I have a city in another world

Chapter 6116 Destruction and Chaos

Chapter 6116 Destruction and Chaos

The mine owner was taken to a secret location, and after interrogation, he got exciting news.

There are indeed many Black Evil monks hiding in the White Bone Mountain. In the circle of mine owners, the existence of the Black Shark Legion is no longer a secret.

There are also some mine owners who secretly do business with the Black Evil Legion and obtain training materials from them.

It is unknown how many mines are controlled by the Black Evil Legion, but it is definitely not less than the three major mine owners.

Because the Black Evil monks are cruel and crazy, ordinary monks are unwilling to deal with them for fear of getting themselves into trouble.

We also learned from the mine owner that a large shopping mall in Baigushan is related to the Black Evil Legion, and there is a high possibility that it is operated by the other party behind the scenes.

This piece of information is very important. If we use it as a breakthrough, we will have a chance to find the location of the Black Evil Legion's branch.

After discussion, Kant and others made a request to Tang Zhen, hoping to launch a remote attack on that shopping mall.

The purpose is to alert the enemy and lure the Black Evil Monk out, exposing more flaws and clues.

It didn't take long for the strike application to be approved.

Kant and others set the coordinates and provide ground guidance to ensure accurate hits on the target.

In order to get rid of the evil mine owner, Kant and others began to discuss the action plan and would take action immediately after they were ready.

They first went to the shopping mall, disguised themselves as ordinary customers, and investigated after entering.

He then seized the opportunity, controlled a mall employee, and interrogated him using secret techniques.

The confessions obtained proved that the mall was indeed related to the Black Evil Legion, and that the workers in the mall were all Black Evil believers, believing in the Black Evil demon whose origins were unknown.

After confirming that everything was correct, the monks from the Immortal Tower City marked the shopping mall building and secretly guided the long-range weapons to launch an attack.

Notify the Immortal Tower City and long-range attacks can begin immediately.

Inside the Immortal Tower City, as soon as the signal was received, flames erupted in a hidden launch silo.

A heavy spirit stone rocket with an extremely long range and extremely fast speed flew into the air under the gaze of everyone.

The upgraded version of the Lingshi rocket is extremely powerful, and one rocket is enough to destroy half of a county.

No one knows the destination of this rocket, but everyone knows that where it lands will become a sea of ​​fire and hell, causing extremely terrible damage.

Kant and others received information and learned that the Lingshi rocket had been launched and was flying towards the White Bone Mountain.

While waiting in silence, a whistling sound was heard in the air, attracting the refugees on the ground to look up.

They saw a black shadow flying quickly across the sky, heading straight for a certain place in the White Bone Mountain.

After more than ten seconds, a deafening roar was heard, followed by black smoke rising into the sky.

A shopping mall built in a prominent location, which was said to have a strong backer, collapsed and disintegrated with a loud bang.

The members of the mall and the various goods stored there were all buried under the rubble at this moment.

The witnesses were extremely shocked. They looked at the mall collapsed into ruins and turned and ran without hesitation.

They can use such terrible means to destroy a shopping mall in an instant, and killing them is as easy as pinching an ant.

If you encounter such a thing, stay as far away as possible and never get involved.

This shopping mall is run by the Black Evil Legion. Those lunatics know this and can do anything.

After the explosion, the area near the mall became unusually deserted, with not even a single person around to watch the excitement.

Occasionally, a few wailing sounds were heard from the collapsed and burning building, but no one came to help.

An ordinary city street with rows of shops along the way.

It is different on Baigushan Mountain. Shops are scattered here and there like scattered chess pieces, and are separated from each other by a long distance.

This time, the long-range attack left the neighboring shops safe and sound, and no innocent people were harmed.

Not long after, a group of monks came after hearing the news. They had gloomy faces and looked ferocious.

People watching from a distance heard them cursing and shouting, and then began to search in the ruins. The mall had completely collapsed, and there were only a few survivors, with only a few bodies being dragged out.

Not only were all the store clerks killed or injured, but all kinds of goods in the mall were also severely damaged.

When the spirit stone rocket explodes, it will produce a chaotic and intense energy shock, which will cause obvious damage to magical weapons.

Although it looks intact on the surface, the inside is already destroyed and cannot be used normally anymore.

In some ways, magical instruments are very similar to electrical appliances and can also be destroyed by energy shocks.

There are some powerful technological planes that have created equipment targeting magical weapons and monks, which can prevent monks from mobilizing the energy of heaven and earth, and cause magical weapons to go out of control and be destroyed in an instant.

Seeing the damaged magic weapons, the rescue monks became even more angry. The losses from the explosion made them extremely sad.

While carrying out the rescue, the Black Evil Monk also inquired about the surrounding shops and collected valuable intelligence information.

We must find out as soon as possible who destroyed the mall.

The news spread quickly, and more and more mine owners sent people to watch and find out what was going on.

These mine owners knew very well that the destroyed shopping mall was related to the Black Evil Legion, and the other party would never let it go.

It is estimated that from today on, White Bone Mountain will no longer be peaceful, and more things will definitely happen.

The chaotic and unstable environment will inevitably affect the mine owners, and then affect the income in their wallets.

The mine owners cursed the attackers inwardly, but also remained highly vigilant.

Being able to destroy the shopping mall opened by the Black Evil Legion with such drastic means is definitely not something an ordinary organization can do.

If you get involved, you will encounter great danger.

Regarding this matter, you need to stay away from it and not get involved in it at all.

While the outside world was full of different opinions, confusing speculations and analyses, Kant and others were secretly observing and tracking the Black Evil Monk.

White Bone Mountain is the territory of the Black Evil Monks. They possess great power and certainly do not have too many scruples when taking action.

Especially when an accident happens and the situation is chaotic, it is easier to leak some important information.

Kant and others launched the attack not only to weaken the strength of the Black Evil Legion, but also to create such an opportunity for tracking.

The facts are enough to prove that the Black Evil Legion does take this matter seriously. They quickly mobilized and launched a special investigation into the matter.

It is actually quite normal for the Black Evil Legion to be so angry. Their dignity has been challenged and their property has been damaged, neither of which is intolerable.

If this matter is not resolved, the Black Evil Legion will lose its prestige and deterrence in the White Bone Mountain and become a laughing stock in the outside world.

Kant and others were all very careful when taking action to avoid exposing themselves.

At this moment, they seemed to be walking on thin ice, and if they were not careful they would be crushed to pieces.

It's like following an angry tiger. If the tiger turns around and bites you, the pursuer will be killed instantly.

Kant and his men were well-equipped, bold and careful when they acted, and they constantly collected useful intelligence information.

Summarize the collected intelligence, analyze and judge it, and gradually unveil the Black Evil Legion.

However, at the same time, the Black Evil Legion also found some clues, and Kant and others were gradually discovered and locked down.

Although their identities have not been locked down so far, it is only a matter of time before they are caught if the situation continues to develop.

Don't underestimate the strength and means of the local tyrants. They will always find ways to obtain the intelligence information they want.

Although they knew that the situation was dangerous, Kant and others still did not give up the action. This was the most critical moment that would determine the outcome of the game.

If you quit at this time, although all your previous efforts will not be wasted, your gains will be greatly reduced.

By the time the enemy comes to their senses and launches a retaliatory attack, the damage caused will be incalculable.

The wisest approach is to withstand the pressure and continue playing the game until you achieve final victory.

Gain enough advantage to slap the enemy to death, making it completely impossible for them to counterattack.

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