I have a city in another world

Chapter 6100 Red-haired refugees

Chapter 6100 Red-haired refugees
There is now a busy scene inside and outside the Immortal Tower City.

More than two months have passed since the start of construction, and the construction of the building city has never been completed.

One tall wall after another was built to enclose and block the inner area of ​​the city.

In the eyes of refugees, the city and outside the city should be two different worlds.

Many people want to know what the city will look like after the city wall is built?
The refugees are deeply curious about this special city that is right before their eyes and was built by the refugees themselves, but they have no way of exploring or understanding it.

Some people also tried every possible way to get into the city walls and find out the secrets of the Immortal Tower City.

However, the tower city was heavily defended, and anyone who tried to enter it ultimately failed.

At this moment, in the area outside the city, a huge cargo airship slowly landed, loaded with various flowers and trees donated by the Mountain Tower City.

Many refugees wait here to transplant the flowers and trees to designated locations to prevent them from drying up and dying over time.

Many refugees secretly sighed that the Immortal Tower City was really rich as they spent so much manpower and resources to grow flowers and plants.

Not to mention that ordinary refugees cannot do it, ordinary cities will not build on such a large scale and consume so many resources for greening.

Most of them make use of the original environment, carry out reasonable transformation and layout, and improve the cleanliness and beauty of the environment.

However, there are some building cities that have special requirements for greening and have to spend a lot of time and energy on this matter.

If this is true, we should find a suitable environment instead of building a city in the desert sea.

The location of the newly built city tower can actually be chosen by yourself, and random selection is very rare.

When the Immortal Tower City was built, many misunderstandings arose. Outsiders did not know that it was built randomly and thought it was deliberately built in the desolate sea area.

There is no need for the Immortal Tower City to explain these misunderstandings. Only by mixing the real and the unreal can one confuse the enemy.

As the cargo airship landed, the refugees who had been waiting for a long time immediately got busy, transplanting the flowers, plants and trees to the designated locations as required.

Some of these trees need to be planted inside the city.

Some workers were selected to watch as the large tree was lifted by a small cargo airship and brought into the city from the air.

When they were allowed to enter the city, some refugees were secretly excited, happier than if they had received a reward.

Be sure to take this opportunity to take a look at the interior of the Immortal Tower City and satisfy your inner curiosity.

Nowadays, many places are paying attention to the Immortal Tower City and are eager to learn about the relevant intelligence information.

Some people were curious, while others were full of malice and tried to attack this newly built city.

A red-haired young man entered the Immortal Tower City with tools and looked around quietly.

He memorized everything he saw in his heart.

Amid the roar of vehicles, a large pit was dug in the ground, and the cargo airship placed the hoisted tree into the pit.

Some practitioners sprinkle medicinal powder and chant mantras to enhance the vitality of trees.

One big tree after another was successfully planted in various locations, adding a touch of vitality to the boring city.

Oddly enough, the atmosphere in the city did change after these trees were planted.

It seemed as if there was an invisible formation that was activated as the trees were planted, and traces of energy began to flow through the city.

It is very normal to have such a situation when you are inside the tower city. There are mysteries hidden inside every tower city.

After a busy day, all the trees were planted and the workers returned to their respective resting places.

In the residential areas outside the city, there are some refugees who run restaurants and sell food at very affordable prices.

You can also buy food and cook it yourself, which can save a lot of money.

In the market spontaneously formed by refugees in the officially designated area, a variety of goods are sold.

The wasteland was indeed barren and produced very little food, but with the rapid increase in the number of foreign populations, food from other places was constantly brought in.

Refugees now have more choices when purchasing.

As the sea areas were cleaned up, the variety of marine products became more and more abundant, allowing many refugees to satisfy their appetite.

The red-haired young man came to the market and bought a plump white fish. The stall owner also gave him a piece of seaweed as a gift.

Take it home and stew it in a pot, and dinner can be solved smoothly. It is not only delicious, but also can nourish the body and repair the injuries left in the body.

The stall owner personally assured that these foods were nutritious and delicious, and their therapeutic effects had been confirmed by the monks in Loucheng. The red-haired young man didn't know whether it was true or not, but after eating it a few times, he did feel stronger.

I have been displaced over the years, suffered a lot, and have not had a good life for a few days. It is inevitable that my body has various hidden injuries.

After arriving at the Immortal Tower City, although the red-haired young man was busy with work every day, he felt particularly fulfilled.

Unlike other places, in the Immortal Tower City, the red-haired young man saw his own hope.

Like other refugees, the red-haired young man also applied for a place to live, but now there is only a broken tent.

His neighbor has applied and is waiting for the construction of a new house, which is said to be the highest level home package.

The neighbors are all fishermen. Their income is higher than that of ordinary workers and they are fully capable of affording such a large expenditure.

Many people secretly envy and decide to build such a house for themselves.

From then on, they settled down, grew and prospered in the Immortal Tower City, and no longer wandered around.

The young man was very envious of this and he also wanted to have a home of his own, but the reality did not allow him to do so.

Taking a broken pot and filling it with water, the red-haired young man began to prepare dinner.

The refugees nearby were also preparing dinner, and people were walking on the flat and wide road from time to time.

This scene of sunset smoke is surprisingly warm and harmonious, making people feel particularly relaxed.

At this time, someone came and sat next to the young man, watching him cook dinner.

Seeing this, the red-haired young man's expression turned gloomy.

"What did you see today?"

The man asked softly, staring at the young man intently, as if judging the truth of his words.

The red-haired young man hesitated for a moment, but finally told the other party in a low voice what he had seen.

"Well done, keep up the good work."

After a perfunctory compliment, the man got up and left.

"Wait a minute, my family..."

The red-haired young man opened his mouth to ask, but heard a cold snort from the other party, and then felt a sharp pain in his heart.

In an instant, his whole body was convulsing, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he was in so much pain that he couldn't even make a sound.

Seeing the painful expression on the red-haired young man's face, the man chuckled and threatened in a cold voice: "Don't ask too much, just do your job well, otherwise don't even think about seeing your family again."

After saying this, the man turned and left, and no one knew where he went.

The red-haired young man froze in place, continuing to endure the excruciating pain. His vision was dim and he could faint at any time.

I had felt similarly when I had been punished before, but it never lasted this long.

One wave follows another, like a tide, with no sign of relief at all.

If this continues, the red-haired young man will surely die.

Thinking of his family, the red-haired young man clenched his teeth and prepared to shout for help.

But at this moment, he couldn't make any sound and all the muscles in his body were out of control.

Am I really going to die today?

The red-haired young man felt a strong sense of unwillingness, and then he fell into deep despair.

The predicament he encountered at this moment left the red-haired young man helpless and he could only wait silently for death to come.

When he collapsed to the ground and became dazed, he vaguely heard footsteps again.

It seemed as if someone came over and patted his body with his hands, and then a tingling sensation like that of insects and rats biting spread throughout his body.

This feeling was extremely painful, but the red-haired young man felt happy. At this moment, he suddenly felt like he had broken free from death and was alive again.

Under the stimulation of pain, the originally out-of-control body actually regained consciousness, causing the red-haired young man to make intermittent sounds.

"Help...someone wants to...kill me!"

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