I have a city in another world

Chapter 6125: Prisoners’ Thoughts

At the ruins excavation site, various equipment is running non-stop, allowing the buried buildings to see the light of day again.

This kind of work cannot be rushed, otherwise it will cause losses and greatly reduce the value of the final harvest.

Therefore, during excavation, a large amount of manpower is required to complete some delicate work.

For example, the accumulated stones and mud inside the building need to be cleaned up manually.

Then clean it with a water gun to restore its original appearance.

At the entrance of a quaint hall, a group of refugees with numb expressions were working. They were carrying and cleaning stones and soil in the corners, loading them into trucks and transporting them to other locations.

Anger and reluctance flashed in the eyes of these refugees from time to time, indicating that they were not willing to do their work at this time.

They were actually prisoners who were forced to participate in the excavation and were originally part of a roaming gang of thieves.

The thieves hid among the refugees, doing various jobs, working from sunrise to sunset. Although they were busy, they felt fulfilled.

The Immortal Tower City has a very rare respect for refugees and truly treats them as human beings.

In other tower city territories, refugees were like weeds and were not taken seriously at all.

The term "refugees" refers to those who have no house or land, but in the eyes of the residents of Loucheng, those who do not belong to Loucheng are all refugees.

There are also many residents in the tower city who regard the refugees as aliens, or even as beasts.

From the bottom of their hearts, they looked down on the refugee people and could not possibly give them any respect.

But in the Immortal Tower City, refugees can get reasonable wages, eat clean and delicious food, and have comfortable and warm homes.

There is no bullying, beating or scolding, everything is done fairly and openly, problems can be solved, and one's rights and interests can be protected.

That kind of bullying and bullying of the weak does not exist in the Immortal Tower City.

The official also issued an announcement, stating that if you find similar incidents, you can report them directly.

Those who violate the rules will be severely punished and will not be tolerated.

At the beginning, no one cared about this matter, and some even thought that the Immortal Tower City was meddling in other people's affairs.

What does the life and death of refugees have to do with the residents of Loucheng?
But not long after, several cases occurred in succession, proving that the Immortal Tower City was not a lie.

They really did what they said and every violator was punished. The more arrogant the guy was, the more miserably he cried later.

Through one event after another, the prestige of the Immortal Tower City was established, and its reputation among the refugees grew higher and higher.

Word spread from one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred. More and more refugees received the news and rushed to the Immortal Tower City.

Everyone who comes here will not regret their decision, but will be glad that they have come to this place.

If they had not come in person, they would never have believed that there was such a good place for refugees in the Fallen Earth War Zone.

Especially when they heard that some refugees passed the assessment and obtained the status of outer city residents, the expectations in their hearts became stronger.

If one can live in peace and happiness, who would want to be displaced? For refugees, a legal identity is more important than anything else.

Any price can be paid to gain status.

Unfortunately, after a busy life, we often gain nothing, leaving only deep regrets.

For the refugees, they are not afraid of hard work, but are only afraid of not getting any opportunities.

But in the Immortal Tower City, they can realize their dreams and achieve a true class transition.

Just for this opportunity, countless refugees will fight for their lives.

But this opportunity does not belong to prisoners and criminals.

The prisoners were different from other refugees in that they had black rings around their necks, which were specially made instruments of torture.

There were runes on the ring, as well as common words representing imprisonment, and the words would glow faintly at regular intervals.

Prisoners wear electronic shackles that restrict their movements and can only live and work in fixed areas.

For some prisoners, this range restriction is simply overwhelming and puts them under tremendous psychological pressure.

"You bunch of damn bastards, why can't you keep your mouth shut? You have to confess to me!"

A strong prisoner growled in an angry tone, but he immediately lowered his head.

Because not far away, a ball was parked high up, monitoring the surrounding environment in all directions. Prisoners were the primary monitoring target, and no matter what abnormal words or deeds or dangerous actions they took, they would be immediately noticed and warned, and even given different degrees of punishment.

At the beginning, this group of prisoners didn't understand the situation and suffered punishment one after another.

It was like a twitching shrimp struggling in pain on the ground. Once you have experienced that feeling, it will leave a very deep impression on you.

In order to avoid being punished again, the prisoners will try their best to abide by the rules, at least not in public.

After a long time, you will get used to it and become a law-abiding person.

Members of the same group will naturally follow suit to avoid becoming targets.

This group of prisoners who were put in electronic shackles and forced to dig at the ruins site have now become much more obedient.

But secretly, the resentment in their hearts is still there, some directed at the Immortal Tower City, and some directed at their companions and teammates.

The prisoner who started to complain was the leader of the thieves captured by Red Dog, who was betrayed and captured by his own men.

Before he was arrested, he was still collecting intelligence and preparing to develop a perfect and detailed plan.

There are far more good things in the Immortal Tower City than you can imagine, but it is not easy to take them away.

In the vast wilderness, there is almost no cover, and it is easy to be discovered when escaping.

If you want to travel on the road, you will face interceptions at multiple checkpoints, and it is almost impossible to take things of unknown origin out.

When the thieves' leader arrived at the Immortal Tower City, he thought the operation would be a simple one. But when he arrived, he found that many of his previous methods were useless.

The thieves' leader was depressed and angry. He tried to find a solution every day, but there was no progress.

Unexpectedly, he was reported by his accomplices in the blink of an eye, and a group of his men were imprisoned.

Whenever the bandit leader thought of this incident, he became furious and wanted to beat up the men who betrayed him.

But he didn't know who betrayed him, and every one of his accomplices was a suspect.

The same was true for the other thieves. They didn't know who had betrayed them and were always wary of their companions.

It was obvious that Lou Cheng had done this intentionally, just to create conflicts among the prisoners.

Once a conflict arises, it is impossible to trust each other, and there is even the possibility of them scheming against each other.

The prisoners are very united and need to be extra careful, otherwise big problems may easily occur.

After hearing the bandit leader's complaint, the surrounding prisoners kept silent. No one dared to speak at this time for fear of becoming the target of the other party's anger.

The thief leader dared not act rashly while working, but was able to take revenge during his rest time.

Since being arrested, the majesty of the thief leader has gradually dissipated. Many thieves are only respectful on the surface, but in their hearts they take the thief leader less and less seriously.

They knew very well that it was almost impossible to escape the control of the Immortal Tower City.

If you insist on trying to escape, there is a high possibility that you will pay a heavy price, or even lose your life.

When treating refugees, the Immortal Tower City was relatively polite and gave them a certain amount of respect.

Prisoners in shackles are not entitled to such treatment.

In order to avoid losing their lives, the prisoners decided to serve their sentences honestly and try to keep a certain distance from the prisoner leader to avoid being harmed by this unwilling guy.

There are also some thieves who have thought about leaving the team and want to settle down in the Immortal Tower City.

The lurking and investigating during this period allowed them to have a full understanding of the Immortal Tower City and realize that it was an excellent place.

If you work hard and apply to build a house, you will be able to marry, have children and live a stable life.

With the Immortal Tower City behind you, you don’t have to worry about safety issues, you can find many jobs, and even become a resident of the Tower City.

Few people can resist such a huge temptation.

Thieves are greedy by nature, know how to seek profit and avoid harm, and have a keen sense of smell for benefits and opportunities.

They were certain that the opportunity to reach the Immortal Tower City was extremely rare, and once missed, they would regret it for the rest of their lives.

If you want to gain benefits, you must cut off your past and never engage in the business of theft again.

(End of this chapter)

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