I have a city in another world

Chapter 6127 Exploring the Strange Passage

Inside the main hall of the ruins construction site, a group of Loucheng monks gathered, waiting for the results of their companions' exploration.

Before going down into the cave to explore, we had agreed to return in thirty minutes.

Regardless of whether there is any gain or not, you must return to report safety. After confirming that there are no problems, the exploration operation can continue.

At that time, based on the feedback, a new action plan will be formulated, perhaps by sending more people or bringing special equipment, so as to conduct a more efficient and safe exploration.

Don't act rashly before getting results.

Time passed slowly, and when the agreed time came, there was no movement at the cave entrance.

Everyone looked serious, confirming that something had gone wrong.

At this point, not only should we not end the investigation, but we should intensify it.

In addition to rescuing the missing monks from Loucheng, we must also find out the truth about the cave and ensure that there are no hidden dangers.

Soon, four more monks from Loucheng were ready to enter the cave to explore. Due to the possible risks, they all carried defensive talismans when entering this time.

Once an accident occurs, the defensive talisman will be activated to protect the holder.

It can ensure the user's life safety in a short period of time and wait for teammates to rescue.

After completing their preparations, the four monks from Loucheng entered the cave and began an unknown adventure.

The monks were silent, all waiting for the final result.

Something can happen once or twice, but not three times.

If any problem occurs again with the four monks from Loucheng, the nature of this matter will change, and the strategy must be changed immediately.

Tang Zhen watched quietly, having his own plans in mind, and was not in a hurry to take action.

In fact, he didn't know what had happened and needed to wait and see.

Without personal investigation and without obtaining investigative feedback, one must not make a rash decision.

But Tang Zhen had a feeling that the second wave of monks from Loucheng who came to explore might not be able to return safely.

As expected, when the agreed time came, the four monks from Loucheng still had not returned, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy.

We can't give up at this time and leave the six companions in danger. However, if we are not absolutely sure, rash actions will only put more companions in danger.

At this moment, everyone was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

At this time, several monks suddenly received Tang Zhen's call and prepared to enter the cave.

Tang Zhen led the team personally, and several monks from Loucheng were responsible for following.

After receiving the order, several monks from Loucheng immediately stepped out to do the final check before taking action.

Lin Xiao was also among them, his expression was very calm, but he was somewhat excited.

Being selected by Tang Zhen to participate in a dangerous mission is actually a kind of trust and recognition.

The other monks from Loucheng also had serious expressions and looked eager to try.

Tang Zhen's figure appeared out of nowhere, and no one knew how he came. It seemed as if he had been standing there for a long time, but no one had noticed him.

The residents of the Immortal Tower City gradually learned about Tang Zhen's peculiarity and guessed that he was practicing a strange skill that could dilute his own presence.

With this speculation, many of the doubts and puzzles in the past have now been answered.

"Meet the City Lord!"

After seeing Tang Zhen, several monks immediately bowed and greeted him, all with an attitude of awe.

A group of monks from Loucheng nearby had puzzled expressions on their faces, but they also followed suit and saluted.

Lin Xiao immediately realized that except for the few of them who were participating in the mission, the other monks in Loucheng could not see Tang Zhen.

Lin Xiao secretly envied such a strange method and hoped that he would be able to master it one day.

Tang Zhen waved his hand, and several cultivators felt a flash before their eyes, and appeared deep underground the next second.

The surroundings were dark, filled with a faint earthy smell, and extremely quiet.

The ruins site was a bit noisy, but the inside of the cave was silent, as if they were in two different worlds.

There was a hint of cold air that permeated around everyone, and frost gradually formed on the corners of their clothes.

"Practice the skills to protect your body and don't let the cold air enter your body."

When Tang Zhen's voice sounded, several cultivators did not dare to hesitate and quickly covered their bodies with a protective layer.

The reason why practitioners are immune to cold and heat is that they rely on invisible energy protection. If they reach the high level of the perfect body, they will not be affected by various external energies.

Not only the cold and hot air, but also viruses and plagues, radiation and dark energy, can no longer harm the monks. It's strange to say that when the cold air is isolated, the inexplicable uneasiness in my heart gradually disappears.

At this time, several balls of light suddenly appeared around the crowd, emitting a very dazzling light.

With the help of light, everyone could see the surroundings clearly and found that this was a deep passage.

The passage was covered with dust and old murals, many of which were blurred and damaged.

The colorful murals are mixed with some strange runes, which are blurry when you look closely.

Tang Zhen looked at the mural pattern, but found that the content was very confusing and seemed to be disorganized.

Such a chaotic mural makes people confused. What is the meaning of its existence?

"Follow me, don't fall behind."

As Tang Zhen spoke, he took a step forward and drove the light ball to illuminate the front.

Everyone followed closely and prepared for battle.

After walking about three hundred steps, the illuminating light ball in front suddenly disappeared, and no one knew where it went.


Tang Zhen frowned slightly and scanned the front with his spiritual sense, but he sensed a void and there was nothing there.

The situation at this moment is like walking on a cliff, with no way forward.

His divine sense swept to the back and saw the same thing, there was nothingness at the end.

The road we came from mysteriously disappeared, as if it did not exist.

At the same time, Tang Zhen discovered that the distance of the channel was slowly shortening, one step every breath.

If the situation continues to develop in this way, it won’t be long before the channel disappears completely.

When that time comes, how should everyone respond?

At present, it is impossible to judge what kind of situation will occur if we fall into darkness.

If you encounter danger, how should you escape?

The six monks from Loucheng might have encountered the same situation, which is why they suddenly lost contact.

The situation is strange and dangerous, so we must find a way to solve it instead of waiting until the passage disappears completely.

At the very least, we need to figure out what exactly happened and we must not just sit there and wait for death.

Lin Xiao and others also discovered that the passage was getting shorter and shorter and knew that the situation was not good.

But with Tang Zhen here, everyone felt confident and there was no panic.

Tang Zhen remained silent, his eyes swept across the murals on the wall, and soon walked to an area about ten meters away.

Everyone found that at the place where Tang Zhen stopped, there was a mural on the wall, which showed several people walking in a line.

These people were not walking independently, but were mixed in a large group of people. However, upon closer observation, it was discovered that there were some strange things about the figures of several of them, and they were actually a little similar to the costumes of everyone else.

Further observation reveals that there are some similar murals with roughly the same content but many changes in the details.

Tang Zhen stretched out his hand and pushed, and the mural made a sound, then glowed and sank.

Everyone's expressions changed. Something unusual appeared on the mural, which meant something was about to happen.

Sure enough, in the next moment, all the murals were distorted and dissipated, and the passage shrank at an extremely fast speed.

Before everyone could react, the passage disappeared and the surroundings fell into darkness.

But in the blink of an eye, everyone appeared in a new passage, which looked not much different from before.

After confirming that there were no problems, Lin Xiao and the others secretly breathed a sigh of relief and vaguely guessed how to proceed.

At this time, Tang Zhen said to everyone in a deep voice: "Remember my words, because in the next period of time, everyone may be separated at any time.

Carefully observe the murals along the way and look for characters similar to yourself; that is the key to leaving.

Once you reach the end of the passage, it will shrink and dissipate, so be sure to observe carefully.

But you can't stay there for too long, otherwise something unusual will happen, and a monster might emerge from the mural.

But the key to everything is a set of cultivation runes that can be used for counting, hidden in the patterns on the murals."

(End of this chapter)

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