had not yet cooperated with Loucheng sent people to inquire about the specific situation.

Corporate organizations that have grudges against Loucheng are becoming increasingly uneasy, fearing that this is an act of revenge against them.

With the high attention of all parties, the meeting was successfully held in Fenger City.

At this meeting, Tang Zhen displayed intelligence information related to the Fallen Earth War Zone and expressed his willingness to cooperate with major groups.

Each group can send troops to the Fallen Earth War Zone and obtain the qualifications to explore the vast ocean.

As a shore base, the Immortal Tower City will provide the necessary logistical supplies and facilitate the exploration fleets of major groups.

If you want to explore the vast ocean, you will definitely need ships and other means of transportation.

The ships and necessary configurations will be designed and built by each major group, and the Immortal Tower City will help transport them to the Fallen Earth War Zone.

The military soldiers of each major group were also transported and helped solve various problems by the Immortal Tower City.

At the same time, Tang Zhen made it clear that the teleportation array could not teleport ordinary people, and the major groups did not have enough practitioners.

The solution is simple. We need to recruit soldiers with strong spiritual strength, train them specially, and then have the Immortal Tower City help transport them.

The group soldiers were just blank bodies when being teleported, so they would not be harmed by the teleportation array.

Then, using special methods, half of the souls of the group's soldiers were sent to the Fallen Earth War Zone and then merged into those empty bodies.

The incomplete soul without consciousness will not suffer much harm and will also be protected by magic weapons.

The other half of the soul with consciousness will remain in the new world and be placed inside a specially made magic weapon to nourish the soul.

When the soul-nourishing magic weapon is running, the soul consciousness stored inside the magic weapon will be blessed and connected with the other half of the soul located in the Fallen Earth War Zone.

Using this strange method, ordinary people who cannot be teleported can be brought to another world and do anything like normal people.

If they are lucky enough, the group's soldiers will be promoted to extraordinary levels, and they will not have to go through so much trouble traveling between the two worlds in the future.

If one is unlucky and unfortunately dies in another world, one can still use the remaining half of his soul to resurrect.

If the major groups are not in a hurry, they can slowly cultivate extraordinary people, and then there will be no need to do this.

The problem is that operating ships and exploring the ocean requires a large number of people.

If you want to seize the initiative, you cannot wait until you have enough manpower to act. The best solution is to recruit and train soldiers while speeding up the training and recruitment of awakened people.

The cooperation plan brought by Tang Zhen made all major groups excited, and they all expressed their desire to join it.

They have been waiting for a long time just for this opportunity, so how could they miss it easily?

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